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Copulins Question

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Do copulins over a long or even short period create a bonding feeling or deep emotional response worn consistently. Ive noticed a bit of a difference when I wear copulins solo vs in a blend around my main squeeze and I'm trying to suss out the difference on why. He becomes more emotional around but I'm not sure if its unconscious feelings of possessiveness (ovulating female) or if there is something deeper maybe Any ideas?

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I haven't noticed that.

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Do copulins over a long or even short period create a bonding feeling or deep emotional response worn consistently. Ive noticed a bit of a difference when I wear copulins solo vs in a blend around my main squeeze and I'm trying to suss out the difference on why. He becomes more emotional around but I'm not sure if its unconscious feelings of possessiveness (ovulating female) or if there is something deeper maybe Any ideas?

I don't think I've heard reports of copulins creating a bonding reaction in men. That's not been my experience, either. I have experienced men treating me preferentially & over all being much nicer to me.

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Recently Ive been in the habit of spraying on copulins after sexual activity (and his orgasm) and I notice he doesnt want to leave me alone afterwards hes over the top clingy, which I don't mind, I kinda like it as I'm a cling on. When I dont spray the cops he isnt as clingy. Ive had Similar results with Occo, Lam, Bam and Cuddle Bunny, strong copulin content. Its also been imprinting him to a greater extent, getting love calls and texts hours later he misses me etc.

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I get the sense copulins do much more than we know, its hard to put my finger on. I do wear cops on a regular basis but only notice this behavior with one of my partners, and to a lesser extent the other one as well. The common denominator being the both are my intimate partners and have copulated with both. I am in a polyamorous relationship.

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Recently Ive been in the habit of spraying on copulins after sexual activity (and his orgasm) and I notice he doesnt want to leave me alone afterwards hes over the top clingy, which I don't mind, I kinda like it as I'm a cling on. When I dont spray the cops he isnt as clingy. Ive had Similar results with Occo, Lam, Bam and Cuddle Bunny, strong copulin content. Its also been imprinting him to a greater extent, getting love calls and texts hours later he misses me etc.

Those are all very cuddly products. He sounds like a strong responder.
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KrazyKat, I am with you. I think humans are much more complex than just responding to cops as a mating signal and judging the wearer to be better-looking. I've had an emotional/ almost crying response from a restaurant owner that hubby and I know in passing. He spilled his guts out to us and I was only wearing cops. I also get a bit more respect at work with my one coworker if there's a trace of cops left over on me from using the night before.

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KrazyKat, I am with you. I think humans are much more complex than just responding to cops as a mating signal and judging the wearer to be better-looking. I've had an emotional/ almost crying response from a restaurant owner that hubby and I know in passing. He spilled his guts out to us and I was only wearing cops. I also get a bit more respect at work with my one coworker if there's a trace of cops left over on me from using the night before.



KrazyKat, I am with you. I think humans are much more complex than just responding to cops as a mating signal and judging the wearer to be better-looking. I've had an emotional/ almost crying response from a restaurant owner that hubby and I know in passing. He spilled his guts out to us and I was only wearing cops. I also get a bit more respect at work with my one coworker if there's a trace of cops left over on me from using the night before.


Yes, That is Interesting about the restaurant owner, Ive also seen people specifically men acting like that but I didn't attribute it to the cops, now in hindsight I realize that must've been it.


I found a few blogs about copulins and how they affect the subconscious mind, some women go so far as to how to train your man to be completely submissive to you.


I was so curious I spent some time reading up last night. Im not sure if Im allowed to post a link here or not ?


If you google copulins you can see a bunch of articles come up. A few ladies have some interesting experiences that expand a bit on this

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:lol: @ Halo. Um, yes.

I know a few people may remember Copulin Gate @ Androtics, aka b.s. reasons why they weren't carrying copulins anymore. One reason being that they didn't want to give evil women the pheromone tools to turn men into "slaves." I wasn't there for that (thank heavens), & frankly didn't get much into their product line because Mara & crew does such a fab job of creating women's blends, also men's, here at LP.

If you can really train a person, I would think that the copulins wouldn't be the actual reward part of the "training" program. The copulins are eliciting more of a Pavlovian response. I'm not sure about the emotional responses that people are eliciting from men when wearing copulins. This could just have something to do with how the copulins are blending with your body's own natural pheromone signature. Idk, I'm not an expert, just shilling my $0.02

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Sure. I can only share my own personal experiences with others in hopes of finding explanations for my findings. I was unaware of other women having experiences until my internet research last night. I'm was not interested in judging the validity of their experiences as being authentic or not because my experiences certainly where authentic, and I have more observations which I have not shared here, I was hoping to find plausible answers. I stand by my own experiences 100%. I shared a small bit personal info here in hopes of trying to understand things more clearly.

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Well, this is the first link that popped up in my Google search: http://www.copulins.freeservers.com/ The author has copulin & pheromone response mixed up. Copulins elicit a primal sexual response. Pheromones act as a form of chemical communication between mammals (of the same species & between species to a lesser extent), & insects (of the same species). Not sure about pheromone activity in reptiles. I'm not trying to invalidate your experiences; I'm saying that you need to account for the pheromones that your body naturally makes along w/ the copulins that you're adding, when you take note of your target's responses to the copulins.

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I just have to post a couple links, these are friggin hilarious!





Ok, so here's a proper explanation for the role of copulins, independent of LP:



ETA: I don't want you to feel like I'm picking on you, KrazyKat. There is a precedent of using menses/vaginal secretions to control men in Hoodoo / Voodoo. Of course, this is done through ingestion. So not exactly the same method of delivery, but I think the concept of imprinting a target with your personal pheromone / sexual signature is the underlying theme of the practice. (Though, there was no knowledge of pheromones when the practices arose.)

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Beccah, I am aware of copulins, pheromones and I have a very small idea of how they may work according to the limited information out. Im 41 years old, so Im unsure of the natural pheromone output of my body, but I am not counting it out as a possible explanation and it could very well be leftover pheroblend residue. My experiences are synchronistic in timing and the behaviors are residual of pavlovian response but something different I still cant quite put my finger on.


That first article is very interesting but different from my observations and findings, I can see why so many people would like to laugh at her results. I'm almost tempted to replicate them and start a journal. My personal observations where from manufactured cops only mostly LP, my personal findings radically different and have no idea of how the real deal in comparison.

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I just have to post a couple links, these are friggin hilarious!





Ok, so here's a proper explanation for the role of copulins, independent of LP:



ETA: I don't want you to feel like I'm picking on you, KrazyKat. There is a precedent of using menses/vaginal secretions to control men in Hoodoo / Voodoo. Of course, this is done through ingestion. So not exactly the same method of delivery, but I think the concept of imprinting a target with your personal pheromone / sexual signature is the underlying theme of the practice. (Though, there was no knowledge of pheromones when the practices arose.)


No worries, Beccah. Ive heard about the menses/vaginal secretions phenomenon and in the s & m community where I live, its commonplace for women to have their submissives please them orally for hours while keeping them in a chastity belt or tied up..its known to keep your man submissive, you insert orders gradually while being pleased.


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I get the sense copulins do much more than we know, its hard to put my finger on. I do wear cops on a regular basis but only notice this behavior with one of my partners, and to a lesser extent the other one as well. The common denominator being the both are my intimate partners and have copulated with both. I am in a polyamorous relationship.

Kat, you should start a journal, I wish I personally had a clingy response. I'm also in a poly relationship, and it seems neither of my boys respond to cops. No reaction at all or sometimes the BF appears to have an aversion to me when I'm wearing them. I like wearing cops for the selfies, my adventures in pheroland have just begun over the last year so I'm trying to be good about journaling. It does leave me to ponder some things about how men react to cops, like, my hubby and my BF are not into having children. Perhaps a strong reproductive signal isn't advantageous in my situation. When I'm natural, no fragrance or pheros the BF can barely stay away from me, the only positive reactions I've had with him were from TH and SS4W, it seems when I wear cops he's pretty hands off. With the hubby its business as usual with or without cops. Both of them appear to react unfavorably to CB. It's intriguing how each of us react differently and get different responses.

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Definitely start a Journal.


Im going to try and get past my ADD today and get around to starting one.


Kat, you should start a journal, I wish I personally had a clingy response. I'm also in a poly relationship, and it seems neither of my boys respond to cops. No reaction at all or sometimes the BF appears to have an aversion to me when I'm wearing them. I like wearing cops for the selfies, my adventures in pheroland have just begun over the last year so I'm trying to be good about journaling. It does leave me to ponder some things about how men react to cops, like, my hubby and my BF are not into having children. Perhaps a strong reproductive signal isn't advantageous in my situation. When I'm natural, no fragrance or pheros the BF can barely stay away from me, the only positive reactions I've had with him were from TH and SS4W, it seems when I wear cops he's pretty hands off. With the hubby its business as usual with or without cops. Both of them appear to react unfavorably to CB. It's intriguing how each of us react differently and get different responses.


It sounds like you may be younger than me. When I was in my 20s and early 30s I couldn't wear ANY copulins. Believe me, I tried! I had such a high reproductive signature which it sounds like you may have. The few times I did wear cops people would STEER CLEAR of me. I wear them now for how they make me feel. I met my primary partner at 27 and I was not wearing copulins then unless it was included in the formula but he is older than me so Ive witnessed his body making changes and copulins def help there, especially in conjunction with none! My lover is 42 so we are close in age. He responds well to light copulins. The older one is the subject Ive written about above. Tuesday I see the lover, Im planning on trying my copulin application AFTER copulating to revisit the affects with him so I can see if my hypothesis is correct. I will probably wear them very lightly before as well. What Ive noticed about the younger one is he really likes the chase and the times I have worn very heavy cops BEFORE sex, his desire to chase diminishes, and sees me as a sure thing. he also tends to go for the hard core lovey-connecting mixes (Heart and Soul, Cuddle Bunny are his faves) may have something to do with his Alpha Male mentality, though they are both Alphas. Anyways, I TOTALLY hear you and resonate. As a rule, I don't think any female under 35 should wear excessive copulins in the way I don't think young men should wear none. You just don't need it. Some of us need less of somethings and more of others as well. I could be wrong here but I wanted to share my 2 cents. The other thing I just thought of is some men like women who do not produce a lot of copulins or pheromones naturally.

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The hubby and I are both 40's, the BF 50's, though I think you may be onto something with the "chase". I'm always a sure thing, perhaps that has a lot to do with entering into a poly relationship. ( not meaning to come off as overly sexualized, our relationship is based on friendship and love first )Over the last few years I've come to think that the BF really enjoys the chase as well and that I may need to make him work a little harder from time to time. I've also considered that wearing cops around either of them is entirely too much pressure being that both are utterly aware that my appetite is greater than either or both of them can accommodate most days. I enjoy the selfies from cops, I feel more attractive and confident sometimes, which is great when I'm having a blah day, but have decided to refrain from wearing them "for the boys", at least for a little while. Though I really want to see where sexpionage takes us, if anywhere.

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The hubby and I are both 40's, the BF 50's, though I think you may be onto something with the "chase". I'm always a sure thing, perhaps that has a lot to do with entering into a poly relationship. ( not meaning to come off as overly sexualized, our relationship is based on friendship and love first )Over the last few years I've come to think that the BF really enjoys the chase as well and that I may need to make him work a little harder from time to time. I've also considered that wearing cops around either of them is entirely too much pressure being that both are utterly aware that my appetite is greater than either or both of them can accommodate most days. I enjoy the selfies from cops, I feel more attractive and confident sometimes, which is great when I'm having a blah day, but have decided to refrain from wearing them "for the boys", at least for a little while. Though I really want to see where sexpionage takes us, if anywhere

Cyclekitten, yours and mine both. The younger one of my partners (hes 42... I call him my young buck) is terribly worried I'm going to go and find a 3rd partner to keep up my appetite! He accused me of using him for sex last week after a fight LOL! Sexpionage sounds interesting, I look forward to hearing your results with that one. I always mean to purchase but something continuosly delays me from placing in my cart. I think I'm worried I would turn into Queen Bitch. She rears up with too much none. BI turns me into Medusa.

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Cyclekitten, yours and mine both. The younger one of my partners (hes 42... I call him my young buck) is terribly worried I'm going to go and find a 3rd partner to keep up my appetite! He accused me of using him for sex last week after a fight LOL! Sexpionage sounds interesting, I look forward to hearing your results with that one. I always mean to purchase but something continuosly delays me from placing in my cart. I think I'm worried I would turn into Queen Bitch. She rears up with too much none. BI turns me into Medusa.



Interjecting myself into this convo....if BI turns you into Medusa, most likely you do NOT want Sexpionage. I would try a sample first. It is more -none (to me at least) than BI.....

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Interjecting myself into this convo....if BI turns you into Medusa, most likely you do NOT want Sexpionage. I would try a sample first. It is more -none (to me at least) than BI.....


Sample yes, good idea. one of these days Ive gotta get around to ry that one...lol.

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Cyclekitten, yours and mine both. The younger one of my partners (hes 42... I call him my young buck) is terribly worried I'm going to go and find a 3rd partner to keep up my appetite! He accused me of using him for sex last week after a fight LOL! Sexpionage sounds interesting, I look forward to hearing your results with that one. I always mean to purchase but something continuosly delays me from placing in my cart. I think I'm worried I would turn into Queen Bitch. She rears up with too much none. BI turns me into Medusa.

Good lord, 2 is a lot to handle for me, not physically, but the emotional, personal, day to day stuff. My boys are extremely similar creatures yet very yin and yang in some aspects. I have a sample of compromising positions with sexpionage I've worn a couple of times, just around the house doing mundane things to see what noticeable self effects surfaced. Worried that maybe I would be too aggressive, so far I've only noticed that I feel pretty energetic and confident, and really want some physical attention, I've caught myself rubbing my own legs. Have not worn it around either of my SO's yet, will definitly review when I do. I must say that I absolutely love the fragrance on me. Ive got a very passive, nurturing, earth mother, hostess vibe so I can't imagine what it would take to turn me into a B*%ch but in the bedroom ( especially with a few glasses of red wine ) the claws and teeth come out and I can be quite aggressive. I would love to promote a bit more animalistic, take charge, behavior out of either of my boys, it doesn't surface often enough for my tastes.


Editing for incorrect content: I was considering giving Cpositions a go and realized I have worn it around the hubby. I apparently misplaced some notes and had a complete brainfart. I did experience a little aggression with it on one occasion but not so much in a bitchy way but more of a " I pity whomever tries to block my path to whatever I want today". Very determined to get what I wanted rather than being my normal let me take care of you self. If it we're not such a sexual blend I think it could have some merit in my normal day to day, being that I often neglect my own needs. Further exploration necessary.

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Good lord, 2 is a lot to handle for me, not physically, but the emotional, personal, day to day stuff. My boys are extremely similar creatures yet very yin and yang in some aspects. I have a sample of compromising positions with sexpionage I've worn a couple of times, just around the house doing mundane things to see what noticeable self effects surfaced. Worried that maybe I would be too aggressive, so far I've only noticed that I feel pretty energetic and confident, and really want some physical attention, I've caught myself rubbing my own legs. Have not worn it around either of my SO's yet, will definitly review when I do. I must say that I absolutely love the fragrance on me. Ive got a very passive, nurturing, earth mother, hostess vibe so I can't imagine what it would take to turn me into a B*%ch but in the bedroom ( especially with a few glasses of red wine ) the claws and teeth come out and I can be quite aggressive. I would love to promote a bit more animalistic, take charge, behavior out of either of my boys, it doesn't surface often enough for my tastes.


Editing for incorrect content: I was considering giving Cpositions a go and realized I have worn it around the hubby. I apparently misplaced some notes and had a complete brainfart. I did experience a little aggression with it on one occasion but not so much in a bitchy way but more of a " I pity whomever tries to block my path to whatever I want today". Very determined to get what I wanted rather than being my normal let me take care of you self. If it we're not such a sexual blend I think it could have some merit in my normal day to day, being that I often neglect my own needs. Further exploration necessary.


I wasn't quite sure how to respond to this because I resonate entirely with most of what you wrote especially about your men. Have you tried LFN or LFN? I have a similar vibe (I think) but perhaps a bit more "cool" (as in reserved). I'm super busty and a bit plump now, naturally people tend to project "nurturing" or "milfy" perhaps a bit more than I am. I tend to do well with LFM or H & S for everyday and LFN for nighttime. I wear CB a lot too as the LF's can go a wee bit more alpha than I like from time to time, and I have a couple of alphas who prefer my softer side.

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I just ordered LFM a and H&S, I do like LFN, makes me feel pretty good and the hubby is always super captivated and full of compliments when I wear it. I've also gotten nice responses from strangers in public places. I'm looking forward to trying some new things soon. I have velvet kisses with CB, might as well be invisible with the BF and the hubby really does not like it. I'm going to give it to my mom. I may get CB in UN just to give the phero a fair shot, it could just be the fragrance with hubby.


Men are funny, perhaps all, but maybe it's mine. Both seem to love a kick ass, self sufficient, strong women but want the domestic house mouse when they are feeling nurturing. (Be as bad ass as you want to be as long as you still need me, but not too much,and don't take any shit, unless it's from me of course.) I can't quite verbalized whatever "it" is that they are drawn to but I'm thankful both of those women reside in me. Actually I Think she resides in all of us, we (women) are superior multi taskers in general. Somewhere I remember a movie quote "all men dream of the temptress, turned pliable maiden after he's had a hard day at work"

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I just ordered LFM a and H&S, I do like LFN, makes me feel pretty good and the hubby is always super captivated and full of compliments when I wear it. I've also gotten nice responses from strangers in public places. I'm looking forward to trying some new things soon. I have velvet kisses with CB, might as well be invisible with the BF and the hubby really does not like it. I'm going to give it to my mom. I may get CB in UN just to give the phero a fair shot, it could just be the fragrance with hubby.


Men are funny, perhaps all, but maybe it's mine. Both seem to love a kick ass, self sufficient, strong women but want the domestic house mouse when they are feeling nurturing. (Be as bad ass as you want to be as long as you still need me, but not too much,and don't take any shit, unless it's from me of course.) I can't quite verbalized whatever "it" is that they are drawn to but I'm thankful both of those women reside in me. Actually I Think she resides in all of us, we (women) are superior multi taskers in general. Somewhere I remember a movie quote "all men dream of the temptress, turned pliable maiden after he's had a hard day at work"

Yes, its true. I think that's why LFN works so well for so many, its got both the softer and temptressy, captivation elements without too much fallout...LOL. Interesting about your CB experiences, you may have non-esty males on your hands, there are a few ladies on here who have the same issue. Ive also read a few threads on here about how some men don't like cops, but are fine with other molecules, it would be interesting to find out what it is exactly that isn't wearing on you. I don't know where you saw that but that's a funny quote, quite true for a lot of men I'm sure! Wait till you try H & S... the self affects alone are incredible, and its my favorite social, it nets me the biggest hits, both men and women love on you. I would wait to try it if your boys don't like est though, its got quite a lot!

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