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Perfect Match was a epic fail

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We went on a super short date tonite. I wore lp tropique and perfect match, didn't have the butterfly feeling like I did with gotcha. But we went and ate supper, not really chatty, acted nervous, real nervous, and we did end back in the motel room, but he was super nervous, not relaxed like gotcha. The actual sex part was quick. And it was like he was in a hurry to get out of the room. Last time we laze around in bed, talked about life, hopes and dreams. We only had a two hr window, he had to be back to work at 5pm, and it was 3pm. We did talk but it was just so akward, he didn't want to be close to me and moved away when I walked close.

We did set another date, he's going to be close delivering a puppy and wants to meet up. So there's that. We did talk about making more time to spend together. Not just 2 hrs here and there.

But I wish that I went with gotcha, instead of perfect match. Anyone know why perfect match failed? I'm glad I wore gotcha on the first meeting, and plan on wearing Gotcha for the next date.

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It's been said by CinnaMel that PM is good for weeding out those that don't want to commit.


I could totally see that. For both men and women. I wore PM before I met my bride and definitely noticed that some women who said they were interested in a relationship were a lot more flighty when I'd wear PM. I'm still Facebook friends with a few of them and yup, all are still single and lamenting how they can't find a great guy.

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There are some phero mixes which really reveal true feelings, as it were - for example, if you do not actually want to experience empathy, don't wear Empathy Potion, it will make you miserable. So it appears the same goes for Perfect Match in regards to the expression of deeper emotions.

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I agree that It might have not been the mix for the moment. But, you also can't judge a phero by one experience either.


Also, and this may be just me, I hope it's not out of line but have you guys just hung out without hooking up? Just saying. If you want more, then you need to see what you have outside of twisting the sheets. Wear your Gotcha have a nice visit and skip the sex.

There could have been numerous reasons why the last time was not great. If you really want to know then I'd just stay away from the bedroom and find something else to do on the next date.

Just IMHO. :)

Good luck.

Edited by StacyK
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Thanks guys. I know I need to hear that but it still hurts. I wish he'd come to terms with his mother, and her not liking me. He said were perfect for one another but his mother dislikes me.

Could I of put to much pm on? Or didn't put it on soon enough to let it dry down? It wasn't even on a half hour before he arrived that I applied it and the lp tropique. The other time I put it one at home and then drove 2 hrs to meet up.

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For me the mother thing wouldn't come into it if I liked someone. Tread carefully. You don't want to end up down the line bowing to everything his mother says.



It's ok, {WITHIN REASON} that someone might care what his mother (family) thinks.

But, he needs to be able to tell her that he has heard her and end that shit.

If he can't stand up for you and tell her what he likes about you and tell her she needs to let him make his own choices. Tell her that the two of you need to see where this goes, he's a big pussy and he doesn't care enough. Even if he did care enough, if she's in his head to that degree it's always going to effect your relationship. I've seen it before, sorry.

I know you probably want to tell me to fuck off and I think you are brave for putting yourself out there and giving it a good try. But, do what you can to take care of yourself.


Tread carefully.

And keep your options open.

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Sorry to hear, SunnyCowgirl. Many people have had great results with PM. I think that people have provided some excellent thoughts. As for me, PM did not have either a positive or negative effect on either me, or my partner. Just...neutral. Not bad, neutral. I really do subscribe to the belief that pheros MOSTLY, only enhance what is already there. On rare occasions, such as with TS, they have actually made me bitchy.

I personally find it odd that this guy is placing so much importance on his mother's feelings. I think that if I encountered this in an adult man, I would have to wonder if it was really about their mother's feelings, or THEIR feelings, and they just didn't want to own up to that. On the other hand, if I were still back in my dating days, and came across this, the whole emphasis on their Mom's feelings would seriously make me hesitate.

At this point though, I am going to echo StacyK's thoughts. Just be careful, and keep your options open. Good luck with this.

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Oh girl, from experience, both ladies close to me and myself, Mamma's boys are an animal that require a lot of energy, and it usually doesn't end well. I've seen that hand reach out and be a problem even after mom has crossed the veil.


There's a difference between men who love and respect their mom and those that allow overbearing mothers to control their lives, forever. You should really source out which is the case to save yourself some heartache.


As far as PM, I can see how it may not be a good choice for you, at least not right now, the description even indicates that it helps established couples feel that first flush of love. It doesn't sound like you are there. Members here have also already stated that it can weed out commitmentphobes. From your description it sounds as though that's how this phero may be working for you. ( as they work a bit differently for everyone and there's quite a bit of trial and error ) If you are looking for Long term it doesn't sound too promising for this fella. I've had great times with the hubby wearing this phero but we are 20+ years in the hole together. It's been helpful for inspiring those long kissy face make out sessions that as adults we no longer make time for. And it doesn't always end in the bedroom, but that's just my experience with it.


I think StacyK has given you some straight up advice about mom and the bedroom.

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The last time I wore pm was to a family get together at a pizza joint. Normally in public situations my hits are from everyone, pretty chill and nice but this time I had a super massive panic attack and had to leave to go home! I haven't touched it since!

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Oh girl, from experience, both ladies close to me and myself, Mamma's boys are an animal that require a lot of energy, and it usually doesn't end well. I've seen that hand reach out and be a problem even after mom has crossed the veil.


There's a difference between men who love and respect their mom and those that allow overbearing mothers to control their lives, forever. You should really source out which is the case to save yourself some heartache.


As far as PM, I can see how it may not be a good choice for you, at least not right now, the description even indicates that it helps established couples feel that first flush of love. It doesn't sound like you are there. Members here have also already stated that it can weed out commitmentphobes. From your description it sounds as though that's how this phero may be working for you. ( as they work a bit differently for everyone and there's quite a bit of trial and error ) If you are looking for Long term it doesn't sound too promising for this fella. I've had great times with the hubby wearing this phero but we are 20+ years in the hole together. It's been helpful for inspiring those long kissy face make out sessions that as adults we no longer make time for. And it doesn't always end in the bedroom, but that's just my experience with it.


I think StacyK has given you some straight up advice about mom and the bedroom.

In my personal experience, a man that doesn't set boundaries with his mother is not a good candidate for a long term relationship. I don't know every aspect of your situation, or why his mother doesn't like you, but a mother that feels like you're "stealing" their son can be hell on wheels to deal with for the rest of your life. You know the saying; 'you're not just marrying someone, you're marrying their whole family."


The last time I wore pm was to a family get together at a pizza joint. Normally in public situations my hits are from everyone, pretty chill and nice but this time I had a super massive panic attack and had to leave to go home! I haven't touched it since!

I've had normal. go-to blends "turn" on me in the past. It's odd & I can't say what the unaccounted for variables are that sent me into OD territory, but it's rare enough that I will go back to using my favorite blend after a healthy amount of time has passed. I wouldn't let a solitary OD experience scare you off of using a pheromone, if you've enjoyed it enough times without issue.

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In my personal experience, a man that doesn't set boundaries with his mother is not a good candidate for a long term relationship. I don't know every aspect of your situation, or why his mother doesn't like you, but a mother that feels like you're "stealing" their son can be hell on wheels to deal with for the rest of your life. You know the saying; 'you're not just marrying someone, you're marrying their whole family."


I've had normal. go-to blends "turn" on me in the past. It's odd & I can't say what the unaccounted for variables are that sent me into OD territory, but it's rare enough that I will go back to using my favorite blend after a healthy amount of time has passed. I wouldn't let a solitary OD experience scare you off of using a pheromone, if you've enjoyed it enough times without issue.


Will try after the Bebé has been born

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