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shelf life


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Hello everyone...i have a very important question to me..just recently I purchased a large some of oil pheromones enough to last maybe eight years or more..my question(s) is..exactly if store in the right conditions how long will they last be for they start to lost potency...or rendered useless..an does sealing them in tight bags or containers help...thanks in advance to everyone.

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Pheros last indefinitely as long as they are stored in a cool dry place. Under your bed or in your bedroom closet in a shoebox is the best storage. Keep them away from heat and light and they'll be fine. Oh, and WELCOME! :D

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I, too, have a stash to last a short lifetime. If there's ever a shortage you'll be good for a good loooong time.... :lol:

ETA: Oh yes! And - Welcome!

Edited by NuTrix
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Welcome to the forum. I have a monster stash of pheromones and they seem to last forever when stored as mentioned above.

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Nice to be here..I'm very relieved that there indefinitely...if stored correctly..I'm definitely buying more from love potion!!!in a couple of months..great pheromones great scents

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Nice to be here..I'm very relieved that there indefinitely...if stored correctly..I'm definitely buying more from love potion!!!in a couple of months..great pheromones great scents

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi and welcome dream! I keep my unscented pheros in a drawer in my bathroom. Perhaps not the best place. And unfortunately, my phero'd fragrances are sitting out in my LPMP wooden rack (available on Etsy) on a regular seasonal rotation. Also, probably not the best place, but I like them to be visible and displayed. They are not in direct light and I can't stand a warm house, so I hope they withstand being out. I thought about putting the rack in a drawer, but the point is to see the beautiful labels, not the lid tops. :D And to remember what I own! My justification for buying so much is that I must use it on a regular basis. :lol:

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Welcome to the club, Dream!


I used to keep my opened scents in covered wooden boxes made for port and they were kept in the cabinet in the bathroom. Unopened ones goes into a heavy duty vanity box stored in the wardrobe.


Now that I have moved to a tropical country, I leave all the boxes in the wardrobe. It's inconvient but at least I know the scents and pheros will be in good shape when I whip them out years later.

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