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Phero for dinner with SO's company CEO?

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So far I've been looking for ways to impose myself, gain respect or become more open/connect in social situations which has always proven difficult because I am naturally an introvert.

Tonight the opportunity shows up to go to a business casual dinner with my fiance, his company's CEO, founder, a few other higher ups and potential clients. He is not nearly in that circle of influence, but clearly they have him on his radar. The company is not huge, but has a few hundred employees.


He is a social butterfly. If you are familiar with the DISC profile, he's an "I" with maybe a tiny "s"... I am a "C", with "S" and "D" following closely and "I" almost non existent. We could not be more opposite from each other.


I obviously want to make a good impression tonight, while helping him be even more appreciated. I don't think me being in the spot light is necessarily a good idea.

I am open to suggestions. What do I wear? what should he wear? I remember Dolly's thread about her experiment, but I am not sure this is the same situation, plus I do not have Dom with me.


We are out of town, so I do not have my entire phero/scent arsenal with me, but I do have these (samples/trials/decants):


UN Heart and Soul




UN Lace

OCCO White


Sneaky Clean with SS4W

Valhalla with Open Windows

Pherodise with Lumina

A taste of Luxury with Audacious (which works well to dis-inhibit me around my fiance's friends, but I'm not sure I would use it in a business situation)

Fairy Musk with Trasured Hearts (great around my fiance's family)

Unisexy 2014 with B2.2

Beautiful Dreamer with BB (probably not...)

Glamour Potion

One True Love


Thank you!

Edited by phergineer
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I agree, I would wear LFM if I was in the same situation BUT she said she is introverted. I think LFM would really attract more attention than she might be comfortable with. On me, it has a sort of all eyes on me effect, and that might have the exact opposite effect on herself she's looking for!


Phergineer, what do you mean by dis-inhibit? Did you make any inappropriate comments or something or just overly talkative? Because I'm actually thinking Audacious might be really, really good for this event. But if you are worried about your behavior, then by all means skip it and go with halo's suggestion of Topper.

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Well... The second time I wore Audacious I went to a happy hour with a director from my company and some other people from a team who were interested in hiring me. I did not say anything inappropriate, but I felt like I wasn't in control of myself much. And I had no alcohol. It's almost like I was too comfortable in my own skin, trying to make jokes. granted, it was only after the fact that I learned one of them had a director status... Which may have played into me feeling more awkward about the whole situation.


So for tonight I chose LFM with Topper. I'm hoping that fiance's OW will help me open up. We'll see how it goes.

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  • 4 months later...

I thought your choices were great -- how did it go?

I ended up wearing LFM with a bit of Topper, and it was perfect. In this case I didn't have to talk much, I just had to be a noticeable, positive presence for Mr. Phergineer. I had him sit right next to the CEO, and it worked beautifully. I mostly smiled, answered questions if asked, acted very polished. I think I fit the blend. :)

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I ended up wearing LFM with a bit of Topper, and it was perfect. In this case I didn't have to talk much, I just had to be a noticeable, positive presence for Mr. Phergineer. I had him sit right next to the CEO, and it worked beautifully. I mostly smiled, answered questions if asked, acted very polished. I think I fit the blend. :)

I'm glad it turned out exactly how you wanted it to…congrats….

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