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Fairy Cake: Apple


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Fairy Cake: Apple

A crisp sweet harvest of red and green apple notes slathered with sugary cotton candy frosting adorn a cupcake base fit for a Fae of our creamiest buttery vanilla oils.




Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:

APPLE ~ Love, healing, fertility, good luck , happiness, immortality, fortelling spells.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if you are one of those people who likes to smell sniffies/samples without reading the label, just to see what your nose will pick up without any preconceived notions about what's in there, you WILL guess apple right away. The apple is front and center, wet and dry. Super juicy, a little tart - it feels like it's right in front of your mouth. The other cast members only play supporting roles to my nose. It went to my daughter 's immediate "want list" (she's a teenager).

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Great reviews androstenol, you got me ready to pounce on the mailman in search of my package which hopefully arrives today. I loved the apple carmel wax melt Mara made and down to the last one. Looking forward to a new apple scent.

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This apple blend reminds me of the one in Sugared Apples, so I definitely like that. In the drydown I get sort of a cupcake undertone, as it were, but it's soft. I'm sort-of on the fence with this one, which is weird because I really like Cheeky!, for example, but I think maybe the vanilla just doesn't wear well on me.

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A big round red tangy apple.

A little juicy a little, little bit candy'ish. The cake is in the background but it's not the soft type, it's heavy'ish & doesn't yield much here.


On my skin apple rarely works so this was more just a test for fun.. and the always hopeful "ya never know" aspect.

I do love this label and now I want to bite into a crisp, big apple.

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In the vial, and on wet, I got pure, juicy, crispy apple. I wasn't crazy about it, to be honest. Apple is just not my favourite thing. But after it dried down, the cake came out more and it softened...and now I love it! I can't stop smelling my wrist. I am going to need a full bottle of this one, I think.

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As much a I like the smell of apple, and this one IS apple, I don't know that I would wear it as a fragrance. Having said that though, this is very crisp and tart and fall apple to my nose. Loving all the scent memories apple evokes! After dry down I get the vanilla creaminess, but not really cake-y but still very prominently apple. Bet this and Maple would make something incredibly decadent...

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I like this one a whole lot and I just figured out why. I didn't realize this had cotton candy ...which is my favorite scent ever. It smells like candied apples. This will be a great scent for every season.

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Very juicy, crisp apple scent and fresh like just plucked from a tree outside fresh. Not unlike the apple carmel wax melt (minus the carmel). My favorite thing about apple scents I've noticed is they motivate me to clean, not a major overhaul like road opener is capable of, but it plants a seed in my head to at least tidy up the place which gets the ball rolling.. usually.

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This is a very apple scent. In fact, when I first put it on, all I got was apple, pure fresh apple with nothing really beyond the natural sweetness. After an hour or so, I started to get the cake aspect. It smelled like apple cake. Again, not too sweet but with a hint of something spicy. I absolutely adore the long dry down. The cotton candy comes out then, and it's blended with my natural skin scent to smell as if apple and cotton candy are coming from my pores. love it!

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I love the smell of real apples but the scent in perfume sometimes isn't my favorite. What I really liked about this scent though was that on me it didn't evoke juicy or crispy - only the scent part, in a perfumey way (in a good way), like in an "apple extract" way - as if you really just put your nose onto the skin of a perfectly ripe apple and inhaled the scent really hard through the skin, without eating the apple. I think this is because the cake and frosting gave it a density and creaminess almost right off the bat. I kept thinking "creamy apple", so curious if it's anything like Lina's creamy Apple which I haven't had the pleasure of trying yet...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This comes off as wonderful apple perfume on me. I've only worn it once, so this part may change, but I never got any cake. It may round out the scent, but I don't perceive it as a distinct note. I just get a satisfying version of apple, natural, with that edge of what it smells like in an apple shed at one of our local orchards in the fall. It's delicious. >>

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This to me is green apple. Wet all I am detecting is green apple? I swear I am starting to get a bit of caramel? Almost like those little containers from ralphs prepackaged with apple slices and caramel sauce. Will see how it morphs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Crisp, tart, juicy apple on me! I don't get any cake, either initially or in the drydown. Wet, this is bracing with a pretty strong throw, but in the drydown it gets very soft and subtle, almost a skin scent. This is the real deal as far as being pure fruit rather than a candied flavor version of a fruit (those can be lovely, but it's a very different experience).

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  • 2 months later...

This one has aged so well. I don't think I was too excited about this one when these first came out. But I'm growing to love this one. Apple is tough for me to get into. I ruined it for myself because in high school, when I wasn't wearing sweet pea body spray, I would douse myself in Bath and Body works Apple scents. Now, finally, I can smell Apple and not think of my high school years.

This smells so nice and creamy with a tart Apple peeking through. I swear I smell caramel- maybe it's a very buttery type of vanilla. I think I need this for when the weather gets cooler and there's that crispness in the air, signaling that the summer heat is ending and fall is near.

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