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Wonder Why Cops Don't Work for Me?

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So I keep re-trying cops...with renewed hope each time. But it still keeps being a "nope."


I tend to get ghosted (even if it's a tiny amount) or just average run-of-the-mill reactions like I'd normally get...OR a very turned-off reaction.


I wonder why this is?


If it matters, I'm 48, in perimenopause (so I'd think I need more cops, not fewer...I rarely ovulate any more and my "period" if you can call it that comes every three months or so).


I do have luck with some pheros. Have gotten a lot of bang (yar har! See what I did there? I'm being figurative, though...mostly ;) ) out of LFM following an initial negative response that may have just been the individual (as since then, it's been pretty much all positive).


Anybody else just not get along with cops? :)

Edited by WildAutumn
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I'm perimenopausal and never ghost with cops, quite the opposite. I can frigging slather that stuff on myself and it works fine in whatever quantity I feel like wearing :) Have Never ghosted with cops, only with 'those other brands'. Since switching to LPMP, absolutely no ghosting. And I've worn just about every phero blend :)

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It may depend on your "audience". Please read some of Dolly's writings on cops. (If anyone has time to add some links that would be great!)


Men will not respond if they are not in the appropriate setting to do so. If you're slathering cops at church, for example (lol, not suggesting that you are, just as an extreme example).


Cops are best used in private, intimate settings. They are not advised for public use with random strangers such as bars, nightclubs, parties without a date/boyfriend.


Cops are to ENHANCE an existing relationship, not to ESTABLISH a new one.


just my .02

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So I keep re-trying cops...with renewed hope each time. But it still keeps being a "nope."


I tend to get ghosted (even if it's a tiny amount) or just average run-of-the-mill reactions like I'd normally get...OR a very turned-off reaction.


I wonder why this is?


If it matters, I'm 48, in perimenopause (so I'd think I need more cops, not fewer...I rarely ovulate any more and my "period" if you can call it that comes every three months or so).


I do have luck with some pheros. Have gotten a lot of bang (yar har! See what I did there? I'm being figurative, though...mostly ;) ) out of LFM following an initial negative response that may have just been the individual (as since then, it's been pretty much all positive).


Anybody else just not get along with cops? :)

There's quite a bit of good info from Phero vets in this thread.

Everything in the post might not pertain to you. But, there are many points in Dolly's post as well as a few of the following posts that are straight to the point. Check it out. :)



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  • 1 month later...

I know this is an old tread but I too never seem to have a reaction with my target. Even when we are cuddled up in bed no extra funny business. In fact it almost seems the opposite. Part of me wonders if maybe subconsciously he is picking up on the thought that I might be fertile and doesn't want to be anywhere around that since he is anti kids. Lol

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Humm Est could do that . But, cops, IDK. What's your dosage?

Edited by StacyK
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Sampler. So an Occo. It's still potent even with the wand. Have you tried varying the dose? I'd say skip the chest/cleavage area. Keep it away from your face. Was he low drive before you tried cop etc? What phero blends have you noticed he responds to?

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Yes occo, phero girl, or Blushing Milkmade. We have been on again off again for years so our relationship isn't exactly stable sextually. We are not together but are still best friends. I spend the night often and I swear it seems like before I started using pheros he would get aroused often while just cuddling and now it never happens!


As far as his reaction to pheros goes, he has commented twice on the scent of Sensual Harmony with LFM and one of those times I recall him giving me lots of compliments (I don't recall the other). He also loved the scent of Aliya with Audacious. I would say LFM seems to have been the closest thing to a hit that I have gotten from him. It also seems to be the only phero that I have gotten pretty obvious selfies on also. Hopefully that will change tho.


I will experiment with the cops doses.

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My BF doesn't always react to cops. Except Phero Girl.


He often reacts more sexually when I wear EST heavy blends.


Also, if I've been wearing pheros and/or cops around him a lot for a while, the very day I choose to give myself a break from them is when he pounces most reliably.


He's a weirdo.


I'd probably try varying doses, and application points, like Stacy suggested. Try much less than you think you might need to get a reaction, (you might be surprised), and if that doesn't work, increase the dose a bit. Same thing with location. I've had some of my best results wearing cops in my cleavage, but I do go kinda light in there cause I don't want it on my bra. :gross: I usually do a little circle around my navel, and smoosh it lightly with my wrists because I'm impatient for dry down. Xev said somewhere that she applies lower down, which makes a lot of sense. Just experiment. Keep it out of your hair, off your face and hands, and you'll figure it out.

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Yes I will definitely continue to experiment. I'm addicted to LPs! It's just too much fun and I love smelling yummy! Any hits are a bonus but I just find it odd that if cops are supposed to trigger testosterone increases instantly then what gives? Idk I'll just have to keep exploring, you know for science. ;)

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In BF's case, I often wonder if conditioning has made him uncomfortable with testosterone rising. (Sounds like the title of a book! :lol: ).


He grew up in a pretty disruptive environment, mom & dad screaming at each other all the time - no violence, but still disturbing. Add to that the fact that his older sister was a counsellor for battered women, and that from the time he was 5 he lived with mum & sis... I kinda think that his head was almost "rewired".


The only times I've known him to really explode with anger are times when people who can't stand up for themselves are being pushed around. He once found a dude kicking the shit out of his girlfriend, and wound up beating the guy so badly that he suffered permanent damage. It scared him that he could be THAT violent, because generally, he's a teddy bear. To this day the only thing he even yells at is the tv. (He does that annoyingly much).


I honestly wonder if he is just uncomfortable with raised testosterone, if he isn't already feeling somewhat horny himself when I'm wearing cops. It's like he associates it too much with violence, both verbal and physical.


I'm not sure that's it, but it wouldn't surprise me to find out it was.

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My guy is also very mellow. Macho but mellow. He never gets aggressive or yells by choice. He can be angry but rarely acts on it. He is hyper aware of abusive tendencies in others and will be the first to call them out on it. Idk if that would have anything to do with it but interesting to think about.

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I haven't worn cops a lot, but when I do, I don't get any reaction from hubby, either. I've wondered if it's because I generally am the one to initiate sex, because if I don't he knows that it means I don't feel like it (or can't be bothered). I feel bad, but I don't have a very high sex drive. Anyway, is it because he's waiting for a physical cue from me before reacting? I have no idea. He's affectionate towards me anyway, so I was only experimenting to see if there'd be any sexual responses

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I actually asked him the other night as to why he hasn't been more frisky as of late. He said he has made a conscious effort to not be, to keep things simple between us.


Back story: I decided earlier this year to not be romantically involved with anyone for a year so that I can work on myself. Not necessarily abstaining from all sextual interactions but no distracting relationships. Him and i have been best friends for 4 years and romantic on and off throughout that time, so casual sex wouldn't be a big thing between us. But I appreciate him respecting my boundaries and goals. So yeah maybe they ARE working! But he isn't letting himself get worked up. Lol ;)

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Yes occo, phero girl, or Blushing Milkmade. We have been on again off again for years so our relationship isn't exactly stable sextually. We are not together but are still best friends. I spend the night often and I swear it seems like before I started using pheros he would get aroused often while just cuddling and now it never happens!


As far as his reaction to pheros goes, he has commented twice on the scent of Sensual Harmony with LFM and one of those times I recall him giving me lots of compliments (I don't recall the other). He also loved the scent of Aliya with Audacious. I would say LFM seems to have been the closest thing to a hit that I have gotten from him. It also seems to be the only phero that I have gotten pretty obvious selfies on also. Hopefully that will change tho.


I will experiment with the cops doses.

ok so you may not want to hear this and I could be wrong, but I'm going to just say that Pheros can help build connections and can turn random heads but they don't cause people to change. If he's been luke warm and based on what you've said I'd say your focusing all that energy in the wrong direction. Actually that focus could be adding on unwanted pressure. The addition of the pheros could either be wasted or (IMO) pushing things in the wrong direction. Honestly I'd back off it. At least the highly sexual ones.

I think your initial idea of focusing on yourself is the way to go. Wear pheros that give you good selfies, have a girls night out. Road test those pheros where they are appreciated and get a boost for yourself.

As for the guy. I'd give it a little break. Then go back to trying GENTLY. A little bit of cops, as discussed above just a little down below. Wear a more friendly happy female blend. If it were me I'd try Heart & Soul or Treasured Hearts. Lighten things up a bit. That's IMO. Good luck.

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I hear you StacyK and honestly I've been really just trying to use him as a guinea pig to see how this stuff is working for me. Along the lines of, is this liquid sex in a bottle making me irresistible to men? If I got some nookie as a result I wasn't going to be too upset about it.


Obviously he has made up his mind b/c I have made up mine. I'm okay with it I was just bewildered as to why he wasn't ravaging me lol. I'm not worried about the state of our relationship rather whether or not the pheros are working! Lol I know evil.


Now that I know what's really going on I will be backing off of the cops and keeping it more happy bonding like you said. If we are meant to be we will be. If not there are plenty of men in the sea. I'm in no hurry. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried the OCCO Pink for the first time and it felt like I was being ghosted for the first time in my life! I am still relatively young (43) and I have a regular period. I am pretty and I am friendly. I just wore it as an experiment. Hmmmm

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am soooo not the expert on this... but can chime in a bit. So I haven't ever worn cops alone. Only a boosted scent.


I don't wear boosted scents around others bc I'm chicken I guess. But.... LAM around others... which has a ton of cops, well just a couple of dabs is amazing - good hits and nothing alarming.

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How much were you wearing? I'm 32 and usually wear about an inch or two. Maybe try adjusting the amount and try again? OCCO is a staple, I can't live without it!

How does the OCCO line compare with LP Tropique or fascination potion in terms of concentration? I use about 6 x 2 in stripes of LP Tropique, and now I'm starting to think I'm ODing!
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OCCOS & BBM are 30 drops per bottle. Tropique 10 drops of cops in the bottle. Mara said that when an NR is enhanced with cops it's usually 10 drops per bottle. But, there have been exceptions.


I slather Tropique, who wouldn't? ;)

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  • 1 year later...

I found this old thread just scrolling down and wanted to update.


By chance I found an old CB sample and it has been a hit. Including with my husband who sounds eerily like many of the men described here. Quiet. Lower sex drive.


He has literally never asked me to re-wear any scent of any description. Phero, non phero, anything. Until CB. He sniffed me over and over and even asked what the scent is and asked me to wear it. And yes, he got aroused, really aroused.


This totally shocked me. I also had people at a family party who never speak to me (cold, superior, etc.) hold me where I was to go on and on, talking. And touching me, getting physically close. They all got that starry look. Big eyes.


I am flabbergasted.


I know it has been a very long time since anyone posted on this thread but I wanted to add this experience. Could it be some of us are TOO sexual somehow, and the overly sexual pheros without a tempering element (like EST) just put people off? Or...something like that?


In CB I feel slower and softer, luxurious, womanly...like a woman in a garden stroking the flowers and bringing their soft petals to my face...running them over my lips. Vs. say a rawr sex kitten. Still sexy but...with a lilting girliness. Just femininity.

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Could it be some of us are TOO sexual somehow, and the overly sexual pheros without a tempering element (like EST) just put people off? Or...something like that?

Something, anyway. I would say, in my experience, it has to do with others perceiving what they would characterize as blatant or blunt and that is the issue. It's not necessarily being threatened by a particular quality like sexuality, it's more about being offended by someone trying to beat you over the head with an aspect of their personality because that is seen as an attempt at dominance in a situation where it is not necessarily warranted. It's like when someone is loud, and we perceive that quality in a negative fashion. Most social interaction is more about interpreting subtleties of interaction and communication.

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I doubt it. In studies, men who were asked by women who were strangers, Would you go out with me tonight? Would you come over to my apartment tonight? Would you go to bed with me tonight?


50% said yes to going out, 69% said yes to coming over, 75% of the men said yes to go to bed..... 56% of women btw said yes to date me, 6% go home with me, 0% go to bed...


Visual cues trigger desire for men also, we're wired different. If a man's brain decides something visual is arousing, he swiftly experiences physical and psychological arousal. Immediately following exposure to visual erotic trigger, the brain areas responsible for the generation of an erection are activated. We respond to touch right away also... Obviously a man may not find the same level of desire over time to the exact same cue, thats why too much porn use for example could lessen their ability to get aroused during less stimulating normal cues....


Cuddle Bunny is 1000 mcg per bottle, 3x some of the blends content.. So a higher dose of copulins may work better for some guys and put it outside clothing if issues... There can be delays of hours or even the next morning in some guys due to their health.


Some guys may lack the Nitric Oxide required to form an erection... Give them almonds or cashews or even pistachios to increase the L-Arginine that converts to Nitric Oxide,....

Edited by datadragon
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I can only speak to my own gender, but I was really referring to a completely different social interaction context.


Visual cues trigger desire for men also, we're wired different.

Obviously. I am actually aware of this.

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Something, anyway. I would say, in my experience, it has to do with others perceiving what they would characterize as blatant or blunt and that is the issue. It's not necessarily being threatened by a particular quality like sexuality, it's more about being offended by someone trying to beat you over the head with an aspect of their personality because that is seen as an attempt at dominance in a situation where it is not necessarily warranted. It's like when someone is loud, and we perceive that quality in a negative fashion. Most social interaction is more about interpreting subtleties of interaction and communication.

I think this is what I was trying to say...I was thinking maybe I meant aggressive. Yes, hitting someone over the head. Just an idea.

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I doubt it. In studies, men who were asked by women who were strangers, Would you go out with me tonight? Would you come over to my apartment tonight? Would you go to bed with me tonight?


50% said yes to going out, 69% said yes to coming over, 75% of the men said yes to go to bed..... 56% of women btw said yes to date me, 6% go home with me, 0% go to bed...


Visual cues trigger desire for men also, we're wired different. If a man's brain decides something visual is arousing, he swiftly experiences physical and psychological arousal. Immediately following exposure to visual erotic trigger, the brain areas responsible for the generation of an erection are activated. We respond to touch right away also... Obviously a man may not find the same level of desire over time to the exact same cue, thats why too much porn use for example could lessen their ability to get aroused during less stimulating normal cues....


Cuddle Bunny is 1000 mcg per bottle, 3x some of the blends content.. So a higher dose of copulins may work better for some guys and put it outside clothing if issues... There can be delays of hours or even the next morning in some guys due to their health.


Some guys may lack the Nitric Oxide required to form an erection... Give them almonds or cashews or even pistachios to increase the L-Arginine that converts to Nitric Oxide,....


I don't actually think it is possible that I'm more visually appealing now than I was two years ago. In fact, I'm positive I'm not. Interesting, though, thank you.


My husband can decide for himself whether he wants to eat nuts. :) But nuts or no nuts, he is repelled by me wearing just cops and attracted with EST added and so apparently is the rest of the world. :D (In my case.) I mean the reactions, negative and then positive without and then with EST, are so far nearly across the board for me. Including being out again today.

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I know it has been a very long time since anyone posted on this thread but I wanted to add this experience. Could it be some of us are TOO sexual somehow, and the overly sexual pheros without a tempering element (like EST) just put people off? Or...something like that?


In CB I feel slower and softer, luxurious, womanly...like a woman in a garden stroking the flowers and bringing their soft petals to my face...running them over my lips. Vs. say a rawr sex kitten. Still sexy but...with a lilting girliness. Just femininity.


Sometimes it can be the man you're with....they may want a woman who is just more flirty and feminine, sometimes it is a man who wants a woman who is sexually aggressive. For instance, some men don't do well with Est.....every man is different, so you have to find the ones that he, personally responds to.


In some cases, as Lynne mentioned above, it can be context too.....wearing half of a bottle of OCCO to work.....not a good idea....OH they may think you are very sexy, but too sexual for an office setting. So someone who keeps upping their cops dosage at work, and gets no reactions....well, probably because of context.



I can only speak to my own gender, but I was really referring to a completely different social interaction context.


Obviously. I am actually aware of this.


Most educated, informed women are aware that men and women are wired differently, and datadragon, I really don't think, personally that we need a lecture on the science of erections.

Edited by Dolly
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