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  1. I'm sitting here in front of 10 Unscented Phero Trials, and I know I had big plans when I ordered them, but now I'm drawing a blank. I don't know where to start. I know I can make a bunch of UN sprays, with 1/3 Unscented Phero and 2/3 perfumer's alcohol. Or maybe I'll add a few drops of a simple corresponding essential oil, like a bit of grapefruit to the DHEAS? Its like I have stage fright, I'm really not sure what to do now. It's much easier to boss my man around, I handed him a Charisma trial and said "Go put this in something." Easy Peasy, right? What are your devilish/creative/brilliant plans?
  2. What the crazy madness have I stumbled upon?! This stems from a post I recently made on my welcome thread "I am just starting out all left feet here at LP!" where I posted a bunch of trial vials I mixed with various pheros (Post # 47 if you're curious - it tells the ratios of what I used for blending which may help what's below make more sense). I have a bunch of questions for anyone and everyone willing to give their 2 cents or $20! I'm COMPLETELY excited because my experiments have had crazy awesome results...but it's only been 2 days...BUT it's STILL exciting ANYWAY! I would love to hear about others experiences with combining/layering/mixing/blending... Ok. So - wore the Shen Tao/Stone Cougar/EoW combo yesterday with ridiculous effects. I mean shiny, happy people effects...mine and everyone else around me. Is the little bit of perfumer's alcohol I added giving it better throw? Is it unheard of for pheros to have an effect 9 & 10 hrs after initial application w/o reapplying at all throughout the day? I know it's said that oils "stick" longer than sprays but usually the oils settle down on me after 6-8 hours - usually. I remember, rarely, something that seemed like a "residual" phero response after 8 hrs. Has anyone else encountered anything like this? Can the use of layering help the pheros continue to disperse for as long as the cover lasts and can be smelled? Since I've gotten cover scents I've pretty much been using unscented mones and layering them but I'm wondering if the fact that I've combined the un pheros & covers together and given them time to "mingle" in their own little bottle that somehow they are complimenting each other better than me just layering on my skin? I wore The Empress of Persica/Audacious/EoW combo today (backs of hands, wrists and both sides of neck & collarbone, approx 3/4 inch strip each spot- smoosh around with backs of hands & wrists) and threw in 2 sprays of DHEAS to my hair. I have been WOUND UP all day! Lots of energy, great mood, people go out of their way to say hi, can I help you, do you need anything, oodles of compliments...did I mention great mood and high energy? 10 hours later I'm home and STILL looking for things to "do". Wondering if I should hop on the elliptical so I can sleep tonight? Found myself huffing my wrist quite a bit today too, good gads! It just seems like I've stumbled on something great I don't quite understand when all I was trying to do was figure out how to make the most of my trial vials (I had a LOT of near misses, nearly dropping them - imagine the heartache of wasted lovelies spilled all over the floor! Hence my decision to only buy full bottles from now on ) IDK, it just seems like I have some great throw AND staying power so far with my little mini roller bottle combos. I'm sure the alcohol throw burns off within a few hours, if it even lasts that long, so is it all psychological & these last couple days were a fluke? I still have other rollers to test drive... Is it that they are hyped up because I added a ridiculous amount of cops as well? Can that kick the other pheros into overdrive...kick other peoples reactions into overdrive? Thoughts and ponderisms, other experiments & experimenters welcome!
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