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From Blatant Invitation to Bang! ... thoughts?

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Hello ladies and gents :)


I have a question for you all and I'd really appreciate your advice.


At my local gym there is a trainer whom i really like, and lately we talk a bit a more since i train there in the super early mornings when he is doing his workout too. At that hour there's almost no one else around, or if there are other people, they are on different floors than the one we train. So basically it's just the two of us there.


I have been wearing BI (3 sprays of x1 60%alcohol/40%oil) and a teeny bit of BBM on cleavage cause i know he likes the scent.

I know you will say that this isn't approapriate for the stting in hand, but since it's just the two of us (plus BI makes me get throw my workout amazingly well!) and i don't come in contact with other trainees there I'm ok wearing it.

Anyway, he seems to respond well to it, making little compliments and nice comments here and there. And sometimes he touches me more, like on the shoulder while we are talking etc (not in a sexual way but quite cozy).

Plus, i have caught him at times, starring me at me when he thinks i can't see him.


So I was thinking about wearing Bang! the next time we work out together, just for a change, to see what happens. I don't know how he will react, so i keep postponing it, but i really want to give it a try. Again it's just going to be the two of us there on the same floor training.


What do you guys think? Will it be a huge difference?

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I hope you have GOOD cover scents for these...haha.


I find Bang is very sexy whereas BI is very sexual. I notice when I wear Bang I get a lot of gentlemanly behavior, snuggles, hugs, etc. but it does have an undertone of naughty of course. BI is more in your face. If you really like your trainer and trying to escalate things, sometimes more sexual isn't always better, maybe intimidating. I'm assuming your target is ok with est, some men don't respond well to it according to some of the ladies on this forum. I don't think anyone has ever had adverse reactions to BI. I hope this helps.


oh, I forgot I mentioned est because Bang is added est/cops to the Super sexy formula.

Edited by KrazyKat
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I hope you have GOOD cover scents for these...haha.


I'm assuming your target is ok with est, some men don't respond well to it according to some of the ladies on this forum.


LOL! yes i do :) I especailly like to wear Inspire Desire as a cover for these two. It works great!


This might be a stupid question, but how can i find out if he responds well to EST? Only by giving it a try right? Or is there another way?

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Blatant Invitation contains Est so you should already know :)


Oh yes it does, you are right! I totally forgot about that. Today i went with BI again. I was staring out the window between sets and at some points he approachs me from behind and puts his arm around my shoulder. And we just stand there, with me holding his hand as his hugging me from behind and we stare out the window together ... I really wanna do something with this guy ;)

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LOL! yes i do :) I especailly like to wear Inspire Desire as a cover for these two. It works great!


This might be a stupid question, but how can i find out if he responds well to EST? Only by giving it a try right? Or is there another way?


My limited understanding but I think a lot of ladies whose men don't respond well to EST seem to not have a problem with BI. I'm coming from the assumption that Bang is pretty EST heavy.

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Oh yes it does, you are right! I totally forgot about that. Today i went with BI again. I was staring out the window between sets and at some points he approachs me from behind and puts his arm around my shoulder. And we just stand there, with me holding his hand as his hugging me from behind and we stare out the window together ... I really wanna do something with this guy ;)


Sounds Exciting! I would keep working with your winning formula.

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Sounds like he's hooked already! Can't wait to hear how rhis progresses!! Good luck!




Sounds Exciting! I would keep working with your winning formula.



Thank you ladies for the positive thoughts :)

I don't know if he is hooked already, i can only hope so and keep my fingers crossed. BI seems to work quite nicely on him. And the combo with BBM and Inspire Desire that i use with it help a lot too. The first time i used them together with BI, he and I were trining training on two benches side by side. So after he was done with his set heh leaves the weights on the floor and we start to talk a bit. So all of a sudden he stops, stares into my eyes while he leans forward to be able to smell the scent better. The funny thing is that he didn't lean towards my neck, he leaned towards my lips, and for a few seconds i was sooo sure he was about to kiss me ... I almost leaned closer to kiss him too :D That would have been awkward, lol!

He took a big breath in and was like "You smell amazing!"

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Wow, SO Exciting!



Because of the dynamic of your relationship, he may not feel comfortable coming on to you. Why dont you wear in your hair to get him to open up a bit more. I would go for TMI to get the full scoop (make sure you spray it to the back of your head!), it works like magic in getting people to reveal themselves.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Things seem to be going pretty well :)

Now i need any tips you can share for reapplying this while at the beach.

I suppose that pheros and cops will wash away when i get into the water? Or do you think that cops (OCCO) might stay a bit longer if i don't dry myself with a towel (since they are in oil)?


BI i have it in spray 60%-40%, do you think i could transfer some in a small spray bottle (travel size and mix it with some perfume to make it less stinky and apply while he might not be looking?

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