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I'm coming out of hiding!


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Hi! I'm Lilhoney!I have been a customer since the early part of 2012. I discovered LPMP while goofing around one night. The movie "Love Potion #9" came to mind and I couldn't help but wonder if there were any real love potion-type scents out there. Google is my obsession. I did some googling and came across LPMP. I was hooked on the site alone before even placing an order. My first order included two full bottles--one of Rocket Fuel and one of LAM. I fell in love and the hits?Absolutely outrageous! I have been addicted since.I have been lurking the boards, but was so inspired by one member's posts and journal that it coaxed me out of my "lurkdom" as she calls it...LOL. Now, I can stop stalking and start posting!

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Thanks, Maililyahn!

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Hi, Missdarlyncherie! Thanks for the welcome! The only LAM I've ever ordered is the Sugared vanilla and honey. I absolutely love the scent on me and the hits I've gotten!

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Ladies, forgive me. I havent gotten the hang of replying to quotes yet...smh...


Androstenol-Hi and thanks!I love, love, love LAM! Did I mention that I love LAM? A lot of the scents I like have honey in them. The crazy thing is I'm not sure how I feel about honey on its own. I just recently bought Aja. I haven't tried it yet, but it's kinda stinky to me.We'll see how it goes though.


Vladmyra and BeachGoddess- Thank you so much for welcoming me!

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I'm not sure why my editing button doesn't work...maybe because I'm using my phone to post. In any case, my above text was supposed to say I, not "IS" and scents, not "sense". That was really bugging me.

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Hi, Cutie Pie! Thanks!

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Welcome, and enjoy!

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Welcome! ^_^
What a perfect avi!

My favorite part of Aja is HOURS later, when it's outlived whatever I've layered it with, that's when I finally get the perfect honey for me so many others are fortunate to get from it solo. Try it under your Rocket Fuel and see how it plays...YUM! Or at least I sure hope so! :lol:

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Thanks, Donsie, Dolly, Hearts, Bella15, and Quiet Guy!

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NuTrix! Hi! Thanks for the welcome! Thanks also for the advice! I love Rocket Fuel. It can make anything smell scrumptious :hearts0425:! I'll try that. I want to like Aja so badly, but sniffing from the vial turned me completely off. I wasn't expecting the stink. I read comments about the stink, but wasn't expecting it to be to the point where I'm afraid to wear it.

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NuTrix! Hi! Thanks for the welcome! Thanks also for the advice! I love Rocket Fuel. It can make anything smell scrumptious :hearts0425:! I'll try that. I want to like Aja so badly, but sniffing from the vial turned me completely off. I wasn't expecting the stink. I read comments about the stink, but wasn't expecting it to be to the point where I'm afraid to wear it.

Aww, shucks, well that's no good! Yeah, I don't think there's an in between with Aja, it either REALLY works for you, or it doesn't. Welcome to the forum, I'm sure there's plenty of other things that will trip your trigger. Did you try Honey Whip from the July 2014 collection?

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Did you try Honey Whip from the July 2014 collection?


OH MY! Yes, that's a very huffable one :in-love: Great suggestion Beccah!...*dashes off to dig out sample and snuffle-huffle it... *


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My favorite part of Aja is HOURS later, when it's outlived whatever I've layered it with, that's when I finally get the perfect honey for me so many others are fortunate to get from it solo. Try it under your Rocket Fuel and see how it plays...YUM! Or at least I sure hope so! :lol:

Yeah it outlives pretty much everything,lol! I wouldn't wear it by itself but it meshes well with some scents and it lasts and lasts. In the bottle it doesn't smell great. I would suggest picking a time when you are going to take a shower. Put some on, watch a show, read or otherwise fiddle around for an hour or so and then see if you like it after dry down. If you don't then you can go wash it off and if you do then you know for later. :)


I like that it adds another layer of depth to a scent and it helps both of them stay for longer. Eventually though, only Aja remains, but she is more subtle about it. :D

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