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Doctors appointment?!?

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I have an appointment coming up. I was wondering what to wear, I have a "difficult to diagnose thyroid condition" and I need a prescription written for a T4 replacement therapy medication(according to my labs) I need to sway him in the direction of prescription, I am very sick but no one wants to help because there's no official diagnosis yet. I have cuddle bunny oil and spray, TMI oil, mothers little helper, perfect match, compromising positions oil, and pherx spray all opinions are welcome!!

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Welp, Billi what you need is a spell oil. The old Sorceress would have been perfect but it's not around anymore. It also had dominance phero in it..got anything with that? I think Communication Potion would be good stuff here, it's what I wear to doctors. Let me take a look at what is still available in the shop and I'll come post again. You might not get it in time for this appointment, but you'd have it for the future.

And I feel your pain. FINALLY after years of doctors screwin around, I found a wonderful Doctor who actually gave me an MRI and got to the bottom of my back pain. She found two slipped discs and osteoarthritis in my spine. Before her, I had a hell of a time.

I mean honestly, I think it largely depends on how good your doctor is. Even spell oils can only go so far.

If your not happy with your treatment, keep searching till you are.

I'll be back!

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Phero-wise, LFM. Trust me on this. Check out the LFM review thread too.

As for a scent something light fresh and uplifting.


Ok I looked closely and I don't see LFM (LaFemme Mysterie) on your list.

Next time get a trial of the scented. Every woman should have this in her arsenal. It's respect in a bottle (and confidence in a bottle for you). Your guy responds well to EST and I bet it'll be a win win.

Anyway... Out of your above listed, I'd wear PM. It's bonding, helps out communication and more appropriate in social type situations than the sexual pheros.

Edited by StacyK
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I wrote a list of some things down after checking the Perfumerie, but my kids asleep in my lap so I'll have to get it in the morning. However, the major one I think you should get is Liquid Mercury. It's in the Perfumerie under 'S' for spell oils 2015. It's a communication potion, so that you can clearly and concisely get your message through to your doctor. I use an older variation and it's really good stuff.

A couple others off the top of my head are Scented Dominance and Nox with Teddy BB. Both for personal power. Also Cry Havoc for Courage/Commanding. I don't know if your doc intimidates you, but if he does that would be a good one.

I'm honestly not much of a phero gal anymore, I tend to think scent magic and intent are stronger honestly, but whatever makes you feel the most confident is best for you. I wouldn't pull out anything too sexual myself in this particular situation, and I'm sure Stacy gave you good advice in that arena. She knows her stuff a lot better than I do when it comes to the pheros.

Have a good night and I'll check in tomorrow!

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I'm sure Stacy gave you good advice in that arena. She knows her stuff a lot better than I do when it comes to the pheros.

Have a good night and I'll check in tomorrow!

Lol. Well I'm still in the learning category. LP was my first phero-cise 3 years ago. But I'd say LFM is one I've tested well. ;) I do know that environment though. And it's always a win for me in that arena. I agree CB, Liquid Mecury or Communication potion is beneficial in these situations. I think the PM would help with that too.
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Ended up wearing mothers little helper because it makes me feel really "able" like I can do anything, but also calm and in control, the self effects are really cool! We talked seriously while laughing and really listening to each other! I even made him blush (thank you EST) I'm so happy I have a follow up with a specialist who is very respected!

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Great! Glad it went well. MLH is my get things done phero. Sounds like it really works for you. :)

Edited by StacyK
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