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What scent do you wear to the office?

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Hi Ladies,


I am new to LPMP. I will be starting a new job in a few weeks. It is an office setting with I think one man and the rest are women. However, most of my time will be spent traveling in the local area and meeting with employers at their offices. I will definitely need to wear something that is office-friendly, but also establish myself as a professional and get them to "see things my way", if you will.


I currently have a lot of samples so I can see which ones I like. I have a FB of Money Multiplier with SWS. I am in love with sneaky clean-I work part-time and wore it to my workshop last week....lots of DIHL!


I have ordered the unscented popularity potion which should be here next week. I am unsure if I should wear MM with SWS, or sneaky clean, or the unscented popularity potion with LP Pink (I love LP Pink- it is so intoxicating).


What scents do you ladies wear to the office on a regular basis?



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I love Sneaky Clean too! I wear it to work a lot. LP Pink is a big hit, as well. I have MM w/SWS but I haven't tried it out yet.


I have better reactions with scents that are clean-smelling, or pink... I've found that if I wear anything too spicy, or foody, or what some perceive as "incense-y" tend to get negative reactions from coworkers.

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I love Sneaky Clean too! I wear it to work a lot. LP Pink is a big hit, as well. I have MM w/SWS but I haven't tried it out yet.


I have better reactions with scents that are clean-smelling, or pink... I've found that if I wear anything too spicy, or foody, or what some perceive as "incense-y" tend to get negative reactions from coworkers.

Yes I agree here. I'm not sure on recommendations as I don't know what's left after the sale. But in the drop down menus in the perfumerie you can click on work scents or office and see what pops. I love sneaky and Mountains Medow is good if available

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SWS is a great work phero. It gives off a competent, professional aura.

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I guess it depends on which industry you're in and your role. Clean office scents and SWS are safe choices in any case.


I was in a Sales and Marketing role in the education industry and I wore mostly fruit, flora and clean scents to work but played around with my pheros. My favourite work pheros were SWS, SS4W and PP with a dash of cops. I pulled it off as I do quite a bit of public speaking and sometimes come up with bold and crazy ideas.

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