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Mara -- I just tried the rebrew and you're right. The scent is a little bit more transparent, a bit more sheer than my first bottle. But the dry down is fine. And of course the phero effect is unchanged and as phenomenal as ever.


(This is where you tell me my new bottle isn't one of the rebrews, right?! :rolleyes: )

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Tested out my sample today and meooowww! This is good stuff. :J005:


I usually amp caramel big time, but this one really works. I get a very pleasant sweet musk, with the musk being the star of the show. Comfy, cozy, purrrr. I wouldn't have even picked caramel as one of the ingredients.

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Tested out my sample today and meooowww! This is good stuff. :J005:


I usually amp caramel big time, but this one really works. I get a very pleasant sweet musk, with the musk being the star of the show. Comfy, cozy, purrrr. I wouldn't have even picked caramel as one of the ingredients.


Glad that the caramel musk bug caught you!

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Glad that the caramel musk bug caught you!

I'm surprised! Both caramel and musk are usually a quick no for me. It pays to get out of your comfort zone sometimes! Now I'll have to look at some more musks to add to my repertoire.

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  • 1 month later...

I got the TMI unscented and have used it in conjunction with:

BAM!s Pink Amber

LAMs sugared vanilla & honey

Perfect Match


I have also used it on it's own too, lol, but it's a great compliment to other pheros as well.

OH! It's a great cuddle mix with Cuddle Bunny too!

It really does open up communication and if you pair it with other blends it can really make things interesting...but be ready for conversation! I noticed, on not a few girlfriends, that once the switch is flipped you just sit back and enjoy the ride!LOL But FUN!? Let me tell you, we had a ball! Some who are usually more reserved pop out with some of the best stories, thoughts and blurbs EVER :lol:

Yup. This one is A LOT of fun :D Definitely recommend!

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  • 2 months later...

This is one of my favourite scent although I do use it with extreme care. The scent is so versatile. Clean enough for the office, warm and cosy enough for lazing around at home and sensual enough to take on some cops.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't wear this on its own, since there is only so much I want people to open up and tell me, but I did wear it with LFN and TH, and I think it did help with the flow of communication with others last night despite the fact I went home early.


ETA: Obviously I'll need to do more experimentation, will report back later.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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  • 1 month later...

I wore this one for the first time today. I may have OD'd on this one...not sure. It was my first time with a spray and honestly, I'm not sure how much I sprayed on. Good thing it's a light scent but I have a wee bit of a cold and I couldn't really smell it. But, I'm not sure if this was a coincidence or not but whenever I walked into someone's office today, they sneezed!! LMAO!! I don't think this scent is something to sneeze at!!!!


So, I'll have to try this again. With the sprays, how much do you spray on? And, I seemed to be the talkative one today.....strange. But, I seemed to get through my work with lots of clarity and problem solving skills. I was pretty productive. I'm a wee confused on this one. Ooops!!

Edited by cchristys
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Sneezing happens with some of the potions I wear too :lol: You being talkative sounds like TMI fo sho, lol. 3-4 sprays is my sweet spot but everyone is different so you'll have to experiment :) How crazy did you go? 2 good sprays can even get you hits...but there are some gals who have gone 5 & 6!

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I may have gone really crazy and I also reapplied because I couldn't smell it due to my cold. (I bet I had more than 5-6 sprays) Two of my coworkers and my Sexy Boss all sneezed when I came in their office. I felt like the talkative, geeky girl today but It seems to have had more self effects on me than on others....unless you count the sneezing on the others. LOL!!


I must get used to the sprays because until now, I only had the oils!



Sneezing happens with some of the potions I wear too :lol: You being talkative sounds like TMI fo sho, lol. 3-4 sprays is my sweet spot but everyone is different so you'll have to experiment :) How crazy did you go? 2 good sprays can even get you hits...but there are some gals who have gone 5 & 6!

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I must get used to the sprays because until now, I only had the oils!


I went through the same thing! I had all these oils and I knew what they did and how to wear them. Then I read about "throw" and wanted to experiment with sprays and see how far away people could be effected...but then I had to figure out how NOT to OD :lol: You'll sort it out relatively quickly though.


For the life of me I cannot recall the mix I had on when it happened, but I actually had a co-worker sneeze when he came to my office for something and he actually excused himself and told me it must be my sex appeal!?!? OH GADS that would be great for whatever blends review thread that was! What I want to know is how he equated his likely reaction to my perfume to sex appeal???!!! BWAHAHA!

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Hmmm, I haven't seen anything about "throw" and that has now piqued my curiosity!! LOL!!! Yeah, I'm sure I'll sort through it quickly....I hope!! I don't want to OD and make more people sneeze!! I mean, these weren't small sneezes either!! LMAO!! That is so funny that you coworker said it must be your sex appeal!! Yeah, how did he equate his reaction to that? These pheromones are so magical to me!!

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Do you have the big bottles or the little bottles? I thought a spray was a spray, but evidently 3 sprays of the little bottles do not equal three sprays from the big bottles.



I've OD'd twice and get massive headaches, but I'm slowly climbing up to using 3 sprays again (I think I got headaches from 4-5 sprays of a different one.)

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CC- some things that make me go Hmm.... Oils stay close to the skin and use body heat for diffusion. The throw I mentioned is how mixing the oils in an alcohol blended spray uses the alcohol as a carrier to wing the pheromones and the scent farther out "into the universe", as I affectionately refer to it. It's also why I like to layer the same blend in alcohol sprays and oils at the same time...so I can have BOTH the throw and that lil' something extra to keep 'em there when they get closer - an ingenious share by Shelly B! :love:


MissH....In my guestimation for full size vs 5ml sprays, for me, it appears that 3 mini sprays are closer to 2 sprays from a full size bottle. I usually use 5-6 sprays from my 5mls to get the same effects as 3-4 from my 1oz bottles. That's how it's seems to be playing out for me at least :^^:

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After receiving my bottles of Caramel Musk, T.M.I. has been left in the dark in the drawer.


I notice that Caramel Musk, the non phero boosted scent of the T.M.I., is indeed very strong and has a great throw. I need a single dab, if not two, otherwise, it can become overpowering. I know as one late night when I was in the mids of purchasing my apartment, I applied about 2 inches of Caramel Musk on my neck before heading out to meet my agent in her office. I could see her moving away due to the intense scent.


But no, I haven't experienced anyone sneeze after they enter my office.

Edited by JOC
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  • 2 weeks later...

This is one of my favourite scent although I do use it with extreme care. The scent is so versatile. Clean enough for the office, warm and cosy enough for lazing around at home and sensual enough to take on some cops.


I really need to get a FB of this because as you stated it is very versatile.

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I love this one with Perfect Match for when hubby and need to have heart to hearts...I may well be breaking this combo out over the weekend...

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I have issues with my roomie sometimes.

I am not sure if it is aguy thing but I can always tell when something is bothering him

He does not have to say anything but his body language speaks words....

I must get some of this and see if it will work on him.

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I really need to get a FB of this because as you stated it is very versatile.


I use Caramel Musk more often than T.M.I. as it is phero free but yes, I can wear this every day. Why don't you get a sample first since I believe this is a permanent.

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  • 5 months later...

This scent is just beautiful!!!


Very sweet and musky, but still light, not heavy at all; at some point, about 15 minutes after application, it threatens briefly to go a bit too green on me, but fortunately it changes it's mind and just distills into this gorgeous, silvery, shimmery cloud of deliciousness.


I am really glad it's in the permanent collection, because it just feels like me. :Emoticons04235:


Wore it to the knitting group a few days ago - congruence up the wazoo of course, since more often than not the conversation tends to go into (far) TMI areas anyway. ;)

It was a tiny group this time though, because people were off studying, to a book group and having babies - there was just this other woman and myself, initially.


Interestingly enough, although the other woman (let's call her 'A' ok?) is usually a bit on the loud side and tends to dominate conversations when the group is larger (or is just so loud that it is impossible to have a different conversation hear her), this time she was a bit more quiet; still very nice and friendly (and very proud of her first knitted sweater, which she had on) but just not as loud and talkative as on other days.


I did find myself talking much more than I usually would... Not necessarily a bad thing, since people tend to comment that I don't share much about myself sometimes.

We talked mostly about knitting patterns and making music etc, nothing really racy.


All in all it was a very pleasant, calm, gentle atmosphere - very nice!


Towards the end of the evening a third woman joined us, and then the conversation did get a bit more 'wild', talking about having your period and having to use toilet paper, mentrual cups, queefs and farts etc... :D


It was fun!


Nothing really out of the ordinary for us, so I'm not sure I would count any of it as a 'hit', but the scent and the feeling it brings with it are very nice.

Edited by ssupytalp
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This is very perfumey--like there's alcohol in this


That perfumy thing lasted for a good hour before It decided to aspire to be a crazy rich caramel then toned down to a very chewy toffee like skin scent. I almost couldn't stand the second stage! Holy crap I had to chew some gum so I can get that candy craving over with haha


Real delicious after the dry down, works really well in mild tempretures(43F)


I shoved my mans face in my neck and he said I smell like a glorified sexy candle. Later he told me my "scent" was looming around


Don't got proper testing for the phero, ppl are scarce

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love the smell of TMI, but after a while it tends to go a bit powdery on me. I think it will layer really well with something vanilla, when I finally find a good vanilla perfume! Right now all I have is OCCO white, but I can only use that in tiny amounts since I'm trying to stay away from alot of cops.


I did have a weird experience today while wearing TMI (and Topper). I'm not sure if it was a hit or if this particular person is just strange. I was checking out at a store, it was right at time for them to close so normally I would expect to be rushed out. I only had a few small things, and the (male) cashier asked me if I wanted a bag. I said no, that I could just put them in my purse, and this guy actually reached over and put them (and his whole hand) into my open purse! Sorry but I thought that was strange, and a bit intrusive. He was also kind of chatty, but sort of serious instead of friendly, which was a weird combination. Again, ikd if it had anything to do with the phero, but the whole experience was just weird.

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