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Layering OW with LFN? Sex & Violins with LFM?

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I am thinking of layering OW with LFN Is this a bad idea? Anyone else tried this?


I love LFN, but I feel like when I wear it I am just amplifying myself and myself is very intense already. It can make me very in my head and even on the sad side if I wear to much, so thought maybe OW could open it up a bit, or might just make it way worse ha. Why I'm here asking :)


Right now I have is/a, mx235, TAL, OW, lp red/ow, Sex and Violins/Dominance, Occo Ambrosia/Popularity potion, occo red, gold, pink, ambrosia, aja copulins, and Lp pink.


I am also wondering about MX235. If I wore MX235 and a dab under my nose of Sex and Violins (Love the self effects) Would it throw off the 235 vibe to much? Or possibly TAL (also love self effects)?

I am thinking of layering OW with LFN Is this a bad idea? Anyone else tried this? LFN with TAL?


I love LFN, but I feel like when I wear it I am just amplifying myself and myself is very intense already. It can make me very in my head and even on the sad side if I wear to much, so thought maybe OW could open it up a bit, or might just make it way worse ha. Why I'm here asking :)


Right now I have is/a, mx235, TAL, OW, lp red/ow, Sex and Violins/Dominance, Occo Ambrosia/Popularity potion, Occo Ambrosia/LFN, occo red, gold, pink, ambrosia, aja copulins, and Lp pink.


I am also wondering about MX235. If I wore MX235 and a dab under my nose of Sex and Violins (Love the self effects) Would it throw off the 235 vibe to much? Or possibly TAL (also love self effects)?

Edited by Madison
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Also has anyone tried TAL with Copulins? Interested in how these two together would go. Might try sometime soon. Also Sex and Violins with Cops.

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Adding cops to a phero blend is fine.


As far as mixing complex blends for the most part, that's not advised.

There are posts all over the Forum on this topic but most of them are probably mixed into other threads.

The thing is all the Phero Blends here are carefully balanced. They are blended by people who have been studying the molecules for years and understand how various molecules play off each other and how to blend them, measuring the ratios carefully for the desired intent

When you blend two complex blends what you'll likely end up with is a whole lot of nothing. Your basically wasting your money.

Edited by StacyK
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Hi Stacy!


Sorry if I missed a post where my questions were already answered. I searched a lot before I posted. One of the things I specifically searched for were any posts I made on 235 because I am pretty sure I would dab some dominance or tal under my nose when I wore it, and I think it worked well. I just can't quite remember.


Thank you for your response! I know it's ok to add cops to blends I was meaning more effects wise; Anyones elses experience with Combining tal or Sex & Violins with copulins.


I also would like to brighten the feeling of LFN on me. I have a whole box of different pheros I could try (just not on me at this moment) like taa, or topper, but if there's really nothing I can do brighten it I will just keep using it as I have been, and be careful to not use to much. My od spot with this one is very low. Love lfm and lfn.

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If you want to lighten up LFN you could try LFM with a dab of cops. You could also try LFM with Topper (& or cops).

LFN is LFM with ENONE & cops added. So basically I'm suggesting remove the 'enone to lighten it up. Of course, you can try Topper with LFN. For me that doesn't work I can't do enone blends with Topper. But, that's me.

If the whole tone of the blend is too intense you might want to try something like Super Sexy For Women or Bang.

Yes,to Sex & Violins with cops. Dominance and cops are a very sexy partners. The Cops just make the whole Dom vibe purr. There was a Dominance enhanced scent called "Dom Noir". That scent had both Dominance and cops you might want to read the reviews on that thread to hear more about that combination.

It's hard to comment on your Androtics pheros because I don't know what exactly is in them. That company doesn't share that information with their customers. There may be forum members who know. I have tried a few of their blends. My observation is that LP pheros are considerably more potent. You may find you don't need as much with your LPs.

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Also has anyone tried TAL with Copulins? Interested in how these two together would go. Might try sometime soon.

Are you referring to TAL by Androtics? Cops can be used with a lot of other pheromone blends, just depending on the situation; I've only ever tried TAL in C.F.M., and I could see layering cops with that one if you really wanted a more sexual aura.

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Thanks Stacy!


I would love to try dom noir...!

Right now I put on OccO Black or Red with my Sex and Violins/Dom.


I love the LFM with cops idea, but I don't have my LFM on me right now. I have a big box of pheros that I will have access to in a week or two.


I haven't had a chance to try SS4W or Bang. I might get some samples in my next order. My Occo Black is out too.

Also saw a ton of good things from Gotcha which is another I hadn't had a chance to test out.


I mostly use OW, Dom, LFN, and Cops.


Luna65: Yes. Aka Molecule L


Assuming it would give an elegant, goddess aura, then with cops... that is ripe for picking ;)


Sounds good to me :)

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Has anyone noticed anything with to much copulins? I am wondering if since LFN already has cops- maybe adding more is to much?

This is for indoor sexy time, not socially! :)

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  • 4 months later...

Sex and Violins is DA BOMB with cops....just sayin'! :Emoticons0424:

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  • 4 months later...

StacyK , you said

"I can't do enone blends with Topper. But, that's me."

If you have a moment, can you expand on that? I'm expecting a bottle of Topper this week and it's my understanding I can use it with everything, but I'm curious what doesn't work for you so I know what to look for. Thanks!

Edited by Eastwood22
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StacyK , you said

"I can't do enone blends with Topper. But, that's me."

If you have a moment, can you expand on that? I'm expecting a bottle of Topper this week and it's my understanding I can use it with everything, but I'm curious what doesn't work for you so I know what to look for. Thanks!

Topper is great, I have unscented and a scented bottle. I wear it on its own and I pair it with a couple of blends. I like to use it with H&S, Treasured Hearts or Cougar when i'm in the right mood.

E'none can give me a headache combine that with an over abundance of a'nol and I get queasy. I've tried it with LFN & no joy there.

The worst case for me... I tried Topper with Sexpionage and god was I sick. I do think, in that case, it was a combo of those blends together not agreeing with me and an OD. Its a lot of A'nol at once. Just thinking of that makes me shakey. Lesson learned.

I can't wear Mega Watt at all :( E'none, a'nol' dhea. It just doesn't agree with me.

But, thats me. MW is pretty popular. Not everyone will have the same outcome. Just be sure to pay attention to your doses when you combine.

Topper, LACE, LAM & BAM are all potent on their own but I do like using them to layer with other blends at the right time, where it makes sense.

Topper is definitely the most versital. I always have it just in case.

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Thank you Stacy! My beloved mail carrier delivered a ton of goodies for me today, and of course I want to throw them all on at once, so I appreciate your cautionary tale. I'm wearing Focus Potion, so obviously I need to figure it out on it's on and then explore if Topper over it would be okay. (I'm looking for perfect teaching blend/sweet spot.)


It makes so much sense to write everything down, including dosage. It may have be hormonal but my headache never left me yesterday, I may have possibly OD'd on something. (Lumina in early am, TH in late late afternoon/early evening.) So much research to do!


Thanks for your response, very much appreciate it.

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