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This one is REALLY fun! If you're a fan of the sugared scents you'll adore it, if not, do not dismay because it is complex enough that you won't recognize it as such! On first application and in the bottle I smell Sugared Roses. It is roses,and sugar and creamy. I don't get the peppermint at all, but it's ok, because it is entirely yummy. On dry down it blooms, and I catch a faint tinge of clove, just enough to give it depth and character. I would call this one Sugared Roses' sexy big sister!

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This scent is a very nice suprise! In the sample I can smell mint, followed by something like resin, then sweeeet sugar. I thought "Oh goodie, another sugared mint *rolls eyes*. (Yeah, ok, I'm a cynic!)


When I tried it on my wrists I got sugared soft mint - yummy! Then I swiped some on my throat & got sugared fruit!?! OK, whatever. It's really nice. Minty fruity sugar with something grounding it & keeping it from evaporating. I don't get roses (which is shocking because I usualy amp rose) and I don't know what clove blossom smells like. But this is lovely. I'd like it to be louder & stronger, but then it wouldn't be what it is - which is gentle and sweet and fun.


At the end of the drydown is rose & clove blossom (I guess that's what it is). Absolutely beautiful!

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I put this one on before bed last night. The peppermint and clove were a nice combination as I relaxed into sleep. There HAS to be something in these fragrances that makes me want a full bottle every time I try something new, because Hot Chick has gone on my wish list for my next order! Who needs groceries when you can smell this good?!

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I put this one on before bed last night. The peppermint and clove were a nice combination as I relaxed into sleep. There HAS to be something in these fragrances that makes me want a full bottle every time I try something new, because Hot Chick has gone on my wish list for my next order! Who needs groceries when you can smell this good?!


Exactly! and think about it, most of us can afford to give up a meal here and there... I know I can.lol


LP's first...groceries maybe...hehehe



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I definitely need a second bottle of this, it even smells cool as in temperature like when you have an ice cube a bit below your nose and feel that sort of coldness radiating. The mint note is really clear and clean it certainly sorts out my sinuses but without any pungent burn to go along with, candy cane without the extra sugar lol, of course all that is sweet and fresh about roses comes along with the deep strong clove scent but it doesn't take over either. I just <3 Hot Chick and don't want to be w/o a bottle. Have taken to putting this on before bed to relax me as well

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Stimulating Moroccan peppermint and sweet, creamy roses, folded into turbinado sugar and Tanzanian clove blossom.


In the bottle: Interesting! I get a green fruit vibe out of this one, with a hint of florals.


On, wet: still that green, very fresh fruit and floral. It has the refreshing vibe of a honeydew melon mixed with fresh grass, but it doesn't smell like either of those.


Drydown: Okay, now I can smell some sugared roses, and the freshness is almost recognizable as mint. The clove blossom gives an almost vanillic warmth to the sugars and the roses.


This is a very lovely summer scent, cooling, fresh and unusual. It's like wearing a rose based perfume to a picnic, with sprinklers nearby, and lots of watermelon, except you get all that even sitting at a desk and working. Fun!

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OK, this one didn't smell at all like I imagined it would.....


Like Scourger, I get a "green" scent at first.....and I have no idea WHY....it smells almost like a men's Speed Stick deodorant on my skin......


After about 15 min or so, it calms down and dries to just a fresh, cool scent......at complete drydown, I can't distinguish the individual notes, but just that it smells fresh and clean.....

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It seems that rose is one of those scents that comes to dominate on me in most scents, and this one isn't an exception. The mint fades away within minutes, and what's left smells like Sugared Roses-- unfortunately, that's not a rose that I care for. Oh well- this is what sample vials are for!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

This turned out as a fruity scent on me. On dry down, i could smell the rose and mint in it. The clove didn't appear at all. I'll have to remember to remove the sample vial from my trade list.

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  • 8 months later...

Scorch kindly gave me a trial vial of this a while back, it has a quality which sort of strikes me as a cross between La Fleur Cremeuse and Belle de Menthe, floral sweetness with that minty kick, and I get a little tinge of clove during drydown, but in the end this is rosy sugary creaminess on me. Glad I have a sample now, at least.

Edited by luna65
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