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Hello everybody - scents tips? :)


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Hell all,


I am new here and I would appreciate your help :)


I bought several unscented pheros and also the fragrance sampler. I am still figuring out the pheros, which I have to do on your own, however I would like to buy some fragrance (I have only the sample sizes so far) to cover the pheros. My commercial perfume I like very much is Narcisso Rodriguez - For Her and Gucci II. Would you know any similar scent from LP that I could possibly like? I like heavier scents like this and then also clean ones.


From what I managed to sample, I quite liked Berothral (which is not similar to any of those I mentioned, I know) and LP Original. On the other hand I did not care much for LP Red and Black (too rich and too sweet for me). Sneaky Clean gave me a headache. Oh, but I really liked Cuddle Bunny :)


As you see, I like many different scents, but I am not able to wear really sweet and sugary kinds with vanilla.


As far as essential oils go (to give you an idea what I like), I love Ylang Ylang, Frankiscence, Sandalwood. Do you think I would like LAM in Sandalwood and Resins?


Oh, and I read all the raving revious on PheroGirl...on me it was really really bad. The smell was almost like "cops went bad"... the pure Essence Oil compared to what I smelled like is pure heaven. So I guess no honey for me either.


If you have any tips, I would certainly welcome that :) thanks

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It sounds like your tastes are all over the map just like mine. Hard to pin down so continuing to sample is really the only way to gather your collection. I I think you will love Sandalwood and Resins, I know I do! But get a sample first just in case! Don't rule anything out...(like honey just because Phero girl didn't work) because you said you cant wear sweet vanilla perfume but you like LP Original! Lol I know I'm no help but these scents are so different all the time...keep sampling and enjoy the journey!

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I know, I know... :) thanks Missdarlyncherie anyway. the thing is that I am not in USA anymore and the shipping rates and customs will kill me if I order multiple times (it will kill me anyway, *sigh*).


Also, I have a weird experience.. I tried to cover BI, Gotcha and Essence Oil and I think I did just fine, but with Perfect Match, I still can smell it all over the LP Original.. and there are no cops in it ! :) Has this happened to anyone?

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Ohhhh....yes I understand your shipping problem now...I am spoiled I live just a hop away from LP headquarters...that would be difficult.

Hmm...I didn't think PM stunk when I tried it a longtime ago but others here have indeed said it stunk to them. I can't imagine it stinks more than BI and cops though!!

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I wish I could offer suggestions but I not familiar with commercial scents at all and I love the foodie, sweet stuff :D I'm sure plenty of other ladies will be offer you ideas ^_^

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I'm not familiar with commercial scents any longer, but I'm not big on the foody ones either (neither is my man).....he and I both love LP Black and Red on me.....


Have you tried Cougar scented? It is a nice grapefruit with musk in the background......fresh and sparkly.....


LAM sandalwood and resins is nice.....one of my faves for when I want a light scent


You can also find some non-foody scents in the Sugared layerables line......Sugared Frank & Myrrh is one of my personal faves from that line.....


Majmua Sultana, Gitana, Burnt Umber are all darker, heavier scents that I enjoy......

Edited by Dolly
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Just saw this thread! I'm very familiar with Gucci 2. They list a bunch of notes for that one, but the only 3 I can pick out are blackberry, cedar, & pink sugars. Don't get me wrong, it's still one of my all time faves because I have great sense memories associated with the scent :) On paper it looks like you have similar fragrance tastes to mine. Personally, I like the sweet pink type scents, but they have to be tempered with some type of citrus note.

I'm going to suggest

1.LP Pink

2.LP Incandescence

3.Cougar Potion

4.Summer Dance

5.Majmua Sultana

6.Ruby Red

7.Scarlet Leaf

8.One True Love

9.LAM Pink Amber

10.Kitten Heels

Well anyway, here's a playlist of samples to try :)

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Beccah, thanks ! I am glad to hear you have similar taste..so that I can look up your reviews and there might be a chance I will like the scents you like :)


Also, you nailed it with "sweet pink type scents, but have to be tempered with with some type of citrus note" My thoughts exactly.. pink is fine, but not just the regular round sweet pink scent, it must have some extra kick (either fresh - like citrus) or dark) to work for me. Thanks for making me realize that :)


I also found that I am in love with scented Cuddle bunny (although it is crazy sweet!) .. I love jasmin, but I had no idea it is in this scent.. I liked the smell of it so much that I looked up the actual ingredients and all I love is in there...jasmine, water lily, bergamot ... no wonder I like it that much :)

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Hi, Blanche! Wanted to welcome you. :bye: I will be no help at all because I haven't found a scent I didn't like. I like a wide variety of scents and the ones I don't think I will like, I end up liking and adding yet another to my collection. So far it's working out fine as I never wear the same one two days in a row!

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