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Seon's Cold Weather Cozy


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Spiced mahogany and crisp fallen leaves form a comforting layer beneath the scent of sweet roasting chestnuts and woodsmoke on the Autumn air....

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Whoooooo! First PE, although my friend basically chose all the notes... I had this done for one of my good friends named Seon for his birthday. Over the summer, I sent him the huge list of notes, and he picked out the mahogany, woodsmoke, and chestnuts, and I left the last note to Mara. He was confused as to why I was asking him, but I told him in time he'd understand...


So I surprised him with this last night! He was super excited when I gave it to him and kept sniffing his wrists for the rest of the evening. About 2 hours after he initially put it on, he said, "OH MY GOD IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER AND BETTER." Initially, it reminds me a little of those autumn-scented candles, but it mellows out really quick into this really amazing crisp fall scent, and the leaves and woodsmoke are balanced out by the slight sweetness of the chestnut to where I feel like this could be unisex. I'm really tempted to order a bottle for myself now, actually!

Edited by Midnight Requiem
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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmmmm this is good! It reminds me a bit of North Pole, but like an Autumnal version. I love the mix of notes to create that Fall-in-a-bottle kind of evocation, but with an emphasis on woods, deliciously huffable!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmmmmm, I love this! Wet the mahogany is very strong and dark, and the blend reads quite masculine on my skin. But as the drydown commences, like MR says, the chestnut just..... BLOOMS on me and it's so delicious! I don't think I've ever smelled this as a note before and I love it! The fallen leaves and woodsmoke make for a perfect evocation of fall.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seon's Cold Weather Cozy is Autumn in a bottle. It is rich and dark, woody and warm. It truly is cozy, like being wrapped in a fluffy blanket. The spice of the mahogany provides a sexy cologne quality. I'm so enjoying this fragrance on my self and could imagine just how yummy it would be on a guy.

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LOL as a joke one of my close friends calls him "Say-on" and was hellbent on that pronunciation... I got into the habit and always pronounced it as Say-on before my other friends were like "it's actually Shawn."


He's Korean and his full name is Seong ik, pronounced "sung-eek." The English version is Shawn, all because his kindergarten teacher misheard his dad pronounce "sung" as Shawn.

Edited by Midnight Requiem
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