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Using male phero blends to tame a rabidly competitive co-worker?

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About 6 months ago, a new coworker was introduced into our group -- she frustrates the living shit out of me bc she is rabidly competitive with me and seems to be on autopilot when it comes to throwing me under the bus to my boss and whomever else is in the room. Yes, right in front of me she will say things like, "Cougarrific doesn't make time for me to teach me what I need to know to do my job." (That is a direct quote, btw, her latest attempt to throw a shadow on me.).


I am 20 years older than she is, I have a lot more professional experience than she does, I am really good at my job and I get along well with everyone in our group. I even get along with her -- bc I choose to get along, not bc she is easy to get along with! So, yes, I do think that she feels threatened, but I don't feel that it is logical for her to feel that way -- any comparisons between us are only in her own mind. No one expects her to have the skills I do at this time -- this is her first "real" job, so she' s definitely entry level (though she will not admit it -- except when she can try to blame her lack of skills on me, bc I haven't taught her something. Grrrr.)


She will act as if we are bosom buddies whenever there is a third party witness, but when we are alone, she is a bitch. She also seems to be trying to train me to do her job for her, to pamper her and to walk on eggshells around her.


She has HUGE (I mean HUGEHUGEHUGE) Daddy Issues, and is extremely flirtatious with all the men and acts all jealous if any of the guys show attention to any other woman except her.


She is, to put it briefly, EXHAUSTING.


I have considered phero-bombing her into submission with Dom or LFM, I have thought about trying Treasured Hearts (to soothe bristly females) and Heart and Soul for a "safe" and bonding kind of vibe. However, I do not wish to bond with her at all -- and I don't want her to feel bonded to me at all. I've been thinking that any of the feminine pheros will spur on her insecurity and competitiveness or encourage bonding (ugh) -- and I don't want to go to either of those places.


Because of her Daddy Issues, I'm now considering trying a male phero blend like Teddy BB boosted into a feminine scent, like LP White. I'm thinking that if she stops seeing me as womanly competition, it would help calm her shit -- and also, if I have that alpha male at peace vibe as a cloud around me, she might actually start behaving herself.


What do you think? I don't want to stir up more insecurity -- she is a conniving little thing, to be sure -- I just want the environment to be more cohesive and team-oriented.


I did wear La Sylphide one day, and I was definitely the star of the show while out at lunch with a group, and she sat there picking at her food -- but she was extra-special mean later, almost as if she were punishing me. I want her to respond in a good way to the phero blends, not store up hurt feelings for later acting-out. That's why I'm wondering about the Teddy BB, if that will take the edge off her passive-aggression and encourage her to feel safe and well-behaved around me. Without encouraging any bonding.



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Hi Cougariffic! If I were in your situation, I would consider PP. I think part of its properties include taking the jealous edge off people's attitudes. ETA, I would def consider what halo is saying. Makes sense to me and she knows whereof she speaks.

Edited by Rose Blackthorn
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On the surface, seems like it's worth a try. Although I wonder whether or not that would stir some confusion into anyone else you come in contact with while this alpha male phero is on a very femme person and topped off with a very feminine scent. Perhaps balm bomb would work to soothe that crabby girl?

and if all else fails you can resort to bombing her w. Dom.

Or even downright scare her with something like "dirty old man" :lol:

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About 6 months ago, a new coworker was introduced into our group -- she frustrates the living shit out of me bc she is rabidly competitive with me and seems to be on autopilot when it comes to throwing me under the bus to my boss and whomever else is in the room. Yes, right in front of me she will say things like, "Cougarrific doesn't make time for me to teach me what I need to know to do my job." (That is a direct quote, btw, her latest attempt to throw a shadow on me.).


I am 20 years older than she is, I have a lot more professional experience than she does, I am really good at my job and I get along well with everyone in our group. I even get along with her -- bc I choose to get along, not bc she is easy to get along with! So, yes, I do think that she feels threatened, but I don't feel that it is logical for her to feel that way -- any comparisons between us are only in her own mind. No one expects her to have the skills I do at this time -- this is her first "real" job, so she' s definitely entry level (though she will not admit it -- except when she can try to blame her lack of skills on me, bc I haven't taught her something. Grrrr.)


She will act as if we are bosom buddies whenever there is a third party witness, but when we are alone, she is a bitch. She also seems to be trying to train me to do her job for her, to pamper her and to walk on eggshells around her.


She has HUGE (I mean HUGEHUGEHUGE) Daddy Issues, and is extremely flirtatious with all the men and acts all jealous if any of the guys show attention to any other woman except her.


She is, to put it briefly, EXHAUSTING.


I have considered phero-bombing her into submission with Dom or LFM, I have thought about trying Treasured Hearts (to soothe bristly females) and Heart and Soul for a "safe" and bonding kind of vibe. However, I do not wish to bond with her at all -- and I don't want her to feel bonded to me at all. I've been thinking that any of the feminine pheros will spur on her insecurity and competitiveness or encourage bonding (ugh) -- and I don't want to go to either of those places.


Because of her Daddy Issues, I'm now considering trying a male phero blend like Teddy BB boosted into a feminine scent, like LP White. I'm thinking that if she stops seeing me as womanly competition, it would help calm her shit -- and also, if I have that alpha male at peace vibe as a cloud around me, she might actually start behaving herself.


What do you think? I don't want to stir up more insecurity -- she is a conniving little thing, to be sure -- I just want the environment to be more cohesive and team-oriented.


I did wear La Sylphide one day, and I was definitely the star of the show while out at lunch with a group, and she sat there picking at her food -- but she was extra-special mean later, almost as if she were punishing me. I want her to respond in a good way to the phero blends, not store up hurt feelings for later acting-out. That's why I'm wondering about the Teddy BB, if that will take the edge off her passive-aggression and encourage her to feel safe and well-behaved around me. Without encouraging any bonding.



My first vote is for G2. That's what I'd use and have used to work in a similar situation. It really works to create a pleasant, socially friendly, we all get along context.


As Halo said Teddy BB or B2 could also help.

If you want to be the dominant one then Dom or Leather may be helpful.


It's a bit crafty but you can always start with the G2, once the "friendly" is established, hit her with the Dom to clairify your position.

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I would pull the Dom on her for sure. Put her right in her place. I have used it with a bitchy client who wanted to blame all her issues on me. Cleared that up with Dom.

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I have no advice I was just hanging around to see what the experienced phero testers like Dolly and Halo would tell you. Whatever you choose, post us the results for future reference. I will say that I wish there had been access to pheros when I had this women that I was training who did the same thing. She did the same throwing under the bus whenever she could. Luckily, my supervisor knew she was a trouble maker from the start. It is aggravating when you are trying your best to do what works for the company and your working environment and someone comes in with an attitude problem.

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Because of her Daddy Issues, I'm now considering trying a male phero blend like Teddy BB boosted into a feminine scent, like LP White. I'm thinking that if she stops seeing me as womanly competition, it would help calm her shit -- and also, if I have that alpha male at peace vibe as a cloud around me, she might actually start behaving herself.


I think this is a brilliant idea. Let us know how it goes. HUGZ!

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Oh wow, can't believe I forgot my own stock!

I do have a spray bottle of Babe In The Woods boosted with B2. I had a similliar agenda in mind when I placed that order (not daddy issues ect) but a social, feminine scent to tame grouchy girls including myself. ;)

The Big Easy (with Teddy) also works in a similliar way for me, IMO it spreads the easy going, mellow vibe, but not as dramatically as B2.

So yea, IME it's a clever roose to add B2 or Teddy to a friendly, unobtrusive girl scent.


Yea please do let us know what you do, in the name of science of course.

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I vote for Dom or Leather.


The Daddy stuff will work itself out. I was always told not to sh*t where you eat.


I am floored at the fact that she actually complained "Cougarrific doesn't make time for me to teach me what I need to know to do my job." I was under the impression that the "junior" works to find a mentor and they take some kind of initiative.


I wonder if she has come kind of personality disorder?

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I've found Teddy BB to be quite a bonding blend, in that it makes people feel very at ease around me and puts them in a nice mellow mood that makes them want to interact with me more, so I'm not sure that's really what you're wanting here. But I'd love to know how any experiments with Dom, Leather or B2.2 might go.

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Everyone on thread has already given great ideas. She sounds like a complete idiot with her behavior, just all around. Def post back what you did/ results.


I can't stand overly competitive women - in workplace or otherwise. It's soo frustrating when other women hurt other women just to get ahead or for attention, in any area.

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Hi All, Sorry to take so long to post -- I went on vacation (Vegas!) and left all mobile devices at home. Now that I'm back, I'm catching up. :) I return to work on Monday (hopefully -- there were layoffs last week while I was off, so I hope I'm not walking into a pink slip) but I've been assigned to work out at a field office for the next month and won't return to the main office until May 1. This gives me a little bit of time to get my social engineering tools ordered. I suspect that when I return to the main office, Little Miss Thing will attempt to dominate me and be the boss of me -- after all, she will have had the office all to herself for an entire month.


I have decided to take control of this situation and go for a radical change. When I return to the office, I will no longer be wearing jeans, sneakers, and uniform workshirts on a daily basis, I'm gong to kick it up a notch to "office casual" and my pheromone sigs will all read "alpha female" -- Leather and/or Dom (whichever works better) with some occasional LFM and Cougar.


When I first started thinking about phero bombing her, I just wanted things to be "nice" around the office and for Little Miss Thing to just get along -- hence, the B2.2 or Teddy BB thinking. Now, I want to claim my space and get her to toe the line. And I don't think it would be bad for my boss to see me in a slightly new light -- professional clothes (not just field clothes), a dominant phero sig and a kick-ass attitude (not so easy going and casual). Lara Croft is my new role model and my new motto is "I'm a f*cking Rock Star".


However, I am going to run the experiment on Little Miss Thing with B2.2 and some LP White, bc I'm just too curious not to! lol!


I will write a follow up after May 1 to let you know how my experiments played out.

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  • 2 months later...

And here is how the story went ... :)


I tried three combinations of scent and pheros with Little Miss Thing (these days, I just call her The Troll):


Vampire Bait w/ Dom

Money Potion w/ Leather

LP White w/ B2


Of the three, the Vampire Bait/Dom combo is my favorite -- she can't do enough for me when I wear this around her. She's so friendly and a tad subservient, she's laughs and gets along with me and actually OFFERS TO DO STUFF, like, her job. lol! But better than the effects on her are the effects on me -- I feel like a goddamn benevolent Queen, slightly out of reach, self-possessed and freaking GORGEOUS when I wear this combo. I also feel happy, but not giggly or giddy.


Money Potion w/ Leather didn't seem to affect her much, but I sure did perform well at my job the days I wore this combo -- focused and straight to the point, I was extremely productive those days.


The LP White w/ B2 was a combination that I tried only once, because I found that I felt kind of fat and lazy when I wore it. I felt laid back and .. yes, unattractive and fat. So, I haven't tried it again.


She hates La Femme Mystere -- inspires her to jealousy and pettiness, so I'll wear this (in La Sylphide, with a touch of cops) to any meetings where she can throw herself under the bus by unleashing a snarky remark in front of the bosses. (heehee -- yes, I'm evil!) She really doesn't seem to have much self-control when she's feeling "attacked" , and she seems to feel this way a lot, so this would be easy to play on. She's already her own worst enemy; all I have to do is show up and look good. lol!


I do think I would like to try SS4W and see what her reaction to that is -- MUWHAhahahaha! :)

Edited by Cougarrific
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So cool, cougarrific - great combos and appreciate the insight.


I just can't wear DOM. I have only tested once and it flipped my bitch switch a bit with 3 small sprays. Luckily I tested at home (with pheros, I test by myself before around others). It also made me really anxious. I will test again to see, but with caution.


Leather on the other hand, is my 'go to' for many situations - love it.

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Yea it is. I also like the idea of the Vampire Bait/Dom combo. I've been trying to put together a combo of Dom with a comparable non-sex scent. Hard to find.

Most florals I have are not assertive enough for Dom. VB is an assertive floral. I'm going to give it a try.


I still think you should give TH a go to see what she does. :)

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, great story, Cougarrific! Way to go to put the Troll in her place. And great choice of pheros, thanks to your experiment we know what to put on if there's some uppity ungrateful gals at work.

I put on LFM or LFN when the chicks at work get out of line. I am usually so friendly and patient that I put up with plenty of antics. But a day with LFM makes me cool and regal, and it never takes long for the others to notice and behave.

Still dont have Dom or Leather in my stash. Think now that it might be time to put them on the short list.

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