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Hi Everyone,


I've been lurking for a while, and reading, reading, and reading some more! The ironic thing is that I originally landed on the main site (Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie) because I was searching for unscented pheromones. As it turns out, I LOVE many of the fragrances I've tried that are offered by LP.


Thank you to all of you who take time to review, share research, and your own methods and thoughts.


One of the scents I just went full bottle on, is Odalisque 2017 w/Bang. The fragrance notes listed are not similar, other than the vanilla, but, on my skin, it smells very much like Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille. I kept sniffing my wrist, trying to figure out what it reminded me of, and finally I figured it out, sprayed a spritz of the TF on my other arm, and yes, so similar.


My all time favorite love from the big perfume houses is Guerlain's Tonka Imperiale. I also treasure a bottle from the 1930's (that I was able to purchase still sealed) of Tabu by Dana. And some Tabu skin oil that is very vintage. Both smell incredible.


Another LPMP fragrance that I now have a spray version of, as well as the oil rollerball bottle, is Aurora. ....AND I have the unscented BI, Cougar and Bang.


I really have to stop shopping! Don't I? But, before I do, if anyone is familiar with the Tonka Imperiale, and they know of a similar LPMP fragrance, please let me know.


Okay... going back to lurking now :)

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I really have to stop shopping! Don't I? But, before I do, if anyone is familiar with the Tonka Imperiale, and they know of a similar LPMP fragrance, please let me know.

I'm guessing you might like Tonka Musk at the very least; I don't know that it's up on the temporary site so you can always email for an invoice if you want to order it to try out.

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Thank you everyone :)


Luna, I've added Tonka Musk to my ever growing list, and Tink, yes, you're right. I've started down the path and probably won't be turning back lol.


I did read (somewhere here) that it is an option to send Mara samples of fragrances we'd like to have her interpretation of, and this is something I may try down the line.


I'd barely just found LPMP when the site went down, and it took me a few days to figure out that I could (thankfully) still access the forum. There is so much to learn when it comes to the pheromones. My only past experience with any sort of pheromones, was using the anxiety soothing (canine collar) for my dog, and it did not help him as much as I'd hoped it would. Maybe he's a non responder.


What a friendly and informative community, I'm happy to have found you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks :) I'm not yet ready to write a review yet, but my arsenal continues to multiply!


I find it especially helpful to read the in depth reviews and philosophy of what works and does not work. I appreciate each and every one of you that take the time to do this. For example, talking about whether a pheromone has congruity with the person wearing it. (I hadn't a clue about this at first, of course.) When I read references talking about "selfies" at first I thought it meant a purely sexual effect, but I quickly learned it applied to attitude, confidence, etc.


My first purchase was UN Cougar, and BI. The BI I still have yet to wear in anything but a private setting, but Cougar I have, and sadly have not noticed any self effects in any way with it. I did not feel any sparkly-er. I think maybe I could have gotten better effect if I'd gotten it in a spray form, but have it in oil.


The thing is, I generally am considered by perfect strangers to be approachable and attractive (even at my advanced age ha ha). So I dunno, maybe the UN cougar just doesn't have an effect on others that I pick up on. Possibly it does, but I don't notice it. People usually seem to enjoy being around me. It doesn't seem different when I wear it. I wore it to an FDA conference I spoke at, there was mingling before and afterward, and I got a lot of friendliness from both men and women, but seeing as how I don't usually hang out with the FDA, its not as if I have a comparison model. Maybe they're just friendly people. I tried Cougar again today I had an eye doctor appointment. I've gone to him for years, and he is always cordial. He complimented me, saying I looked nice, which is possibly the only thing different. His assistant was chatty, and the receptionist too, but, as I said, these are not out of the ordinary interactions.


I have LFM in spray on the way, and I'm super excited about that! I think it is more "congruent" in that it would magnify what type of personality I already have. And, I will write a review once I've had a chance to take it for a test drive.


AND I also just ordered Velvet Kisses with Cuddle Bunny. (Promising myself that this really is *it* for a while, in my fragrance/phero/cops buying madness!)

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Welcome! I have only been here for a few months, and I, too, came for the pheros. I have always had to be super selective about perfumes because of my allergies, so I had actually started making my own scents with essential oils. I didn't plan on trying any scents and just happened to come in around Pherotine...so I bought up a lot of the UNs, BUT did get trial vials of some of the scents to save money....Aaaaaaannnndddd the rest is history. I have only had one or two give me a headache and I think it was bad timing/dosing of the phero. So now I am in love and have spent WAY more than I should have, but it is worth it! The scents are MARVELOUS, and the pheros, though they take some testing, are proving to be quite fab, too!


Hope you enjoy and I look forward to when you ARE ready to review. Because I LOVE reading people's stories!

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Welcome Rose! Don't put your wallet away yet......the summer sale is coming up!!

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