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I hope everything works out with your DH. :great:


So if I get BI I should probably keep it for intimate times & not for public use.


I've considered True Confessions, I'm in college, but I also have a huge crush on an instructor so I'm afraid I'd have the same problem as you, I might blab too much.... :blushing:

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I'm wearing a small amount of BI, along with a tiny dab of Phero Girl. Covered with LP Red and sexied up with Sugared Honeycomb!! Everything is in very small amounts. I'm going to an event tonight and I'll be very interested to see what, if anything, happens. Mr. Goddess will be there, but not with me, as this is a work thing for him. Also, his ex-wife will be there, probably with me. The event is a workshop graduation of my older step-daughter.


Truth be told, I'm hoping for tons of PDA from my hubby when he happens to be around all of us!!


I'll report back!!


eta: ok, I'm back!


As I was hoping, Mr. Goddess was very affectionate - well, as much as he could be, since he was working. But every time he passed by he touched my arm or gave me a little squeeze.


I didn't notice too much attention from anyone else until about 1/2 hour before we were going to leave. My friend introduced me to a friend of hers, and as is the tradition with this crowd, we hugged hello. Well, he buried his face in my neck and would not let go!! He said I smelled amazing and was just huffing away on my neck!!! I was quite surprised, to say the least! He sat down with our little group and moved his chair over until our knees were touching. Most of the time his hand was on my knee or my arm!! He was so flirty, but not like he was trying for anything, since he knows my hubby and was showing me pics of his wife and kid. He mentioned my scent a couple more times, and when we all go up to leave he said he was still dizzy from it!


Wow, I wish I had had this stuff when I was single!!


When Mr. Goddess got home he asked who was that guy!!


Interestingly, he hasn't noticed or made a move himself...just as well, it's "that time".

Edited by goddesslynne
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This stuffs the bomb!! Went to the local am/pm station today ,usually i wont go to this paticular one because the owner / operator is a major dick to everybody ,especially to women, he has no respect for them. So anywho i went in, does he say anything ? No, no smile ,no hello ,nothing ( he never smiles or says thank you to anyone .ever).So i go up ask him a ? but it takes a couple of mins for him to look up the answer off of the puter, hes all sour the first min ,then he turns to me all smiles and embarrassed that its taking so long for the info to pop up on the puter .....he turned into a puppy dog ! Im standing there in my cloud of BI turning mr. dick into a puppy ! Un believeable! And then two other men walk in and get in line behind me and they stand so close they were almost touching me (lol) ! So i get what i needed and start to leave and the owner is all thank you for coming ,so sorry it took so long , please come again ! Ha ! This stuff is great !

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This stuffs the bomb!! Went to the local am/pm station today ,usually i wont go to this paticular one because the owner / operator is a major dick to everybody ,especially to women, he has no respect for them. So anywho i went in, does he say anything ? No, no smile ,no hello ,nothing ( he never smiles or says thank you to anyone .ever).So i go up ask him a ? but it takes a couple of mins for him to look up the answer off of the puter, hes all sour the first min ,then he turns to me all smiles and embarrassed that its taking so long for the info to pop up on the puter .....he turned into a puppy dog ! Im standing there in my cloud of BI turning mr. dick into a puppy ! Un believeable! And then two other men walk in and get in line behind me and they stand so close they were almost touching me (lol) ! So i get what i needed and start to leave and the owner is all thank you for coming ,so sorry it took so long , please come again ! Ha ! This stuff is great !



Isn't it just fab? I love it! Great report, btw.....

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  • 2 weeks later...


I'm new and just ordered Blatant Invitation and Super Sexy Woman's. I'm really excited to try it out. I want to get it in time for a trip I plan to take with my sister in March, and so I wanted enough time to test-drive it at home and then maybe order another order for her before March.


I was wondering if my perfume at home would cover up both or any of these phero blends. My perfume is a rich vanilla-butter-sugar scent. Do any of those notes go well with the pheros. I'm reading some funny stuff on here about the smell of cops.


Anyway, so glad I found this place!

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I'm new and just ordered Blatant Invitation and Super Sexy Woman's. I'm really excited to try it out. I want to get it in time for a trip I plan to take with my sister in March, and so I wanted enough time to test-drive it at home and then maybe order another order for her before March.


I was wondering if my perfume at home would cover up both or any of these phero blends. My perfume is a rich vanilla-butter-sugar scent. Do any of those notes go well with the pheros. I'm reading some funny stuff on here about the smell of cops.


Anyway, so glad I found this place!



First of all - :lol:


IMO - SS4W does not smell that strong on me - and is easily covered. Actually - before I had my stash of LPs - I had to use existing fragrances I already had to do so. I found the scents that were warmer and deeper generally covered the Pheros better.


BI starts out strong - it has more cops than most of the Phero blends here - and you might have a minor heart attack about that for the first 20 minutes. I promise - most of us found that after dry down - you barely notice BI. Except for the impact. BI works very, very well for it's intended purpose.


And the best way to find out more before using - is to go onto the Phero sub section - and run searches on old posts - for stuff you are interested in knowing. There is great information in the old threads that may help you from making some mistakes. Although I have to say - I read them - and wanted to make most of those same mistakes myself - to see if they were true for me as well. For some reason - I'm normally quite willing to learn from others but with the Phero's - I feel compelled to trial most of it out for myself.


Yes Luna - purely in the interest of science. I'm sure you understand. ;-) :)


But I'm also married - so some of the more animalistic aspects of some blends haven't been an issue. IE - I'm not out clubbing - so it doesn't create personal safety issues.

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I'm new and just ordered Blatant Invitation and Super Sexy Woman's. I'm really excited to try it out. I want to get it in time for a trip I plan to take with my sister in March, and so I wanted enough time to test-drive it at home and then maybe order another order for her before March.


I was wondering if my perfume at home would cover up both or any of these phero blends. My perfume is a rich vanilla-butter-sugar scent. Do any of those notes go well with the pheros. I'm reading some funny stuff on here about the smell of cops.


Anyway, so glad I found this place!



Well, Super Sexy is not difficult to cover.....any scent should do fine, just let the pheros dry down before you cover. Blatant Invitation is a little trickier, because it does have cops in it. Apply it and allow it to dry down for at least 10 min before covering.....that will minimze the possibility of bleed-through.


Note.....Don't be put off by the stink! Many new users are.....I can't say this enough....yes, it smells, but it WORKS.


As far as scent choice, you should be fine.....one of the favorite phero cover scents is Pink Sugar (this scent does not work with my body chemistry, but some ladies swear by it). Also, you may consider trying some of the scents from here at LP. Mara and Danna work magic! One sniff and you'll be hooked!

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Well, Super Sexy is not difficult to cover.....any scent should do fine, just let the pheros dry down before you cover. Blatant Invitation is a little trickier, because it does have cops in it. Apply it and allow it to dry down for at least 10 min before covering.....that will minimze the possibility of bleed-through.


Note.....Don't be put off by the stink! Many new users are.....I can't say this enough....yes, it smells, but it WORKS.


As far as scent choice, you should be fine.....one of the favorite phero cover scents is Pink Sugar (this scent does not work with my body chemistry, but some ladies swear by it). Also, you may consider trying some of the scents from here at LP. Mara and Danna work magic! One sniff and you'll be hooked!


Thanks, Dolly and ShellyB!


That was so helpful. The major brand of Pink Sugar is definitely in the league of scent I'm wearing. Oh, and Dolly, Pink Sugar was always too weak for me, so I wear something more "there" and more sexy than just little-girly. But are we talking about Pink Sugar that's sold in stores? If not, than I obviously don't know what I'm talking about (nothing new there!) The bottle of my perfume is kinda leaky and it makes my room smell of it. So, lately I've been having really sexual dreams! If I wear it with one of the pheros, watch out!

Edited by pinup
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Thanks, Dolly and ShellyB!


That was so helpful. The major brand of Pink Sugar is definitely in the league of scent I'm wearing. Oh, and Dolly, Pink Sugar was always too weak for me, so I wear something more "there" and more sexy than just little-girly. But are we talking about Pink Sugar that's sold in stores? If not, than I obviously don't know what I'm talking about (nothing new there!) The bottle of my perfume is kinda leaky and it makes my room smell of it. So, lately I've been having really sexual dreams! If I wear it with one of the pheros, watch out!



You should be fine as far as the scent.....just let the BI dry down completely before you try to cover it.

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What I love best about BI is the drydown is complete after a few minutes. I put it on, start to dry my hair, and by the time I'm halfway through drying my hair the drydown is complete, and the application site is left with a light, fresh smell. I use this daily and NEVER have problem with having any residual cops smell. Don't be afraid of this one!

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  • 6 months later...

Just did a scent test and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised!! I could smell the cops at first but the weren't as foul as I expected them to be. Now, after 10 minutes I just smell something that reminds me of rubbing alcohol. Can't wait to try this for the phero's!!

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Just did a scent test and I must say I'm pleasantly surprised!! I could smell the cops at first but the weren't as foul as I expected them to be. Now, after 10 minutes I just smell something that reminds me of rubbing alcohol. Can't wait to try this for the phero's!!


If this was unscented BI then you should definitively smell the cops! If you only noticed alcohol that was probably the diluant... Did you shake it before you applied it? You have to make sure you shake the bottle before you apply as the phero's separate in the CPS :001_302:

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Yes it was the unscented BI. Does the cops smell stay? Because maybe I didn't shake the bottle good enough then. The cops were very obvious when I put the BI on but after a while I only smelled something that seemed to be alcohol or something. Weird... Have to try again!

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Yes it was the unscented BI. Does the cops smell stay? Because maybe I didn't shake the bottle good enough then. The cops were very obvious when I put the BI on but after a while I only smelled something that seemed to be alcohol or something. Weird... Have to try again!



The cops smell dies down on me too.....it is really all about your body chemistry....but yes, make sure that you shake that bottle really well before application.....if you can smell them when it's wet, then you should be good to go.....

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Gotta add here that BI is my FAVORITE phero blend. I get consistent hits with it. I think the TAH really works in my favor as it gives a younger more playful vibe. My guy is considerably younger, and it always gets the desired effect!



It is my fave too...but, I don't think it has TAH in it.....unless you know something I don't....

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I stand corrected! I HATE inaccuracy in myself! I love the alphanol-est-cops mixture! It gives just the right signal!



Nobody's perfect! I agree though, I LOVE this one!

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Applied this last night for another test. Gave it a good shake, applied: Cops. After 5 mins: No cops, just the CPS I guess? Layered it with Frosted Mulberry since I was wearing some of that already and went out.


Nice!!! Lots of chatter, laughs, good body language, peacocking, the lot! Nothing "blatant" but hey, I was in a public place. Felt like Miss Popularity among men. Women didn't seem to react on it, but weren't bitchy either as with wearing just cops. Great mix!! :shocked:

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Applied this last night for another test. Gave it a good shake, applied: Cops. After 5 mins: No cops, just the CPS I guess? Layered it with Frosted Mulberry since I was wearing some of that already and went out.


Nice!!! Lots of chatter, laughs, good body language, peacocking, the lot! Nothing "blatant" but hey, I was in a public place. Felt like Miss Popularity among men. Women didn't seem to react on it, but weren't bitchy either as with wearing just cops. Great mix!! :shocked:



Several of us have reported the "popularity" effect with this one.....Mara and I both have experienced it.....great mix, huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, I was off to a party, brought along the potential new boy and I was off to the races!


Had my 50/50 SS4W and BI mix on with the Dirty Sexy cover. I love it as it makes the DS a lil more subtle but the pheros are all there and in your face.


Now the new potential is a more reserved boy, lil quiet not a real initiator. I took him to a party at my sisters house where he knew no one. He Aced this test!


Now to the pheros. I was untouchable and loved by all. This mix is hot. The BI gets the boys going, makes me irresistable and had the new shy boy very outgoing, and full of very nice PDA moments. Normally when we are in public you wouldnt even know we have something going on. Honestly, our friends have no idea...but not this time...


I had so much male and female attention it was great. Basically, if I hadnt had the boy with me, I could have chosen any mate and walked away with them :D

But I was good. Had my flirting fun, which new boy worked well with. He knew I was his, and didnt have issue with me having fun. VERY refreshing, opposite of past relationship.


Now there was alcohol flowing at this party, but I could see the BI effects on the new boy because even in other alcohol situations he didnt get this "outgoing".


Definetly a GREAT mix, BI always seems to be a sure thing. It receives positive attention and awesome sexual responses :)


It also gives SOO much power to the wearer! hehehe :666: Use responsibly :green_smiley_monster:

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Alright, I was off to a party, brought along the potential new boy and I was off to the races!


Had my 50/50 SS4W and BI mix on with the Dirty Sexy cover. I love it as it makes the DS a lil more subtle but the pheros are all there and in your face.


Now the new potential is a more reserved boy, lil quiet not a real initiator. I took him to a party at my sisters house where he knew no one. He Aced this test!


Now to the pheros. I was untouchable and loved by all. This mix is hot. The BI gets the boys going, makes me irresistable and had the new shy boy very outgoing, and full of very nice PDA moments. Normally when we are in public you wouldnt even know we have something going on. Honestly, our friends have no idea...but not this time...


I had so much male and female attention it was great. Basically, if I hadnt had the boy with me, I could have chosen any mate and walked away with them :D

But I was good. Had my flirting fun, which new boy worked well with. He knew I was his, and didnt have issue with me having fun. VERY refreshing, opposite of past relationship.


Now there was alcohol flowing at this party, but I could see the BI effects on the new boy because even in other alcohol situations he didnt get this "outgoing".


Definetly a GREAT mix, BI always seems to be a sure thing. It receives positive attention and awesome sexual responses :)


It also gives SOO much power to the wearer! hehehe :) Use responsibly :green_smiley_monster:



OH YES.....that is why BI is still my number one!! Go get 'em CC!

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Interesting... it kinda reminds of the effects I get with Popularity Potion, which is like my fav social mix I think.

I have always kept BI for my alone time with my BF, who doesn't seem to react to cops (or barely) or BI... it's kinda sad. But anyway, reading these posts makes me want to try it as a sexy social mix now... Great reports girls. Always fun to read!

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Mwuhahahaha I love this stuff! I just put a significant amount on when my best male friend came by to drop something off. The cops were still clearly detectable and I was a bit self conscious about them. I decided to ask him if he smelled something. "Yeah, it smells a bit weird." It wasn't offensive to him. It died down quite fast. I had to get to my voluntary job though, so I applied LP Red over the BI while he was in the room. Wow did he like that! He got all starry eyed and commented on how lickable it smelled. Ha. I think the BI helped. :)


My target reacted verrrry well again. He can be very shy but alphanol always works on him, making him very chatty. He was talking to me all night even though I was trying to teach a class. The est seems to give a new dimention, he's acting more touchy and, a huge diffrence, is more open to touch. In the past he'd always been sort of intimidated (how do you write that???) with me touching him (due to lots of gossip) but last night he was very much ok with it. Hmmmm... Not sure what the cops do to him though...

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Oh my goodness! I finally did it! With the specials going on I just placed my order to give this a WHIRL! I hope I have as much fun as you all have *insert evil grin here* :)


Oh it is a goodie, make sure you let it dry down fully AND report back here on your fun :)


I find I like copulin only products in a more intimate environment. I havent even attempted to whip out BAM yet (but keep that for one on one). BI is a great mix to wear with lots of people around. I prefer wearing it when you have a particular person by your side to concentrate on driving him wild...


I am sure it would be great one on one too, but I just love the social aspect, but then again I love it mixed with SS4W...


I am going out this weekend with the new boy and friends. I am totally looking forward to meeting some of his friends and just kicking back and having fun. Either gonna wear LAM or BI, hmmm....

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Livinginparadise, I think you're going to have a lot of fun with this! Oh and welcome!!! :)


CC, I can imagine. I found that socials combined with cops do much more for me than just cops. I'm not a very outgoing person and adding just cops to that doesn't help. Adding a bit of bubbly and sweetie (I'm referring to anol and est) makes people want to be around me. After that the cops are just a sexy bonus :)

Edited by Tears of Joy
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  • 4 weeks later...

I got a bottle of Armed & Dangerous boosted with Blatant Invitation and there's cops here and cops there, there's cops everywhere. Maybe I chose the wrong cover? I get a hint of what I am assuming the perfume is, but there's definite cops coming through on my skin, which isn't unpleasant, but I just like smelling delicious instead of musky fruits. I'll have to update you all in ten more minutes and we'll see how the perfume progresses.


The only reason why I'm worried about this is because I feel like I need a shower. If the perfume hasn't picked up, I'll try smearing some Pumpkin Shake, Rattle, and Roll over it and go from there!


Edit: Hey! The cops went away! Now I just have a pleasant (albeit faint) perfume on my skin! It's like they just randomly decided to leave at once!

Edited by lesreveurs
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With a heavier cops mixture like BI you just have to be patient and let it dry down. Too many times new users freak out when they first smell it without realizing it WILL settle down after twenty minutes or so.

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Really? Is it possible that your skin "eats" the cops? I've heard that skin chemistry can cause scents to die down on someone. But is it really gone then? Í mean, where would it go? And where would the cops go?


I was wearing BI last week with some coworkers and while I was Miss Popularity again one man (in his early 60's!) was very obviously touchy and he is never like that. It was friendly though, but even the people around me were like, "ehm... What's he doing?"


However, this stuff works like a charm. I don't want to be without it, EVER!

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Livinginparadise, I think you're going to have a lot of fun with this! Oh and welcome!!! :party:


CC, I can imagine. I found that socials combined with cops do much more for me than just cops. I'm not a very outgoing person and adding just cops to that doesn't help. Adding a bit of bubbly and sweetie (I'm referring to anol and est) makes people want to be around me. After that the cops are just a sexy bonus :OU1D43~112:



I have to second this...I get absolutely wonderful results with Cops and A-nol(love it) and EST (my absolute fav phero in the world) :)

Top that with a lil wonderful scent and I wanna do me, marry me, protect me and befriend me...hehehe


be blessed -djac


ETA: I still cannot do BI alone...prefer to let the ladies work their magic...and I am still one of the biggest fans of LAM (to coin our dear Dolly...I need a vat of this, I would dive into it like it was my own personal swimming pool...Ah ha!

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I'm trying to see what it is that makes this combination so wonderful... With just cops, I get practically nothing. Nothing obvious, that is. Sometimes I'm followed around a bit :OU1D43~112:. With just a-nol, I get lots and lots of friendlyness and chatter. With EST, I again get nothing. But I think that's congruence. No-one buys a "I need to be protected and fussed over"-vibe from me. It's just not who I am.


This would make LAM a winner, right? But I get far more results with BI! Am I overlooking something? Any thoughts?

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Hey Tears of Joy-

I learnt from reading Ail's posts that it's not so much what's in the mix, than the proportions of each components. I was shopping for phero blends a couple years ago, mainly looking at the ingredients in them, knowing what each one was supposed to do individually, but that was not the best way to go.

The whole art of phero mixes lies in the proportion of each ingredients. Read Ail's posts on Heart & Soul.

I mean Popularity Potion is fantastic to me. But I won't get the same effects at all with another pheromix that has pretty much the stuff in it, because the proportion of each phero will be different.

Edited by Mademoiselle
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