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Hi <waving>

Witty Kitty

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Hi ladies! I wanted to say hi. I am eagerly awaiting my first order, which should come any day now. I've been lurking for a while and am excited to try out these potions :cat690:

I'm in my 30s, a fairly social person but was super awkward/shy/nerdy as a teen, and sometimes I still feel as if that girl never grew up and that most people still see me that way. I'm mainly interested in the selfie boost I might get from some of these, on my more upbeat/confident days, to help show my "shine" a bit more :purr:

Anyway you all seem fun and cool, so I look forward to spending more time lurking (and posting!) here, and will definitely post my experiences after I have a chance to try some things out. (I will also eventually get a profile pic up; for some reason I can't do it even though it seems to be the right size. But maybe I'm having trouble because I'm buzzed on cocktails :cheers04251: )

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Hi and welcome :) I was having trouble with my avatar the last time and just used gravatar instead. It works fairly well...when you remember your password >_>

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Thanks for the welcome, everyone! (And thanks so much, tyvey; I'll e-mail you!) :kiss43:

I do have some Cougar coming, as well as Mara's Rocket Fuel and LAM (spicy brown sugar) and Rosalynd (w Open Windows).

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Thanks for the welcomes, everyone. Am branching out slowly into other threads. Still reading and learning how things work around here, so apologies in advance for any fumbles I may make--I want to be a good kitty to LPMP and this community! :-)

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