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What Pheromones for Menopause?

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Hi everyone.


So my doctor pronounced me peri several years ago based on labs but it has only been in the past year and a half or so that I have become irregular. I also do not think I have ovulated in about the last six months or so, but am getting periods...albeit very irregularly. For instance I had a 70 day cycle, bled a bit, now am on about day 40.


I am 48 years old.


I decided to give pheros a try again though Closer, LAM and a few others only seemed to backfire on me when I tried them I think about three years ago. People seemed to actually stay away from me. Cougar gave great selfies but I don't think it really got me any reactions.


Stumbled on LFM review just recently, can't remember how, and thought I would give this one more shot and have a trial size on order.


Do menopausal women need different pheros? Would it be down to cops maybe? Anybody have any ideas? Thanks!

Edited by WildAutumn
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I started using pheros because I had gone through menopause. For selfies, I have to use the big guns like Dom Noir and Sexpionage. For others, I am not really doing it to attract but my BF responds well to lots of Cops and Compromising Positions.

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As I'm going through it myself, I would say that I have a greater need for cops in certain situations but as far as the other blends go, it's dependent on far more factors than just my hormones. Social blends still work the same for me; with sexual blends, it's the ones for guys that work better than the women's in terms of my own arousal, which is problematic at best these days. But then again I'm not trying to get anyone's attention, so I can't really speak to that.

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I have completed the transition. My focus is on the self effects of the sexual blends, given the often lagging libido these days. For me, Sexpionage works best for this, but I am still experimenting with this. As luna has said, I am not really interested in the whole attraction factor, which is actually refreshingly liberating! I am finding that the upside of this phase of life is the awesome, unapologetic selfishness that I now easily allow myself. I do tend to focus on many social pheros and the ones that are good for mood issues. Hopefully, others will weigh in on this. I'm glad you brought this up, Wild Autumn! :)

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I have completed the transition. My focus is on the self effects of the sexual blends, given the often lagging libido these days. For me, Sexpionage works best for this, but I am still experimenting with this. As luna has said, I am not really interested in the whole attraction factor, which is actually refreshingly liberating! I am finding that the upside of this phase of life is the awesome, unapologetic selfishness that I now easily allow myself. I do tend to focus on many social pheros and the ones that are good for mood issues. Hopefully, others will weigh in on this. I'm glad you brought this up, Wild Autumn! :)


I am right there with you. In menopause with all the trimmings, so to speak.


I still like playing with the cops and sexy blends around my man, because sometimes when he gets "cranked up", that's all I need to boost my lagging libido. As far as pheros for sexual selfies, sexpionage works very good for me. Thankfully, I also have a man who will wear Super and other men's pheros for me, and he loves Mara's scents.


The social blends like Open Windows and Cougar are indispensable to me, and for work, I love my Dom, since I am often around obstinate or even downright cranky men in my line of work.


WildAutumn, with LAM, if you were wearing a lot of it in a public setting, that could have been the problem. It has a lot of cops in it, and I have experienced a cops OD......one of the reactions is that people pretty much shy away. You may have put on too much.

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Thanks, everyone.


I do still want the attention, I'll be honest. I miss it badly...when I was even ever able to pull it off. It's weird because I've always been told I'm attractive, physically. Yet I have never been a person who "just draws" people and yes, I've been jealous of the people who do. People who walk into a room and heads just turn in interest. You know, just as described in the LFM thread... ;) I'm seeking what others are seeking there.


Obviously I have tried all the logical stuff first. It wasn't like I was just looking for some magic potion. I have always been very introverted, for example. I have worked for decades on being extraverted (or at least appearing that way), carrying a conversation, being very interested in the next person, etc., etc. to the point that I'm now pretty much known as the person who lights up the room and/or draws out the shy people at a party...IF I extend MYSELF...nobody EVER seems to just gravitate to me. Ever. I have to put on this giant show to ever get noticed, anywhere, by anybody (except my kids who adore me) and it's exhausting. Go up to the next person, be sure I'm holding my head high but look relaxed and open, start the conversation, be interested and funny, blah, blah, BLAH.


And even then...it's for the duration. For those 15 minutes at the party or something. Then I'm forgotten. I just feel really invisible and as I've gotten older, even more so, it's like I don't exist.


I just wish at some point before I die, I could sparkle as I see other people sparkle. And yes, I admit the other effects people mentioned in the LFM thread - friendliness when out shopping, being listened to at company meetings, heads turning - do appeal to me. I mean that's the whole point, for me, not the selfies. I can manage to turn myself on at some point, that's not a problem. ;) I still am quite horny, quite a bit despite obviously being about an inch away from meno. :D Maybe that will die down after I have completed the transition, but a. I don't know for sure, b. it's not something I'm seeking/looking forward to and c. that's then...this is now.


I do feel much more selfish now and am actually really liking that - I have lived my entire life for other people - BUT what may be keeping me away from going that way entirely is that I still have children who have significant needs. I have a 29-year-old who is out of the house but I also have an autistic 12-year-old who will always need care, and a 9-year-old who is very "young" for his age emotionally.


I'm not discounting how cool it probably is not to care as much about being noticed, etc. and if and when that stage happens, it will and I know it will be great, but right now, I'm just not there.


Thanks so much for all the advice. It means a lot and it helps to hear from other women in my age group. Maybe I did OD on the LAM. I will try just a dab on each wrist of the LFM once it comes in.

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p.s. The funny thing is, from the time I was very young - as in, a young child - I would say to myself half-jokingly, "Am I giving off a smell or something?" Remember Lisa Simpson spraying Bully Spray and the bully backed off, LOL, because she had deduced that she "gave off a smell" to attract them and she had found the antidote? Kind of like that...I mean waaaaaaaaaay before I ever heard of pheromones I felt like "something" was making me so unnoticeable v. some other girls/women who were less pretty, less outgoing (again, because I have taught myself to be), etc. but did get the attention.


So it was interesting once I did hear of pheros and I still haven't entirely given up on them...let's see what happens with the LFM. You never know.

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Thanks, everyone.


I do still want the attention, I'll be honest. I miss it badly...when I was even ever able to pull it off. It's weird because I've always been told I'm attractive, physically. Yet I have never been a person who "just draws" people and yes, I've been jealous of the people who do. People who walk into a room and heads just turn in interest. You know, just as described in the LFM thread... ;) I'm seeking what others are seeking there.


Obviously I have tried all the logical stuff first. It wasn't like I was just looking for some magic potion. I have always been very introverted, for example. I have worked for decades on being extraverted (or at least appearing that way), carrying a conversation, being very interested in the next person, etc., etc. to the point that I'm now pretty much known as the person who lights up the room and/or draws out the shy people at a party...IF I extend MYSELF...nobody EVER seems to just gravitate to me. Ever. I have to put on this giant show to ever get noticed, anywhere, by anybody (except my kids who adore me) and it's exhausting. Go up to the next person, be sure I'm holding my head high but look relaxed and open, start the conversation, be interested and funny, blah, blah, BLAH.


And even then...it's for the duration. For those 15 minutes at the party or something. Then I'm forgotten. I just feel really invisible and as I've gotten older, even more so, it's like I don't exist.


I just wish at some point before I die, I could sparkle as I see other people sparkle. And yes, I admit the other effects people mentioned in the LFM thread -

I recommend LFM and or LFN and Cougar.


You have a lot on your plate. Take your time and remember that there is a trial and error phase with pheros. They do help. You'll find your sweet spot in time.

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I recommend LFM and or LFN and Cougar.


You have a lot on your plate. Take your time and remember that there is a trial and error phase with pheros. They do help. You'll find your sweet spot in time.


Thanks very much!


Thank you for the advice, everyone.

Edited by WildAutumn
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Yeah, just light on the cops in public. And keep trying till you find the one that works for you!

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I'm not discounting how cool it probably is not to care as much about being noticed, etc. and if and when that stage happens, it will and I know it will be great, but right now, I'm just not there.

Well and I don't mean to imply that it is cool, I just...don't. I think it's just a part of my cronedom (since turning 50). Then again, I do get noticed in ways that don't have anything to do with how I look, so it's probably totally disingenuous to say that in the first place, because when I write things which are published online, for example, I am wanting to be noticed, in a sense, in that I desire reader engagement. But when I wear pheros, I don't wear them for that specific purpose.

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Hi again, everybody. Happy new year!


Can anyone tell me how to start a journal? Or does it require a certain amount of posts or something else? I was on the Journals page but couldn't see how.


For now I'll report this:


After three days of blending some old (about four years old, I think?) Cougar and Closer into a trial vial of Red, just a small dab on my wrist then touching my wrists together plus a tiny dab on my throat, it seems like I feel kind of different and my husband is treating me different too. He is listening to me, hanging onto my words as if they're important (which is very very unusual...he is the "ignore" type). He is even copying some of my words when replying, which I have heard is a sign of "following" someone.


I noticed this a lot when we were watching a movie last night. He couldn't agree with me more.


I was feeling just really confident. Not cocky, not b*tch-confident but just as if I were...sort of cool. Not sure I feel that way this morning so much. I have just had a nice bath (it was cold in the house and I love baths when it's cold) and I will re-apply after I cool off completely...somehow scents of all kinds go sort of stank on me if I put them on right out of the bath/shower.


If I can't keep a journal I'll just keep track of this somewhere else so I can keep people updated.

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I think.. you have to have been here for 6 months. But, I'd check on that. Not 100% sure.

Then you can request a journal on this thread.



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Okay, so I put in a request for a journal but am not sure yet whether it will be approved. I am supposed to have 100 posts (do have that) plus four active months posting. My latest posts before this one had been a little more than a year ago so I may need to wait a while for a journal?


In the meantime, I think I may have gotten hits today and am going to post them on this thread. If I should be starting a different thread for this, can someone let me know?


So I wore my Red with a splash of Cougar and splash of Closer on my wrists (pretty decent-size dab on one wrist, then wrists pressed together) plus on one on my lower neck. I wore O over this (sorry not a LPMP scent...I love O...it's my signature scent).


We went to town and walked around and while I was on line at Starbucks to get coffee, a group of young men kept turning around to look at me. Then a much older man (60s?) ahead of me in the next line was turning to look as well. The young men were all smiling and giggly and jock-mock-wrestling-ish with eachother, so it doesn't seem like that was negative. The older man just kept looking but didn't really have an expression on his face. However...with both (the group of younger men and the older man) they had to actually turn around to see me and it was more than once...so, not like I was just in their line of vision or something.


Then when I placed my order the barrista (male) literally looked me up and down...not super-slowly but definitely not fast either...that surprised me! He was super attentive but then the barristas at Starbucks always are. They just always seem nice.


Could have been hits? Meanwhile I like the selfies. I just feel happy and confident to be in my own skin. I feel like I'm saying all the right things, feeling casual...hard to explain.

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Okay, so I put in a request for a journal but am not sure yet whether it will be approved. I am supposed to have 100 posts (do have that) plus four active months posting. My latest posts before this one had been a little more than a year ago so I may need to wait a while for a journal?

Unless your past activity already qualifies you even though it was a year ago, it may be that you'll need to have another four consecutive months of active posting.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm also heading toward menopause and find sexology great for selfies it increases my libido and makes everything more intense- I love it - partner isn't crazy about the scent but I think the scent is part of the selfies I get- but I'm going to try mixing some unscent with a scent he likes - when I wore compromising positions it was crazy good (haven't had the energy to try it again yet ;-)

LFM always gets me attention from men but cougar is a much more friendly flirting kind of attention- and I have been wearing flying potion a lot for self effects of mood elevation- I notice a distinct difference with my SO when I wear cops.

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  • 3 years later...

I know this post is old but I think all the pheros mentioned above are still available so this info is still relevant now.  My body started trying to go into menopause this year, and I'm now on daily doses of progesterone tablets and testosterone + estrogen cream (6 days/week for this one).  It dawned on me to investigate if some pheros could help with feeling more healthy and youthful, and I found this thread.  I see mentions of LFM, LFN, Cougar, and Sexpionage, but I would've figured cops would've been more heavily recommended?  Out of those 4, I think only Sexpionage has a lot of cops?  I pulled Dolce far Niente (BAM) out of my stash today, since it does contain "a whopping dose of EoW Copulins", but I might finally buy Sexpionage too. 


Anybody else here just starting this journey, and do you who've already been through it have any more helpful tips?

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I'm starting the journey, too. I don't have any tips yet, but we can use this thread to report back, for now. 


I love using cops, more for the way they make me feel than for any reaction. I feel more confident and hip-swingy when I wear them. 

My bf responds best to Dom & Leather, but I like to wear other pheros too. Lumina is a favorite, it's a mood-lifter and sparkle-maker for me. 

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I've just turned 48. Still having my period regularly. Flow now is super heavy on the 1st day and I'm clean on 3rd day. Previously it would only clear on the 4th and heavy on 2nd day. 


In my early fourties, I wore a lot of cops and get great selfies. I'm still using as much now but don't feel the effects, i.e. I feel the same whether I wear or do not wear cops. 


I've returned to wearing pheros recently, either scented or UN, and noticed that I am super light weight. I needed only to dab else I will get headache for most of the day. 


My favorites in the past were UN SS4W, PP and SWS. I liked the selfies from combining UN LFM and UN LFN previously but will need to experiment this if it still has the same selfies. 

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I should've mentioned my meds results just in case it helps someone else:


I went to a doctor when I started having horrendous migraines this year, caused by my hormones fluctuating.  After test showed I was bottomed out in pretty much everything a healthy young body has, my doctor put me on those meds I mentioned (progesterone, testosterone, estrogen).


2 days in - I slept a full night for the first time this whole year.  That's the progesterone working.

1 week - the anxiety and sudden rush of anger issues went away.

2 weeks - the horrendous headaches abated.  I think the much milder ones I'm having now (a month after starting treatment) are mostly sinus-related.

4 weeks - this past Tuesday I realized during my commute to work that I felt the most cheerful, optimistic and hopeful I had felt in years, without having to WORK at being cheerful.  Does that make sense?


On 9/1/2019 at 2:02 AM, JOC said:

My favorites in the past were UN SS4W, PP and SWS. I liked the selfies from combining UN LFM and UN LFN previously but will need to experiment this if it still has the same selfies. 


Selfies and any leg up at the office that pheros can help with is all I care about, and I use SWS daily there.  Well, maybe not all:  I would like to be perceived as young and vibrant as possible (but there is a sort of "currency" or "earning potential" in that.....), so maybe cops can help there but I have zero interest in romantic attention.  I think Cougar has cops, but the Cougar I have is scented so I need to get a bottle of unscented.  I have LFM but not LFN.  I really miss SS4W; that was my fave and what I wore when cosplaying as Wonder Woman.  :(

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