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Oshun & Ogun


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The creator says: "based on the Yoruba legend of Oshun and Ogun, a "beauty and the beast" type tale of soft and laughing femininity overpowering savagery with sweetness of honey and musk (and Aja copulins) saving humanity from the brute ways of the most hardened warriors of the patriarchy. Scent of river water, female arousal and lubrication, ambrosia, coconut, raw wild forest honey fresh from the comb in the tree hive, blacksmith smoke, the crisp smell of "just turning autumn", kola nut and red clay, red sandalwood and warm, moist, fertile earth atop which a Princess and a Hunter have just made love, the sound of her jingling waistbeads and ankle bells the music of their consummation, honeybees and butterflies their witnesses and chorus. Please make this dream come true! Thanks!"

Thus, this is a wildly sensual blend, an SLF to be sure, crafted around several types of Honey & Aja, grounded with smokey African black musk, sandalwood and black coconut, with ambrosial peach flesh and blossoms, and a splash of homemade "river water" accord.

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This one is very... sort of evocative on me? It really does make me think of earth, but not in a dirt way, more like a trees and sky and nature way if that makes any sense. I think it's the combination of river water and honey. I get a lot of wood, water, and honey, and the honey is strong on me the whole time. The rest of the fragrance besides the honey feels almost a bit masculine to me. The honey note is definitely SLF-like - both SLF and this smell like a floral-polleny honey to me (versus something like Honey Whip which would be a bright honey).

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I wish I got more peach from mine! It's interesting because I definitely feel that on me, this scent feels more masculine than feminine even though it's supposed to be a feminine scent. I think it's the earthiness created by the water, musk, and sandalwood. I don't get any peach :(

Edited by Midnight Requiem
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  • 4 weeks later...

This is really beautiful, a honeyed musk which definitely has that SLF signature but stops just short of being wholly pornographic; with delicious accents which match the overall mood. "Wildly sensual" is an apt description because there is a primal earthiness to it but at the same time a more delicate aura underneath - I think this one is not so much to be worn as to be experienced because it is so evocative.

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Wore this yesterday. Love! Very honey forward but not as slutty as OCCO SLF. The peach keeps it fresh along with the fantastic river water. Those are the three main notes for me, on me. The musk and sandalwood is just a whiff on the base and the coconut doesn't really show up on me. If you are a honey ho, this is a wearable honey without the (oh it pains me to use this word: snatch) of a SLF honey.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This seems very complex to me, I get a lot of different scent feelings from this one. It's soft, feminine, also earthy, sweet at times, I sometimes forget what I'm wearing because I'll catch the scent and it somehow bounces around different notes for me. It also really sticks, it seems to have transferred from skin to everything I've worn. Perhaps it's the Aja, I've now realized my jacket collar is a happy blend of LP pumpkin and Oshun, both seem to really stick to my clothing even though they were applied to skin, with plenty of time to dry.


20 yrs ago I spent a lot of time, over a few years in a botanica, the owner a priest of Santeria. He had tons of oils in his shop and many dedicated to Orishas. He offered classes and held open celebrations as well as more intimate ceremonies/ services. I attended a ceremony where they were determining which Orisha ruled over someone's head. When Oshun was called, there I was somehow transported to the back of the room standing in a line with all the fellas who already knew their ruling Orisha, Chango. All of us unable to stand still, trying not to start pacing around the room, palms sweaty. They didn't seem surprised to see me with them.


Though I no longer practice Santaria I'm grateful for the knowledge and experiences I had during that time and have felt a connection to these two (3) Orishas since then. I really feel like this fragrance is spot on and I love it. It doesn't hurt that I also feel very beautiful and goddess like when wearing it.

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I wish I could find a good botanica here in LA. The last guy I saw was super shady

This fella was very knowledgable, charismatic, and connected. He often had visiting priests and well known authors around. Though he definitly tried to sleep with every attractive woman he could and had the harem vibe about him. It was one of the reasons I stopped going there, "no" wasn't part of his incoming vocabulary and it made things really uncomfortable. Sad to say I have yet to meet a man in this position/ type of environment that wasn't a bit shady, wish I could say otherwise.

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  • 1 year later...

The description for this scent was beautiful and I was drawn to it immediately. This scent sticks to me like honey (ha ha). I REEK of honey when I wear this, and it lingers even after a good scrub in the shower with castile soap (my weird way of testing the staying power of my scents).


I wore this around a new flame and he didnt appear to respond to it, but I plan to wear it more and see if theres a hit.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Okay, so I have now learned what "SLF" smells like in the LP universe. This is diiiirrrrty on me. Dirtier than Sugared Honeycomb or Pherogirl’s drydown. I had a sniffie of this and I absentmindedly slathered this on last night before bed thinking it was Pillow Stuffing, and then promptly zonked out. Well, I could still smell this morning, and I panicked when I realized that I was NOT wearing Pillow Stuffing and there was no way I could go into work this morning smelling like I did. 

You remember that show The Magic School Bus? There was this episode where they took a field trip inside Arnold's body and explored his digestive system. I swear I smelled like I had taken a Magic School Bus field trip inside a vagina. Maybe it's my body chemistry right now?


  I frantically scrubbed it off with alcohol and applying with Sensual Harmony.  But lesson learned- be careful of what I put on on a work night! 

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5 hours ago, hedgehog said:

Okay, so I have now learned what "SLF" smells like in the LP universe. This is diiiirrrrty on me. Dirtier than Sugared Honeycomb or Pherogirl’s drydown. I had a sniffie of this and I absentmindedly slathered this on last night before bed thinking it was Pillow Stuffing, and then promptly zonked out. Well, I could still smell this morning, and I panicked when I realized that I was NOT wearing Pillow Stuffing and there was no way I could go into work this morning smelling like I did. 

You remember that show The Magic School Bus? There was this episode where they took a field trip inside Arnold's body and explored his digestive system. I swear I smelled like I had taken a Magic School Bus field trip inside a vagina. Maybe it's my body chemistry right now?


  I frantically scrubbed it off with alcohol and applying with Sensual Harmony.  But lesson learned- be careful of what I put on on a work night! 

Yeah, definitely not a work scent 😂 or if you’re around men you don’t want to attract 

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