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Helloo. Introducing myself and have a question


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Hello hope everyone is having a great weekend.I am new to pheromones. I purchased

Honeyed Love Potion w/Gotcha,

Compromising Postions -Phero Enhanced Perfume,Dlyan Phero Enhanced scent for ment with Perfect Match,Aliya w/Audacious.I got free samples of Cuddle Bunny w/phero,Body Paint,and Sugared Mango.


Me and the hubby are seperated and are going to go out to night for dinner and drinks and talk.I can not seem to pick which one would be good for this situation. Im leaning towards CP and CB any advice I would greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance

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It depends on what you want to come from the "talk". Keep in mind, pheros can't change a persons mind. That said, you may be able to use a phero like Gotcha to your advantage. It has a way of getting people to open up. If he has any real feelings it could help get him to open up and feel more intimate with you. I like to call Gotcha the "intimate social" phero. It's good for romance and also for opening up communication.

Compromising Positions is a straight up sex phero blend. If that's what you are looking for?

I'd focus more on the communication than sex right now (IMO).

Also, I wouldn't pair Comp Positions and CB. That's overkill on cops (EOW).

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Welcome! I wouldn't combine the CP and CB, or any complex phero blend. As to what you decide, it depends on what you want from the talk... If you want to get back together, go with Perfect Match (for that rekindling and butterfly feeling) I also recommend getting an OCCO- to pair with PM for a lovey but sexy combo.

Let us know how it goes!

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I actually did not wear anything because I was still unsure but we went out ate talked for awhile about random stuff and had a good time.We are going to meet up later this afternoon. I was unsure of the Dylan /w Perfect Match cause it says phero scent for men so I thought it was not for a woman to wear. With that being said im leaning towards Honeyed love potion w/Gotcha,Cuddle Bunny ,and Cp for today. I am wrong about the Dylan with perfect match. Sex im in no rush for because we still do that,I want more openeness,holding,kissing,butterfly feeling.Again thanks in advanced for your help

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Perfect Match is a phero blend for both men & women. Dylan is a 'mens' fragrance. But, there are men's scents we can wear. So if you like the scent & want that phero, go for it.


I like your choice of Gotcha, that's what I'd probably go with.

But, I'm confused. Are you saying you are going to wear Gotcha, Cuddle Bunny & Compromising Positions, all at once?? If that is what you are saying I really recommend you choose ONE phero blend and try that first. Phero blends are carefully balanced to get a specific result. Mixing blend could just leave you with a whole lot of nothing and wasted pheros.

In your next order get a couple of Occo trials. That's a good way to add cops (again, Comp Positions & CB have a ton of cops anyway so no need there). Good luck.

ETA.. Here's a link to an experienced fourm members journal page you might find helpful. Good info to have either way. You want to read the first post of this thread.



Edited by StacyK
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Perfect Match is a phero blend for both men & women. Dylan is a 'mens' fragrance. But, there are men's scents we can wear. So if you like the scent & want that phero, go for it.

I like your choice of Gotcha, that's what I'd probably go with.

But, I'm confused. Are you saying you are going to wear Gotcha, Cuddle Bunny & Compromising Positions, all at once?? If that is what you are saying I really recommend you choose ONE phero blend and try that first. Phero blends are carefully balanced to get a specific result. Mixing blend could just leave you with a whole lot of nothing and wasted pheros.

In your next order get a couple of Occo trials. That's a good way to add cops (again, Comp Positions & CB have a ton of cops anyway so no need there). Good luck.

ETA.. Here's a link to an experienced fourm members journal page you might find helpful. Good info to have either way. You want to read the first post of this thread. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8547&page=1

No I am going to pick just one to wear but I have been reading forums and I even went back and read the descriptions for each one I have and they seem to have alot of the same ingredients. So its getting a little confusing for me to pick. Lol

Do have any experiences with Honeyed love,ALYIAw/Audacious.

But it is the free ones I got that I love the smells of..Body paint and Sugared Mango smell awesome.

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Oh good. :D

Yes, I have a couple of bottles of Honeyed LP. Gotcha is a favorite phero blend of mine. :heart:


The Sugared scents are meant to be layerable, though they are good on their own too. Here's the thread for the Sugareds. You can see how many there are. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showforum=135


"Body Paint" is a forum favorite.


If you want to wear Gotcha, and like the Sugared Mango, test a bit of Sugared Mango with it. I think they might layer well.


Audacious is a fun blend. I think of it as a sort of Alfa party girl vibe. I'm actually wearing it today in and older scent. I feel like I'm singing that Megan Trainer song "I Love Me". Excuse me, I have a 15 year old daughter. :)


Some of the phero blends will have some of the same molecules. But, it's also about ratios and how the pheros play off each other. You just start out one blend at a time. Some will give you great selifies (self effects) & of course the "hits". You'll have to test out blends and dosages to find your "sweet spot".

It's really about what you want the pheros to aid you with. How do you want the next encounter to work out? In what direction would you like the pheros to nudge your next encounter? I think communication is a good idea.


Also, remember you count too. It's not just about him. I'd save the Alyia for a fun girls night out myself.

I find the best way to aid in the situation you're in is to find what I like. Pheros that give me good selifies and a boost of confidence. Given that these situations tend to drain your energy and confidence. Remember to take time for you.

Edited by StacyK
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Welcome to the forum and good luck with the meeting.

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Thank You everyone for the Welcome and answering my questions.


Update:Yesterday I did not wear any of the pheros and we had at nice time,today we was going to hang out and I put on Sugared Mango let in dry then put on Honeyed with Gotcha, well my car broke down so he pulled it to his Moms where he stays when he is in town due to us being seperated and him driving trucks OTR,so I took our other vehicle home whilr he ventured to fix car. Well he texted saying he is finished with the car and he wanted to bring it and spend the night and then 2morrow since im off lets spend the day together.. Once I take a shower will the pheros from this morning wash off and can I use Compromising Positions or Cuddle Buddy if I want to

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Hi and welcome! Yes once you take a shower it's like taking them off.

Yes this ^^ Good luck.

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