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Pheros For Shy Guys

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Hello to the gents of LP! I'm hoping you'll be good enough to help me out with some suggestions for phero blends that can help a shy man who could use a confidence boost. Really, the selfies are more important than the effects on those around him, so I imagine these will vary a lot among you in whether you get them at all and how those manifest. That being said I imagine pheros that make people treat you like The Man will boost one's confidence, too!


I know there might also be some unisex pheros are helpful for this and suggestions in that direction are fine, but I'm especially clueless on the men's blends!


Sorry if this is in the wrong place, BTW. This section of the boards is like a foreign country to me.

Edited by donsie
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I personally get a HUGE confidence boost from any of the higher androstenone blends. I really like Charisma and Wanted Man for boosting my confidence. When I wear Charisma, I'm in an upbeat mood where I am not as concerned about how others are reacting to me. I feel upbeat and confident. Adding to that feeling of confidence is the way others react to me. I get a lot of positive attention from people. The, 'This guy is really great and I want to hang out with him." type of confidence. Wanted Man is also good for confidence. It's more like being in an old Western where I feel ten feet tall and bulletproof. It doesn't make me a jerk but it does make me feel less worried about how others are reacting to me which definitely boosts my confidence.


I don't know if this is a direction you'll want to go in but I have a bottle of Excalibur that is boosted with copulins and wow, it does wonders for my mood and my confidence. I've also gotten some interesting/funny reactions from people when wearing it. My intention was to get it to see how it affected me but it also seems to positively affect others.

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Hi, Snoop!


Thanks for the detailed reply. From what you're written it seems like maybe Charisma is a good choice. If you had to choose which would you say would be better for getting someone to stop being too much in their own head? I do think a lot of what's behind this guy freezing up is worrying about whether he's good enough and how other perceive him and what he says or does. The way Charisma and Wanted Man make you less worried about how others around you are reacting seems like a good start in that direction.


Interesting note about the Excalibur. The fella in question doesn't seem to have an obvious reaction to cops on me but I wonder how they'd work for him on him.

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I do think that Charisma would help get him out of his own head more.

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Guys pick up on the scent of copulins on more of a subconscious level. When you are the guy wearing them, you feel more self confident of sorts as the copulins signal (subconsciously) that you just got laid. So it is that "Yeah, I just got some" swagger that hits at that subconscious level even though you may not have. Or maybe you get that swagger on purpose because you know other people (men & women) are picking up on that message at that same subconscious level. But in that case it is more like a good bluff playing poker lol. Both sexes react like "He has it going on". Women may perk up around you as they may react like if another woman wants you that much, you must be worth having/getting to know.


Another funny reaction guys might have around you if the copulin dose is too high, is that you may come across more effeminate, more like a woman, which is confusing at that same subconscious level.

Edited by quietguy
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I gave someone with this issue Lucero (w/ Charisma ) it gave him a real boost. Good selifies without to much pressure to be "on" all the time. He used up the bottle and got more. :lol:

Other than OW I'd look at Charisma (the best starting point IMO) or MVP. There's also Pinnacle w/A'nol) This was a mega success as a gift on more than one occasion.

Edited by StacyK
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I personally get a HUGE confidence boost from any of the higher androstenone blends. I really like Charisma and Wanted Man for boosting my confidence. When I wear Charisma, I'm in an upbeat mood where I am not as concerned about how others are reacting to me. I feel upbeat and confident. Adding to that feeling of confidence is the way others react to me. I get a lot of positive attention from people. The, 'This guy is really great and I want to hang out with him." type of confidence. Wanted Man is also good for confidence. It's more like being in an old Western where I feel ten feet tall and bulletproof. It doesn't make me a jerk but it does make me feel less worried about how others are reacting to me which definitely boosts my confidence.


I was verbally given a similar report on "Charisma". I didn't know that about "Wanted Man"

Good info Thx.

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Looks like QG already gave you an excellent explanation of copulins. It definitely gives me a mood boost when I wearing it. I feel more confident and very happy.

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Never good. Tell him to roll it on! I probably go overboard on how much I wear but I've never had anyone tell me I was being 'the cologne guy' even when I'm wearing Excalibur or LP: Homme. Both scents that PROJECT on me.

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