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Dosage when using unsented pheromones

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In curious where to start with the dosage of unsented pheros. I got several trail vails during the sale but have no clue how much to use,

After reading some threads I think i eve been using way to much I used two droper fulls-the unsented are more concentrated correct ? Thanks in advance for you help -

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Hmm, I don't know the answer but I am now curious also. If even one dropper full is the normal dosage then I have been using too little.

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Guest cutie.pie

Yes, the UNscented pheros have 1000 mcg, and phero enhanced scents 333 mcg. I bought UN phero trials too, but I'll probably convert them to sprays because it's easier for me to find my sweet spot with spray form. But if I would use a dropper, I'd start with 1 drop, but That's just me ;)


Nutrix made some calculations in her thread, I'll post a link...

ETA: here it is: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7871&page=1

Edited by cutie.pie
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In curious where to start with the dosage of unsented pheros. I got several trail vails during the sale but have no clue how much to use,

After reading some threads I think i eve been using way to much I used two droper fulls-the unsented are more concentrated correct ? Thanks in advance for you help -

For which blend?

Each blend is different, as far as what will work for you, there's no set application dosage. Tho you may see a common amount preferred for a specific blend, your own chemistry will play a roll too.

The place to start would be the review threads. That's what I do.

Check out the thread for the phero you are trying. You might notice mileage varies from person to person. :)

If you don't see what you need, ask there.

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We all have done it at first! Most of us do it on purpose though just to see what will happen. :lol:

Edited by quietguy
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