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Phero's and Alcohol - I know about selfies but

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What about those around us? I am very much aware to limit my alcohol intake being a lightweight to begin with and even more so when wearing phero's but my questions that I haven't found mentioned yet is - does it effect those sitting next to us?


Last night, one martini for me, only ... two beers each for my husband and a business associate and it's like we were, well, "on something". I have a really hard time believing someone drugged us at the very nice restaurant we were at and the men are confused as can be as to what happened. Me? I am sure phero's were at work at least for me.


It was Dominance w/a tiny spray of Topper as the bottle is basically empty (which I forget to re-order just now :nope02716: )




Oh ... and I just placed my first order for sprays. I am growing up LOL Been on oils since the beginning with the except of Topper. Whole new learning curve. Can't wait!

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I think you get more pronounced reactions from pheromones when alcohol is involved. In my experience, most pheromones really amplify the effects of alcohol & vice versa. I could see this also being the case for anyone that's in close proximity to someone wearing them. The best advice is to follow common guidelines w/ alcohol, which is to consume two glasses of water per alcoholic beverage.

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YES. They DO effect those around you, just like they do you. I didn't have to worry while out with my girlfriends because we're all careful lightweights :lol: But I always went light around my ex because he was prone to over do things to begin with and phero's just got him there that much faster.

Unless your company are already responsible drinkers, lighten your dose or warn them about what you're wearing and how it can effect them :)

I always kept my phero's to myself so I just wore a little less when I knew there would be alcohol involved ^_^

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In this context, IMO the answer is yes and no. Simply put, yes. But, it's in a different way.


What I mean is when we wear pheros they are absorbed through our skin as well as the nose. Drinking can definitely hit you harder and faster or make you sick if it's all too much.

IMO the people around me are looser due to the alcohol, their walls of constraint are lower so they respond to the pheros more. Sometimes far more intensely than they would normally. If you are not too buzzed from your drink you can see it.

The point is, IMO it's not exactly in the same way, but the combo effects everyone.


Also, on me the combo of Dom and Topper is very intense in general. It's a super woozy duo.

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According to Dr Stone, Pheros are not absorbed thru the skin. And even if they are, says he, the effect would be negligible.

So would that mean they are burned off faster than they are absorbed or is it the size of the molecule?


I know Progesterone can be. It's prescribed for that purpose in a cream form.

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If they were absorbed through the skin and *accumulated* we'd all be the sexiest mofos around! :lol:

I used work with cancer patients who were restricted to the types of moisturizers they can use due to the fact that there are a few that that contain a small amounts of estrogen (unlisted) in them. Although it is a small amount and those restrictions are precautionary.


There are hormones (estrogen and progesterone) that are absorbed through the skin and used via prescription lotion for treatment effectively.


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I think Xev is probably the best one to speak on this as she is a scientist, but hormones and pheromones are not the same thing.


I know there are phero businesses out there that experiment with hormones and steroids in the hope (or implied promise) that they might produce a pheromonal response, but most have not yet gained acceptance as such. Even DHEAS is much debated...I think that might be the only molecule we use that straddles the line, everything else is a confirmed pheromone if I understand correctly. Our blends do not contain estrogen or progesterone.

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Oh no. I was only using those as an exampIe ONLY. Also, what I was referring to could only be accessible by prescription in specific cases. Didn't mean to confuse things. :)

Again, I was just using those hormones, and the method of application, as an example. To be clear.


I am curious as to why pheros don't get absorbed by the skin. At least in negligible amounts. Given a fair percentage of what we put on our skin is absorbed to some degree into the system.


I was wondering if it's due to the size of the molecules or do they burn off before absorbed? Just curious really. Yes, maybe Xev will show up and chime in.

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Thanks everyone. I was 99% positive it was my fault the men got hammered but couldn't tell them why - okay well I did admit it to my hubs later as he now knows I use them. I had to admit it may have been my fault but at least everyone had a great time LOL

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I haven't noticed any effects on other people, but that may have been because I was too drunk! Lol! I've had a couple of experiences where I suspect that phero use increased my intoxication level. The weird thing is that it doesn't happen every time. BUT on at least two of those occasions, not having enough food close to the time I was drinking was also a factor. On both of the occasions I'm thinking of, I got very drunk from very little alcohol, compared to what I can normally drink, and couldn't seem to sober up even after I ate and had stopped drinking. On both occasions I also suddenly had an overwhelming need to sleep NOW.

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