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Sneaky Clean w/SS ?

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The other night I went out for a drink with my SO. We have had a great holiday season, seen a fair amount of one another, had some deep conversations about where we are going and how glad we are that we met one another (we've just hit the 6 month mark).


Anyhow...I have a couple of sampler sets that I have been trying out and have to say so far I like T.M.I the best. I love the smell on me and people just seem warmer and more open when I wear it. So, it's highly likely I'll be getting a full bottle of this soon.


However on this particular night I wore Sneaky Clean w/SS as I really like the smell of this once it has dried down, like clean fresh laundry but sort of warmer. I noticed when we sat down with our drinks my SO's body language was a little off. As though he wanted to move away from me as he was slightly turned away. Which is unusual as he usually says he like to be close and look at me. The night was OK although not as intimate as we have been lately. Then when we were sitting and chatting in the car later we ended up having a bit of an argument. Nothing really major but it seemed to just spring out of nowhere.


Now I realise this could have just been one of those nights that couples tend to have when for whatever reason you just don't click on that day. But I am wondering if maybe I used too much Sneaky or if he just doesn't respond well to that particular mix? I pretty new to phero's so any input will be much appreciated.

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It's really hard to say after one use. Like you said, you could have been having an off night. Maybe he had a bad day at work or something. Or maybe the setting was wrong for that particular phero for him. you definitely have to test it out more, maybe at home. I will say, though, that this is exactly how my guy reacts with SS4W, consistently. (I love it so much though, so I just wear it when he's not around!!)

Edited by BlueBear
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I agree with everything Blue Bear says above, but I am also confused why you would want to alter your pheromone signature when he is happily imprinting on your natural one. He may have sensed that it wasn't quite "you" he was there with that evening? The first 6 months of any relationship is usually the best part - the honeymoon phase, the bonding phase. Maybe just creating moods with scents and the occasional cops boost is all you need right now.

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I totally agree with PM regarding continuing to let your natural pheros work their magic but giving them the occasional bit of somethin' somethin' with copulins and perfume.


If you are really keen to have some synthetic pheros to add to the mix you might consider Topper. In my experience it doesn't mess with/cover your natural signature (or lab-created pheros if one decides to wear them). It's more of short-lived (2-3 hours) burst of fun that you can add on a night out or something.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. The reason I wanted to add a little something extra is because he has the lowest sex drive of any guy I have ever dated before. At first I thought that was due to him being 9 years older than me (I'm 44) but he has told me that he has always been this way. It's not that he has no sex drive and we do have hot, sexy nights it's just he's just not that bothered whether we have sex or not. However mine is a little higher than his and there have been a few occasions when I would have liked to have a hot and steamy night and he has been pretty unresponsive. I just thought I'd see if I could ignite a bit of something in him.


Having read the above maybe it is just the occasional cop enhanced night I need. I have LP Black with added cops but to be honest I'm on the fence with it as to my nose it smells like wee on me when it dries down so it certainly does not make me feel sexy. But, I have ordered a trail size of Sheer Essence so I'll give that a whirl when it arrives and see if that sits better on me.


But we had a chat last night and I realise there was an underling issue, basically a misunderstanding. He said something which made me think he was pulling away and my response made him think the same when in fact neither of us were pulling away we just worded things awkwardly. Now we have cleared that up and we're back on the same page we are good again.

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Get some of the OCCO blends to try....they work like a charm!

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On the note of a natural phero signature vs. "synthesized," what about meeting someone using pheromones, and continuing usage throughout the introductory stage? Would that mean once you stop using it, the person will be confused or maybe sense you're not as intriguing?


I hope you can still use Sneaky Clean, CerisLou! I think it is wonderfully scented and phero signature appropriate for a host of environments.

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I wasn't seeing my SO yesterday so I had a look through my samples to see what I have and found Phero Girl. I put in on to see how it would smell on me and have to say I quite liked it. Unlike my LP Black with added cops it didn't dry down to smell of pee. It remained smelling of honeycomb and sugar which was very pleasant.


This got me thinking, do you think there is something other than the cops in the LP black that takes on a pee smell when mixed with my particular body chemistry or is it just that there are less cops in Phero Girl? As they have some of the same ingredients such as Honeycomb and Amber it leaves me thinking if it is one of the scents that doesn't agree with me, in which case, it must be either Vanilla or Patch. Of the two I suspect Patch...or maybe just more cops in my LP: Black :question-mark:

Either way, my yummy SO is staying over a couple of nights this weekend so I'm going to take Phero Girl for a spin :sleazy:

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It seems like Phero Girl was a success. We have had a couple of hot steamy sessions this weekend which is very unusual for my low sex drive SO. He also spoke about how he loves sleeping with me, also very unusual as he is very open about his emotions and how he feels but those conversations have never usually stray into talk about activities in the bedroom. So that's a definite :great: for Phero Girl!

Edited by CerisLou
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Yep...if the weekend is anything to go by then it is most definitely, 'sex in a bottle' :say19:


on a different subject...I couldn't figure out how to quote from other posts. I clicked the quote button but nothing seemed to happen. I have looked in the help section but cannot find anything that...well...helps.

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CerisLou, are you using Internet Explorer as your browser?


I have exactly the same problem, and I found that if I use Chrome or Firefox (which I actually prefer not to use most of the time) then the quote button works.


Glad you found a magic potion to spice up your weekend.

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