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Jennifer's Persephone Potion

Black Cat

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Jennifer's Persephone Potion

Jennifer's potion for navigating the underworld, crafted of blackest musk, smoke, earth. air (ozone), and a drop of pomegranate. Forgive me, Jennifer, but I added a splash of protection in the form of Frankincense and Myrrh to round it out. Some powerful mojo with this one! It was the last I made one night before I went to sleep and I wore it to bed...it produced some wild dreams!


MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

SMOKE ~ In addition to the attributes of whatever is being burned (resins, woods, etc), smoke is for cleansing, purification, renewal, consecration, concealment and celebration. It is also the foremost mode of communication from this world to the realm of spirits and the gods.

EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.

AIR/OZONE ACCORD ~ Thought, communication, ideas, awareness.

POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility.

FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, consecration, protection, exorcism. Associated with silver and the moon.

MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil.


I have NEVER waited this long to test a PE, but as I posted elsewhere, we have had stupid hot weather and I was afraid of triggering a headache with the resins and ruining the scent for myself. I think it's probably a good thing, because it means this has had a few weeks to settle. Last night a huge storm hit around 4:30 and cleared out heat and humidity, and at about 9:00 pm I decided it was cool enough to give this a try.


This is absolutely spectacular! At first I was -- not concerned, exactly, but a bit taken aback because I had specifically asked for this to be a light and airy scent, despite the darkness of the notes, and wet in the bottle I got a robust juicy resinous scent. I knew that I could trust Mara though, so I was not alarmed, and within moments of putting it on, I knew that I had gotten everything I asked for and more.


The musk, smoke, earth and ozone are in perfect balance, and they create a soft ethereal base on which the pomegranate eddies and surges in waves, and the resins (thank you so much for the extra notes, Potion Master) sparkle out from the darkness. I confess I chose the pomegranate very much for symbolic value but I can't believe how much I love it. It's rich, full-bodied, almost wine-like. When I smell this, I get a visual very much like Mara's label -- a cast-iron cauldron with a glowing charcoal piled with the richest loose incense which melts and smolders, releasing clouds of fragrant smoke.


What I found the most interesting was that if I sniffed right next to my skin, it was hard to smell. But when I held my wrist several inches away, I got the most haunting nuanced complex scent. I went on with my evening and at various points would suddenly go on alert, wondering, "What is it that smells so divine?!" and it would be me.


This is another one I asked Mara to craft with intent -- and the other thing that happened was that every time I smelled the scent I felt a huge ripple of energy wash down my spine. I felt invigorated, deeply empowered/protected, and it's a deeply feminine dark goddess kind of power (which is exactly what I need right now). I am so thrilled to have this and I can't wait for the weather to get properly cool so I can start wearing it regularly. Dear Mara, thank you SO MUCH!!!!


ETA: I can't believe I forgot to list note meanings, I love those! And holy smokes, seeing all that, no wonder this is so powerful and amazing!

Edited by Blackcat
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Awww, thank you for the kind words, lovey! The PEs are such a huge and vital part of my LP experience, and I think they are a big part of what makes this company unique. And they are also what puts me over the top in my respect and admiration for Mara's genius. To be able to take someone else's ideas and hopes and desires and likes and quirks into consideration and make someone else's vision come true for them -- in my case often in ways I would not have been able to conceive on my own or known to ask for -- well, I'm in awe.


In addition, there is the shared community aspect... we get to know each other on this forum, and reading about or even trying other people's PEs is often a fascinating and moving adventure. And I love hearing other people's experiences with my preciouses (not sure there is a plural of that, but you get what I mean!)!


Speaking of which -- if any of you other Persephone holders have gotten to this, I'd love to hear how it's working for you!

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I really wanted to try this one(I agree with Halo, the PEs of yours that I've tried are AWESOME,mojo is my favorite!) but I must admit,the intent of this one scares me a little! Like, I have a full bottle of Spectre Potion, but I'm too freaked out to wear it, especially since my moms house has had some strange activities going on..I reallllly wouldn't want to make that stuff any more apparent than it already is around here!

Navigation of the Underworld..what do you mean to do exactly? I mean if that's too private I totally get it, I'm just curious about it is all. You can tell me to hush if I'm crossing any lines! Love you!

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Woah you and Mara make a great team when it comes to pulling depth from a scent. I was a lil intimidated by the dark intent initially as Cheeseburger was but was anticipating reviews of this PE the most and now of course I want!Lol, now that you have lived to tell and haven't dissapeared thru any firey gates ;). Sounds like you've bonded w this scent and it empowers you to navigate desired results. And the part how Mara turned pomegranate into wine..heavenly.


Er maybe that would be heathenly :P

Edited by Cherise
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Cherise, you always crack me up! Heavenly AND heathenly, I think!


And Cheesy, no lines crossed at all! I think I have written in a bunch of different places on the forum about the fact that I am currently doing some very in-depth therapy work on old trauma stuff, so for me, that's the "underworld" I'm navigating. I think you could use this in all kinds of ways though! I think "navigating the underworld" could fit whatever one's particular challenge (and everyone I know has at least one!) happens to be.


I was also thinking about how much I love the Persephone story, and the idea that there are times where we go deeply inward and withdraw, vs. times when we are fully surfaced and engaged more outwardly in our communities and friendships. I find myself paying closer and closer attention to the seasons as I get older, and I can't believe how long it took me to really understand the relationship between each season and the light -- that winter is actually the period where the light is coming back, even if the days are still shorter than the nights, spring is when there is more light and days continue to lengthen, in summer the shortening period has already begun, and in fall we move deepest into darkness. So this is also very much my fall potion, to be a guide in that dark and contemplative time of year.


And trust me, that protection Mara mentioned adding, I can totally feel it! no danger of disappearing through a portal and not getting back. I'm pretty sure. :Emoticons04263:

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Wow! Well, that is a wonderful description, and takes the "fear factor " away for me...your own PERSONAL underworld! I get it now, and I can dig that. Godspeed on your journey my friend,and maybe, if its in the cards for me, I'll get to try some one day!

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Seriously Blackcat and Mara, this is so freaking brilliant and amazing!!!


Blackcat, your description of this is perfect. I was so surprised how light and airy this was once I put it on even though it's so much stronger in the bottle. It is powerful and most definitely goddess like. It has this heat to it, or it evokes heat to me. It has an incredible energy and I can smell it when I open it (almost every single day!) What I find the most fascinating is that it is so familiar to me yet I have no idea what could possibly smell like this. So when I smell it, I feel everything I just described and smile this knowing sort of smile but I don't really know why... Maybe just not yet. I think the pomegranate is perfect, definitely for the symbolism, and because it gives this a red feel. To me, saying a scent is red seems like it should be a heavier scent but it's not which adds to why this is so magical. It's so well blended to me too and nothing in it takes over.



And Blackcat, I have to comment on your description of the seasons and how you notice the changing light. I've been paying so much more attention to the seasons over the last couple of years myself, especially the light and all the incredible colors of each season. I'm an artist (not professionally) and I'm a little obsessed with colors and light throughout the year. It's incredible how beautiful each season can be and seeing the relationship between the seasons and the light and the eb and flow of life.


FYI - I jumped on this bottle but then realized I was a little nervous about it too. You know, that whole Underworld thing. I do not feel any fear while wearing this. It's very protective feeling, even in its darkness yet oh so light. It's powerful yet soft. It's truly a beautiful and magical potion.

Edited by tink333
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Oh, Tink, thank you so much for this gorgeous review! I am really glad to hear that the amazingness is not limited to my perceptions of it. I love what you said about the red -- I have been trying to find a way to characterize the juicy aliveness that the pomegranate adds to all that airy darkness and that really captures it.


I forgot to mention -- this is also a glorious color in the bottle, a deep almost carnelian shade of amber.


Tink, did you get Grimoire? I highly recommend as I was lucky enough to score a bottle in the initial brew. I feel as if they are paired in some mysterious way -- as if in Tarot terms Grimoire is The Magician to Persephone's High Priestess. Or, if you are a Terry Pratchett fan, Grimoire feels like wizard magic in Ankh Morpork, while Persephone is the province of witches out in Lancre (Maililyahn, I hope you're seeing this!). Anyway, they are both such potent potions, and each is perfect for fall in its own way.

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Okay, now I'm kicking myself! I just placed an order last night and did not get Grimoire. I completely forgot about it! Hopefully there will still be a bottle available in a few weeks because now that you have compared the two, I really think I need it!


And, I put this on again last night, after my review. It is just so complex and difficult for me to fully describe so I'm happy to know I was able to make some sense in my previous review. It's truly so beautiful and so unique. I feel lucky that I got a bottle!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scentwise, I get resins, wood, fruit and an Autumn Solstice. It's both light & dark. Its all air & fire. There's a slight resinous primal scent and energy going on. Like something very old breathing just beneath the surface.


There's nothing dark here in a negative way. But, this is a potion that takes courage.


BC I hope you get a chance to write down some of your work with this.

I'm thinking ritual here.

Otherwise Blackcat summed it up well in her review.

The scent of this suits my mood today. That's saying something about me :lol:

Edited by StacyK
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Scentwise, I get resins, wood, fruit and an Autumn Solstice. It's both light & dark. Its all air & fire. There's a slight resinous primal scent and energy going on. Like something very old breathing just beneath the surface.


There's nothing dark here in a negative way. But, this is a potion that takes courage.


BC I hope you get a chance to write down some of your work with this.

I'm thinking ritual here.

Otherwise Blackcat summed it up well in her review.

The scent of this suits my mood today. That's saying something about me :lol:

I love your review, especially the part about something old breathing beneath the surface. I agree 100%.

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Stacy, I've been meaning to post for days to thank you for this beautiful review, which really expressed something I hadn't thought of before but which resonates so much with my experience -- which tink pointed out, the something old breathing beneath the surface. So true.


In all honesty, I haven't been able to get it together for any kind of serious ritual work lately. BUT -- I did use this in a very informal, very imperfect Autumnal Equinox candle working, asking to find a perfect balance between light and dark, between surface and depth.


I've been wearing this often at night, and also dabbing it on before (most) therapy appointments. It's really fascinating. Maybe it's just a giant coincidence, but on the days I have this on for those appointments, it feels like being dropped through a trap door into some very deep dark stuff. But at the same time, I am finding myself able to then put all that away and leave it mostly in the office. So far (knock wood) I've been very successful in setting all the internal chaos aside so that I can not only show up for my work (which gets very busy this time of year) and my domestic life, but I can really enjoy those things and be present for them (instead of suffering through pretending everything is OK, which is what last fall felt like).


I didn't even know exactly what I meant when I asked for the "potion to navigate the Underworld" but I think it was this!


I really can't express how much my intent PEs have done to help me out this year. Mara's magic is the real deal.

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Phergineer, I've been thinking about you since the A2D thread! You know, I'm sure Mara could brew some more of this, but I wonder if you might want to work on designing your own special potion for your own journey? I really can't convey how helpful these have been to me. I have gotten great results from some of the spell oils, but there is something about the process of visualizing/figuring out your own intent, and then bringing together the elements/notes that are most significant to YOU, and asking Mara to put it all together, that is really powerful! Just something to think about. :-)


And as one dark underworlder to another -- hang in there! It's rough but I believe it's worth it.


Speaking of which -- I have an appointment in about 45 minutes, time to dab on Persephone and descend! :-)

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BC, I believe you and have been planning my own PE with intent. I'm planning on one with healing/regeneration intent. I'm very excited about it. I can't wait to experience this process for myself and hope some others will be able to try it out too. Not sure when quite yet... Saving up now. :)


I also wanted to talk about Persephone Potion. I wear it at least twice a week right now. I'm not sure but I think it's bringing up deeply hidden issues/emotions for me.

It could be Autumn itself though too.

Autumn is beautiful and I've always loved it but it also has this melancholy feel to me. I think it's because everything is changing and dying. Everything is fading and being carried away in the wind. It's beautiful and sad. I am thinking now that Autumn and Persephone Potion is an extremely potent combo for me.


Anyway, I've been having dreams and memories emerge from a past relationship. It was so long ago and I was so young. It was an intense, passionate, young love type of relationship. We moved in together and we were talking about marriage. I'm realizing I still have some deep unresolved issues/feelings from it. I truly believe that Persephone Potion, with Autumn's assistance, is helping me to start facing this after all these years so I can heal and move forward. Or maybe Persephone Potion is making it so much easier because it keeps me feeling strong and knowing my own truth through this old dark path. SO thank you BC for coming up with something so beautiful and so strong! AND thank you to Mara for doing the amazing magic you do to create such a beautiful thing. I truly feel blessed that I got a bottle of this one.


Also to phergineer, I think you should definitely create your own PE with intent too. I think it will mean so much more to you and help you so much more if it's your personal intent. I agree with what BC said about even going through the process of making your own. It starts to open you up to the good intentions you are trying to achieve and would just be the beginning. I haven't actually made my own yet but just doing all the research and working it through in my mind of what I'm trying to achieve is such a positive feeling. I know once I have this created and in my hand, it will be so much more positive and powerful to me than I can even imagine. I hope what I'm trying to say makes sense. Also, I wish you safe travels while you try to work through the darkness.

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Tink, did you get Grimoire? I highly recommend as I was lucky enough to score a bottle in the initial brew. I feel as if they are paired in some mysterious way -- as if in Tarot terms Grimoire is The Magician to Persephone's High Priestess. Or, if you are a Terry Pratchett fan, Grimoire feels like wizard magic in Ankh Morpork, while Persephone is the province of witches out in Lancre (Maililyahn, I hope you're seeing this!). Anyway, they are both such potent potions, and each is perfect for fall in its own way.



I can totally see what you mean by that. Persephone Potion was the one from that PE release that I really wished I had gotten. I love the notes and the intent. Work is going into peak time and this is my first year as manager. I could really use some magic to handle it all and to keep it from coming home with me. Already I have come home and used balm bomb or b2.2 in order to relax enough for sleep.

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Oh, Tink, I'll be so excited to see -- and maybe even smell! -- what you end up doing.


And I'm so moved to read about your ongoing experiences with Persphone. I really liked what you said about using it in conjunction with the energy of Autumn. That to me is what magic is all about -- learning to harness all the available energies and work with them (instead of, as I so often do, attempting to bulldoze through a metaphorical stone wall on sheer willpower!), which is a process that I find involves a lot of acceptance and surrender.


And Mai, I'm glad you saw this! I opened up Grimoire the other night and just sat there sniffing the bottle -- I wasn't quite ready for the potent force that gets unleashed when I actually wear it, but I needed a little sniff for a power boost!

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