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Hello everybody! :)


I received my first order from Love Potions last week and, I must say, I am very impressed so far! Impressed with the community & how involved Mara is with the community, and impressed with the customer service. I was not expecting to receive samples of perfume blends along with the pheromone blends that I had ordered, so that was a very nice bonus :001_302:


I initially came here for the pheromone blends. I'm pretty shy, introverted & have some self-esteem issues. I was hoping that the pheromones would help me feel more confident in myself and help me initiate conversations with others.


The first two blends I ordered was La Femme Mystere with copulins added and Sexpionage. I ordered Sexpionage because I was interested to see how it would affect my boyfriend. I will post what I've experienced so far in their respective threads within the next few days. Even though I'm still a beginner, I've experienced some pretty good hits so far. So, consider me sold! ;)


Out of the sampler perfume blends I received, I loved Nectar De L'Amour & Vampire Bait the most and will probably end up getting full bottles of those. I also received Kitten Heels, Raccoon Totem, Caressful Breeze & Feed the Flowers.


For my next order, which I foresee happening very soon, I'm thinking about getting the pheromone blend, Gotcha, as well as the above perfume blends. I have a couple of questions for you lovely people if you don't mind:


1. Are there any other pheromone blends you would suggest for someone who is shy & introverted? Which one would be good for helping me feel more confident during a job interview?


2. Are there any perfume blends you all would recommend that kind of have a sweet & woody scent to them? I've previously been a fan of oriental vanilla scents, but judging from how much I loved Nectar De L'Amour & Vampire Bait, I am very willing to experiment with other scents.


3. Have any of you lovely ladies ever bought any pheromone and/or scent blends for your signicant others? I was considering getting him a pheromone blend eventually, maybe something to make him feel confident in himself and sexy... he's much older than me and he always makes comments about how old he's getting and how much he doesn't like it. I would also like to get him a manly scent that smells good to both him and me.


4. If I purchase one of the sampler kits, do the samplers contain just as much as the freebies, or are the vials filled to the top?


Thank you, I'm so excited to be here! I can see this very easily growing into an obsession, lol! I'm notorious for lurking rather than posting, so forgive me if I do not post a whole lot. I will definitely review any pheromone blends I receive. I'm already hooked!

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Guest cutie.pie



To answer your first question, check out this thread: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9896&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1

The best self confidence boost I get with Open Windows, I was super surprised about that and I know everyone is different, what works for me doesn't have to work for you, but you could give it a try ;) For job interview I'd go with Swimming with sharks.

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As to your third point, there are two potions available now that are phero'd but that you could both wear: Mark's Girl Nip with the unisex phero blend Perfect Match and Unisexy with the unisex (but with a male signature) phero blend B2.2. Both of these scents have notes that work for any gender but Unisexy is particularly awesome. As for what phero to get just for him, the first two that spring to mind are Charisma and MVP.

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Welcome Toxiclove! As a fellow shy introvert, I'll attempt to answer your first question based on my own experiences. I cannot recommend Lumina strongly enough as a blend that makes people feel more naturally drawn to the process of interacting with you. It's interesting that there seems to be a bit of a pattern of Lumina working really well for people who are more introverted, and that it works well for people who don't necessarily find Cougar does that much for them. It's really helped me to feel more socially embraced. I also recommend Perfect Match, based on recent experiments, for making peoplefeel really comfortable in your presence, and inclined to be affectionate and complimentary towards you.


Flying Potion and Lace are other blends that people respond really well to on me, in terms of being really open towards me, and me perhaps being a bit more open myself. Don't feel discouraged if you don't feel much of a self-effect from the blends, as not everyone does. I have a theory that the phero blends will often not effect the outward behaviour of strongly introverted people to the same extent as more extraverted types. I don't get noticeable self-effects from blends most of the time- my focus is instead on how I can slightly alter other people's reactions to me in order to improve my social interactions without having to feel like I must change dramatically first. However, try to behave fairly congruently with the intent of the blend you're wearing, as this always give best results.


Good luck!

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Welcome! I'm not at all shy, but I am quite introverted, and I find Open Windows helps me get out of myself and feel good about having to interact with people. It also puts others in a good mood, (always helpful).


I've bought my boyfriend several pheromones. He loves Charisma, MVP, Open Windows and Teddy BB. I love Super Sexy for Men on him but he doesn't have it in a scent that he really loves, only in unscented, which befuddles him, so he doesn't wear it often enough for my liking.


I'll let the others chime in on your other points.


Have fun experimenting!

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Probably not the answer you're looking for, but what I found when I first started with pheros was that a LOT of experimentation was the way to go. I didn't always get the same results from pheros as other people - everyone is different. For this purpose, phero'd samples are your friend and the trading post is a great resource! Have fun and play with as many different blends as you can get your hands on to begin with. After a while you'll get a pretty good idea of what works well for you and what doesn't. For example, I know now that blends with alot of A-nol tend to not work well for me, even though they work extremely well for others. Est blends, on the other hand, work wonders! But you may be (and probably are) completely different, so the trick is to find what works well for you. Good luck and have fun!

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Welcome! How exciting! Hits already :D
LFM and Sexpionage pack a kick in the confidence department, for me at least :)
Open Windows was one of the first pheromones blends I bought a 2nd bottle of because I had gone through it so quickly :lol: It's just a wonderful blend and I agree with the others that you would do well to try it out.

So far my fickle nose fella has landed on likings for Voracious, which has the Wanted Man phero in it, and Dark Desires, with Heart Throb and the above mentioned Mark's Girl Nip, with Perfect Match.

The samples - or trial vials - for $5 are a great way to try lots of things - and as mentioned above - the TRADE threads are a fantastic option too!

You're going to have a LOT of fun here!

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:welcome384: Hi! The others will give lots of good phero suggestions, I am sure. I would suggest looking at November's releases. It had great scented pheros for both men and women. I don't know if you can still get the sampler sets for that month but if not there are certainly likely to be sample vials available for the ones that interest you.

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Hello and welcome!

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Hi Toxiclove, welcome to the forum!! I think everyone has provided great answers. If you've had opp to read through the threads on pheros, I highly recommend that and LPs phero-wiki as it helps you figure out things you may want to try.


I personally LOVE buying samples bc it gives you the opp to try more things and they are travel friendly for just going out if you want to have a scent or scented phero on hand. And as others have said, they are a full 1.5ml which is enough to fully sample and great option if you're unsure about FB and/or for budget reasons.


Everyone on forum is awesome and you're going to love LP.

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Thank you all so much for all the feedback! I'm going to add Lumina & Open Windows to my next order to try... I think that's all I can afford for now, lol! I know I'll need to do a lot of experimentation to find out which pheromones will work best in certain situations :-)


I have one last question: Are the unscented pheromone blends available in sample vials during any other months? It looks like I just missed the opportunity to get samples of pheros... I think I read it was in November?

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Guest cutie.pie

They were there this morning (my time)... I guess Mara removed them. But I know there are some UN trials in the trading post :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome, toxiclove! I suggest a lot of experimentation! I joined this forum to get over the introverted thing. Sneaky Clean (it has Super Sexy for Women in it) makes me more extroverted.

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