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Out of This World Musk


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OK, so those of you who have ever tried the old Coty Wild Musk Oil will know what I am talking about (and I am not talking about the Coty Wild Musk spray, because the spray is definitely different). The oil is addictive. The first time I wore it around my man, he went absolutely bonkers, and has done so every time since then. The bad part is, they no longer make it! And if you can find it, it is either adulterated or waaaaay expensive. So, in comes Potion Master to the rescue!! I have a small amount of the original oil left and sent Mara a little bit to see if she could work her magic. She got very close!!


Caution to those who try the OOTW musk.....it is STRONG. This is not one you want to slather! It is supposed to be a sheer, slinky skin scent, and it is strong enough that you don't have to slather to get that effect. That is a good thing though.....a bottle should last a good long time!


Second caution.....let this one meld with your skin for a while. It is very sharp and perfume-y at first, and stays that way for a good 20-30 min before it starts to calm down. Don't smell it and let the musk make you run to wash it off.


Now, for those of you who have tried the Coty oil, if your skin chemistry is like mine, you should find this one a little sweeter and sharper.....I feel like aging will quite possibly smooth it out a little, and wearing longer will most likely do the same.


I am going to wear it for the rest of the day and will update later as to how it ends up.

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I found vintage musk on the sweeter side, and this one is very similar......at least from what I remember (been a while since I last tried the vintage....traded my bottle away). From what I remember though, it reminded me of the old Bonne Bell Skin Musk.

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OK, update.


After wearing for a while, this one has gone very sweet, and is pretty close to how I remember the Vintage Musk. So those of you who liked that one should like this. Same warning applies though....it is STRONG, and takes a while to calm down on your skin!

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Sounds gorgeous. How close is this to Sugared Egyptian Musk and the (gasp) spray Skin Musk? I read above, but wasn't quite sure. Huge fan of both, and for some reason the original Bonne Bell Skin Musk (spray) has always resonated and worked well for me. Of course I had to spray a lot, but had phero effects - selfies and hits.

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Sounds gorgeous. How close is this to Sugared Egyptian Musk and the (gasp) spray Skin Musk? I read above, but wasn't quite sure. Huge fan of both, and for some reason the original Bonne Bell Skin Musk (spray) has always resonated and worked well for me. Of course I had to spray a lot, but had phero effects - selfies and hits.


Haven't tried the Sugared Egyptian Musk, so no clue. Pretty close to how I remember the Bonne Bell. Very much like the Vintage Musk done by Mara. Very sweet and feminine.

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Haven't tried the Sugared Egyptian Musk, so no clue. Pretty close to how I remember the Bonne Bell. Very much like the Vintage Musk done by Mara. Very sweet and feminine.

Thanks Dolly - when I can, will HAVE to try this when I can. Skin Musk has been one of the best musks ever, and have felt similar effects with the sugared egyptian musk. And you're right - to find the 'original' of the skin musk is either time consuming and/ or over priced.


Is this also a skin scent or does it have throw - or both? Odd question maybe, but the original BB Skin Musk seemed to have both.

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Thanks Dolly - when I can, will HAVE to try this when I can. Skin Musk has been one of the best musks ever, and have felt similar effects with the sugared egyptian musk. And you're right - to find the 'original' of the skin musk is either time consuming and/ or over priced.


Is this also a skin scent or does it have throw - or both? Odd question maybe, but the original BB Skin Musk seemed to have both.


It is strong at first, softens as it wears.

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  • 1 month later...

This IS out of this world. There is an aspect of this that reminds me of a vintage Body Shop musk I used to love (that one was a white musk), but it is so, so, so much more than that. To me it's as if the best parts of every type of musk have gone into this, without any of the really animalic ones that tend to go plasticky on my skin. There is also a slight sweetness to it that is not at all overpowering. I can only imagine what this is going to turn into as it ages.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Tiny, please elabore on the scent :) Which other musk scents do you have? I am trying to figure out if I need this one :)

I think it's supposed to be more retro. 70 style (Cody) type. I think this is more neutral and the Dolly Rama musk is a little darker. See Dolly's post up top Edited by StacyK
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I am not familiar with the retro 70ties style, unfortunately. I read all the posts, but I guess I will have to try it to know for myself. Now personal dilemma - if this one or the Dolly Rama musk :)

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Tiny, please elabore on the scent :) Which other musk scents do you have? I am trying to figure out if I need this one :)

From the LPMP collection I have sugared black musk and Dolly Roma musk. I think I might have another one too but I can't remember at the moment. I've also collected a lot of vintage perfumes and this does remind me strongly of the old style Coty wild musk. It's light, almost soap like. Expensive, vintage and takes you back in time. Even if you're not aware of the vintage fragrances you will appreciate the vintage vibe of this. I don't know whether any sugared notes were added but it smells lightly sugared. Not as heavy on the sweet note as the sugared varieties. It's barely there.


At the same time I find that the Roma musk reminds me of Coty & Chanel fragrances going back into the 30's & 40's. Heavier but amazing all the same. You wouldn't be disappointed by either. Dolly clearly has amazing taste.

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Thank you, Tiny. This is exactly what will help me when doing my decision. I always thought that musks are kind of heavy. But clearly not, if some of them are soap like. Thank you for taking your time to desribe the scents.

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Thank you, Tiny. This is exactly what will help me when doing my decision. I always thought that musks are kind of heavy. But clearly not, if some of them are soap like. Thank you for taking your time to desribe the scents.

Hi Blanche, I haven't tried this one; but sugared Egyptian musk reminds me a lot of (the original) Coty's Skin Musk which was omg great and not soapy. I owe you an email or 3, will email soon.

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  • 1 month later...

For selfish reasons I have been waiting to review OOTWM..lol Now that the sale is here and I had a chance to snag a stash of it I would like to say how totally fabulous it is!!! I never had a chance to try the musk upon which it is based, so for me it is a slightly sweet white musk. It definitely goes a long way-very strong and long lasting. When I first received it, the sandalwood was not apparent, but now that this gem has had time to mellow, the sandalwood is there, but it doesn't steal the show.


There are several other "white" potions available at LPMP, such as Sneaky Clean and Sugared White Musk, but OOTWM has its own identity. It reminds me a little of a White Musk from a well known retail store that was badly reformulated, but OOTWM is so much more...classy, bit of a vintage feel yet still fresh...right now I have it in oil, but I just ordered one in a spray today and I'm looking forward to trying it in that form. I boosted mine with Cougar and Audacious. It's a keeper for sure and worth trying, especially for those of you who love white skin musks..:)

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No. This was created to emulate "Coty Wild Musk" Dolly's first post lays it out.


BodaciouS Musk, as I understand it was reminiscent of Body Shop Musk. I remember that one. Whatever happened to BS? Is it still around? Here are the notes for B Musk from the thread.-

.."Crafted of a bevy of white musks, rounded out with sandalwood and resins and petals of jasmine, lily, iris, rose and ylang ylang...which give the white musk a sense of dimension and elegance."


Maybe when PEs open... I'd definitely be up for a try.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 1 year later...



Caution to those who try the OOTW musk.....it is STRONG. This is not one you want to slather! It is supposed to be a sheer, slinky skin scent, and it is strong enough that you don't have to slather to get that effect. That is a good thing though.....a bottle should last a good long time!


Second caution.....let this one meld with your skin for a while. It is very sharp and perfume-y at first, and stays that way for a good 20-30 min before it starts to calm down. Don't smell it and let the musk make you run to wash it off.

I just want to say, maybe this has matured with age, I don't find it too sharp or perfume-y when first on. And I do want to slather it! Luckily I won't be around any humans for about 90 minutes.

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  • 4 months later...

I have this in the oil and on me it is a soft, sweet cinnamon, like Baby Old Spice. A few times in the beginning of May when the weather first turned hot, it gave off a strong Wild Musk/ Love's Baby Soft vibe, and I loved every bit of that, but then it went back to Old Spice. It's my everyday grab-n-go skin scent.

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