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Edmund w/ SWS

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MOSSES ~ Luck enhancing, financial success, protection, charity. Parental love.
BIRCH LEAF ~ Symbolizes renewal and cleansing, birth, healing, Lunar energies, and protection.
MAILE LEAF & VINE ~ Wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection, protection, sex, divination, healing, stamina.
FERN ~ Stamina, virility/fertility, sincerity, fascination, eternal youth, bestows confidence, riches, creates perimeter of protection, luck. Representative of ancient knowledge.
PINE (Nuts, Cones, Needles) ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
BASIL ~ Creates empathy between couples; love, fidelity. Invigorates, protection. Mends quarrels.
CEDAR ~ Purification, removing hexes, healing.
THYME ~ Protection from negativity, rejuvenating. Health, healing, sleep, psychic power enhancement, love, purification, courage.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe it is just the labels but this set of pheromas seems to have an almost (almost) old timey feel to them. Not that decidedly medicinal or herbal scent of old timey, but something that reminds you of the past from the edges. A note or two that is evocative of something you would expect to smell on your father or grandfather, and the sense of stability and warm memories that come with it.


Edmund is the "work friendly" scent of this group and it is very work friendly. The basil, cedar and thyme seem to be the main notes on my skin. They mostly cover the musk but you get a sense of it buried under there, clinging close to your skin like any good musk. The fern, mosses and what I would have to guess is the maile soften and lighten the herbs so you do not smell like grandma's garden haha. I make that joke but Mara has made some very nice masculine herbal scents where you do smell like you have walked through a very manly herbal garden.


The big sense I get from this scent is that you are the rock of the office. You are the voice of experience. Kinda like the commercial says, old enough to know what you are doing, and young enough to get it done. There is just enough tradition in this scent that you are the person everyone turns to for answers or when there is trouble, but young enough to come up with the original ideas.


This blends perfectly with the Swimming with Sharks work pheromone blend.

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Your reviews are very helpful QG cause I'm on the fence on getting the mens scents, half hoping there's a great unisex scent like there was last year, Dark Desires (which works as like Beautiful Dreamer on me and makes me fall asleep) but also wondering if there was a theme in these sets (both men and womens) and if it was hinted in the labels. There does seem to be an old timey feel to all the labels so I was wondering if Mara was keeping the scents congruent by having hints of that feel in the lp's as well.

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There's no overall theme in this collection other than it being Pheromas, but Mara generally tries to make the accompanying labels all of an aesthetic unity so that it hangs together as a collection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First try through with this one and I was not crazy about it. It smelled pretty good at the end, but that was a long wait to smell good, like 5 hrs. So, basically when it was dying off is when I liked it. Maybe the SWS is what I really liked.


I have learned my lesson though...never give up on a fragrance after one or two tries. I learned that with Elementary Ch.5. I HATED it the first time. I have learned to tame that beast by using a very small amount spread over a large area of skin for me. It's quite nice now.



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  • 1 month later...

I'm not generally a fan of "clean green" scents but I really like this one. Like, I would wear this to work. It's got a note in the top that is really intriguing/uplifting to me. The green part of it is fairly clean and fresh but it's got an appropriate weight, almost sheer, in fact. I think it may be the thyme, or maybe the basil and thyme, which is tweaking my nose (in a good way). It's got an almost tart/lemony characteristic, like verbena, but obviously not, of course. And it's this very quality which Q might not like, lol, but then again he might not smell it.


So this is going on the list for me, I think.

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  • 8 months later...

I really like the Edmund scent. It is a very clean, green scent that does start out a bit more spicy but dries down into something very clean and green without turning soapy like a lot of scents do. I think that this scent would definitely be at home in an office where you don't want a scent that screams, 'OH HAI!' I found the longevity to be exceptional on this scent. It lasts all day and I can still smell it early the next morning before I showered.

I'm finding myself liking Swimming With Sharks more each time I wear it. SWS helps me feel more focused, upbeat yet calm, and it definitely helps me to feel much more eloquent in my speech and writing. I also noticed how deferential people were. They don't question, they just happily act upon my requests when I wear this. The day goes very smoothly and everyone around me seems to be in a good mood as well. If you work with a team of people and just want everyone to be moving in the same direction, this phero blend works well for that. Did I mention how much I enjoyed the focus this made me feel? Not an OCD obsessive type of focus but more of a relaxed knowledge that I had a handle on everything and that if something did go wrong that I could handle it. I'm going to have to look into a big bottle of SWS.

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  • 1 month later...

I really like the Edmund scent. It is a very clean, green scent that does start out a bit more spicy but dries down into something very clean and green without turning soapy like a lot of scents do. I think that this scent would definitely be at home in an office where you don't want a scent that screams, 'OH HAI!' I found the longevity to be exceptional on this scent. It lasts all day and I can still smell it early the next morning before I showered.


I'm finding myself liking Swimming With Sharks more each time I wear it. SWS helps me feel more focused, upbeat yet calm, and it definitely helps me to feel much more eloquent in my speech and writing. I also noticed how deferential people were. They don't question, they just happily act upon my requests when I wear this. The day goes very smoothly and everyone around me seems to be in a good mood as well. If you work with a team of people and just want everyone to be moving in the same direction, this phero blend works well for that. Did I mention how much I enjoyed the focus this made me feel? Not an OCD obsessive type of focus but more of a relaxed knowledge that I had a handle on everything and that if something did go wrong that I could handle it. I'm going to have to look into a big bottle of SWS.


I came here to post a review of Edmund and to say how much I like the scent. I was also going to mention how well Edmund makes me focus because I have a lot of schoolwork today. Oh well, see above!

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