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New Releases for SEPTEMBER 2016!

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I'm hoping to have these up and orderable around Sunday - and I will post he PEs then too. :)


There's several unisex options for the guys this month, and I hope the gals will enjoy wearing them too.


Labels were done by the wonderful Jennifer King! So happy with them! Thank you Jennifer!







Distant Calliope



Ellie's Elephant Snacks



Fair Ground



Goldfish w/ Alpha Nol



LP Carnival w/ Audacious












Tattooed Lady w/ Blatant Invitation






Winner! w/ Swimming with Sharks

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One word. MEDIUM. I loved the original scent so *fingers crossed*

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Oooh, there's a couple that look intriguing!

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Fabulous labels, Jennifer!! So excited to see the notes!! ....and I am thrilled with an Audacious potion also because it's one of my top phero blends!!!!! I'm doin the NR dance.... :cat690:

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Gorgeous labels, Jennifer!! I can't wait to try them all, but esp Distant Calliope, Goldfish with Alpha-nol, LP Carnival w/ Audacious (I ❤️ Audacious!), Tattooed Lady w/BI, and the new SWS scent (that's one of my favorite pheros!)

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Very cool retro labels! I love the cat in Sweet and Medium & Winner are perfect. The only problem I see is that the The Tattooed Lady label looks off-balance - not sure - but I think the "phero enhanced fragrance" line should have been a little lower for the label to look right ... :D

Edited by quietguy
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Very cool retro labels! I love the cat in Sweet and Medium & Winner are perfect. The only problem I see is that the The Tattooed Lady label looks off-balance - not sure - but I think the "phero enhanced fragrance" line should have been a little lower for the label to look right ... :D


Ha! You goose! Made me look!

I hope I like Sweet too...I love a cat in a party hat.

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Ha! You goose! Made me look!

I hope I like Sweet too...I love a cat in a party hat.


Hmm... I had to look, too.

And yes: CAT IN A HAT! And a ruffled thingy around his neck... The cat's expression looks so much like Sunny's, I'm thinking evil thoughts, like, will he let me dress him up in a hat & ruffled collar? (Maybe if there's chicken involved). :lol:

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Chicken or no chicken I would have a sliced throat if I tried to get that on Adelaide.


Sunny has no claws. :666: (Note: I did NOT declaw him; I adopted him that way). Although, I'm pretty sure if there were no chicken on offer, he'd probably bite my nose. He does that.

I know I'm going to wind up buying that one because it looks just like him. That's how I wound up ordering Atomic Mandarin, and before that, Tyvey's Mango-ish. :blush:

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I also really like the "Fairground" label. Being afraid of heights those rides give me the heebies so that label to me is spooky cool. I like the angle of it and the mysterious sky behind it. Hope I like that one!



Oh and those harlequin leggings on LP Carnival!

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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Ha! You goose! Made me look!





Hmm... I had to look, too.


Haha - I bet you aren't the only ones! :P:smiley-sex009::beggingpleasesmiley::rofl222:

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Excited! Can't wait to smell them!

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I share your fear of heights. I was riding a Ferris Wheel once without the safety bar locked, and it was a really old ride too. So scary! Never again!


Oh that's scary business right there! The angle of the ride on that label keeps giving me the same feeling in my stomach as if I am on it! Why do I keep going back to look at it?!

Also...I am an idiot and haven't been to a proper carnival in years...I just now figured out why the goldfish. :Emoticons04269: DUH

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OMG I keep coming back and drooling -- these all look amazing!


I am supposed to be on a no-buy policy right now because of Reasons but I think that just went out the window. The trick is going to be resisting the full bottle set because holy amazeballs these look so wonderful!

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