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Elara w/ Magnet

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PAPERWHITES ~ Egotism, formality, sweetness.
TEA ROSE ~ Memory, remembrance, renewal, hope, peace, higher virtues.
TUBEROSE ~ Dangerous pleasure. Excitement, sensuality.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
TEAKWOOD ~ Longevity, bonding, weathering all conditions, endurance.

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This is lovely but not for me. Just a tad too floral but not nauseating as some can get by any means. Perfect spring scent for those who can handle florals better than me. I think there has to be some cake involved for me to wear these white florals.

Oh well it was about time I smelled one I didn't have to have this month!

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I think there has to be some cake involved for me to wear these white florals.

Yeah that's true for me as well - it seems the only way I can wear a white floral blend is if there's sweetness included. But yeah, this isn't me - it's very much a Grown-Up Lady kind of scent, I think. It reminds me somewhat of A Taste for Luxury.


I LOVE the label, though, so pretty!

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This is another one of the recent releases that I love. I have it on today and don't find it too floral at all. Perhaps it's chemistry dependent but on me it's a soft white floral. It's delicate and not at all in your face, sharp or overpowering. The musk balances it nicely. When I think floras I often think 'old lady' but Elara isn't that at all. I would agree with Luna in that it feels 'grown up' but in a sophisticated way.

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On my skin this is not as "White Floral" as I thought it would be. I get a little of the floral with musk. Then I get a green stem thing. I knew rose stems were not on the list but I went back to look anyway. Right now, I get a strong green whiff. I'll have to comeback and try again.

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Upon first application it came across as very strong floral. Not headache inducing but definitely distracting. It's a pretty scent but not sure if it's one I could wear. I will try again tho b/c I would love for it to work with Magnet.

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Ka-Pow! Flowers! Strangely enough, nothing stabby or pointy in this at all, just this beautiful, bright floral :love592:


Of course, I am amping the rose, but this rose note is sweet, baby petal pretty to me. While I don't normally go for a rose fragrance I'm actually surprised how appealing this one is to me. I won't be going FB, but I honestly don't think this will go to waste. I think it will actually be quite perfect for my niece's wedding next month! ^_^


It doesn't seem to throw far, but up close and personal, there's NO mistaking the presence, so less will probably mean more.


This reminds me of my yearly spring visit to our local gardens, when everything is fresh and new and in blossom, particularly the many types of roses. Really nice :)

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Yeah that's true for me as well - it seems the only way I can wear a white floral blend is if there's sweetness included. But yeah, this isn't me - it's very much a Grown-Up Lady kind of scent, I think. It reminds me somewhat of A Taste for Luxury.


I LOVE the label, though, so pretty!

how close would you say it is to "A taste of luxury"? That's one of my favorite LPs, but I don't find it floral. .. more like an expensive perfume. Thank you!
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I think it's the combination of the tuberose and the musk which makes me think of A Taste for Luxury. I wouldn't say they're entirely analogous.

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This one is sheer, floral, and lovely. The musk is the wonderful clean, soapy musk. It really blooms (on me at least) so a little does it. The tuberose is heady, just enough to make this a sophisticated instead of a girlish scent. Magnet unscented is pungent to me, and you can't smell a lick of it despite the lightness.


As an aside...I use Shea Moisture Manuka Honey and Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration line. The fragrance in it is resinous, decadent, and almost ancient smelling, pretty much the opposite of Elara...except together, the two scents blend and are orgasmic. I smell so dang awesome right now, I just can't even. And the Magnet is making me feel pretty good too. So the moral of this story is if it's too floral or stabby, try it with something resinous.

Edited by BlueBear
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Oh I love those Shea Moisture products! I have not tried the scent you use but I will be looking for it next times may Ulta. Sounds good.

And thanks for the tip. I would never think to pair something too floral with something resin so I am going to try this. Do you have any ideas on LP's that would be similar to that lotion? I will experiment tonight anyway.

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Do you have any ideas on LP's that would be similar to that lotion? I will experiment tonight anyway.


I haven't a clue. I think I have a vial of Remind Me Again somewhere, so i'll have to try Luna's suggestion when I find it.


I just ordered some, sounds great! Thanks BB. :) My skin is sooo dry these days!

Enjoy! It's even making this awful burn scar on my hand look better.



P.S. Sorry for the threadjack!!

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P.S. Sorry for the threadjack!!

Don't be sorry, BB! I'm perusing their site now--THANKS for the recommendation!!! :heart:


As for Elara...I am totally diggin' this. B) I enjoy tuberose, and Mara does it right for my skin. Elara is all floral at first, and I can detect all three of the blossoms. Then the musk and teak sidle in, and the whole thing melds and gets grownup--definitely the Sophisticated Lady thing! I can't stop snoofing myself. I feel like I'm wearing the Perfect (long) Black Dress, armloads of nice, noisy silver bracelets, dangly earrings, and wearing makeup and all, even though I'm sitting here in my painting clothes! I'm in the early stages of long drydown and I smell sublime. Someone pass me a martini, please...?



ETA...have been wearing this a lot, and I keep forgetting it has a phero! In hindsight, though, I do believe that Magnet gives me selfies that are similar to Audacious, but with a more grownup/powerful feel. This scent with that feeling?!?? WIN. I want a full bottle. :)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Elara is a crisp, white floral on me. I find it an elegant perfume. The scent goes from a fresh floral fragrance, to becoming soapy after a couple of hours of wear. Even at the soapy stage I'm enjoying the gentle wafts I get from time to time. Elara is luxe from start to finish.

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It's so funny how everyone has such different chemistry. This one was one of my least favorite. It smelled like "old lady" from start to finish. I amped the rose, but not in a good way. I had to wash it off because it was making me kind of sick to my stomach. Florals are funny on me. I either love them or hate them.

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This is my first time really wearing this one today. I got the old lady rose perfume smell. I was so sad! I almost washed it off but didn't and I'm glad I didn't because after the long dry down, the tuberose came out. It's very pretty. What's amazing is the cops cover-up here. To be honest, I was so excited to try this that I forgot Magnet has cops in it and I'm at work and never, ever wear cops to work. Oops! All reactions today have been positive AND I'm in a great mood! Also, there is always the chance that I didn't shake this well enough and my skin chemistry is off for this scent right now. Definitely will be trying this one again in hopes that I won't smell like old lady for the first few hours. If I do, I'll just stay home until it blossoms into what it is now. :)

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BB always seems to review things just like how I'm thinking them. We must be scent cousins!


This feels sheer to me. A clean, sheer floral. I don't smell the magnet at all. My sister stole my Playdate, so I'm up for a new LAM scent. I thought about getting the Unscented, because PEENIEFEET. But I may get this instead. I really like it, esp for summer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This one is lovely, really takes me back to my childhood. I used to almost obsessively collect those small scented soaps and this scent somehow reminds me a lot of those small soaps. It's NOT a soapy scent though. It's not an "everyday scent" for me, but something I could see myself wearing on a summer day out when I wanted something light, feminine & not too in your face or foodie. It's a lovely subtle floral that doesn't smell perfumey.

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  • 2 years later...

I don't know what paperwhites are...had to go look it up. 


Okay, I find this to be a very clean, floral, slightly soapy scent. Yep, soapy--going against the last review a bit here. It almost seems to be a little too...too. I was worried that the tuberose would go ointment-y, though, and it didn't, so that's good. 

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