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Which phero for meeting?

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I have a meeting coming up that will likely have a bit of tension at points. I was trying to determine which would be the best phero for confidence as I'll need it that day.


Here's where the real dilemma comes into play ... Currently, there's a possibility that one of the people expected to attend is Est sensitive. I've learned never to wear Est around him. He becomes really unpleasant. Because of his Est responses, it eliminates the two I would normally have tried - Leather or LFM. (Dom does to me what Est does to him, so it's not really an option this time.)


I was wondering if SWS might work, but am not sure due to the proprietary ingredients. Has anyone worn SWS around an someone who responds poorly to Est? I still need to field test SWS for selfies, but I'm wondering if it's a possibility.




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I wear SWS in a male dominated work environment almost daily and it's my go-to phero. Definitely a confidence booster. Check out my reviews in this thread: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=5575&page=2

That's the one I would recommend. I get respect every time I wear it, plus I feel confident and focused.

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SWS is a good choice......I have worn it around my Est sensitive man with no issues.....hell, he even wears it in the scent Mean Business

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Many thanks to phergineer, Dolly and cutie.pie. Your input is invaluable! I'm going to start field testing this one (SWS) so I can get a feel for it before the meeting.


Dolly - Thanks for weighing in on this one because I remember you mentioning that your man in a no-Est-zone kind of guy. :Emoticons0424:

Love the help of forum members!

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So I have a lot less experience with pheros, but if it helps, will add my 2 cents.


Believe it or not, I've had very positive outcomes with just a few wand swipes of scented Cougar. I have worn it to large meetings (both males and females present) and even to an interview. It made me all sparkly and confident. Also, I think everyone gave more attention and weight to what I was saying.


Keep in mind I'm a phero lightweight, and I also haven't tried SWS yet. But I did 'nail' an interview and also do extremely well at large meetings wearing it. It seemed to help all aspects - including the social part that comes with those types of things.

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