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Looking For A Men's Phero Recommendation

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So my son has a couple of scents with OW & 1 with just A'Nol. He did have Top Dog. He loved that scent & maybe the phero too. MVP, I think?

Well he broke up with his GF.

Amicably as far as I know. But, that was awhile ago. He's also been going thru a sulky phase for a little bit. I do suggest one of his ow scents as something to help lift him up.

He works and goes to school. I think he's become frustrated not getting much time out.


He's respectful in his behavior to women & ppl in general. Loves animals & they love him. He's the one person your cat or dog who always hates EVERYONE likes. Hates frat boy & follow the crowd shit. He has a handsome face, he's slender, he used to work out more but hasn't had the time. He's not super tall about 5 foot 8 1/2.


So there it is. What would be a good "romantic attraction" phero for him? I think just a bit of attention would perk him up.

I'm not versed enough in the straight out men's pheros to judge.

Thanks in advance.


Also, what could be like Top Dog? Intent wise, in particular?

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Charisma is really the best designed men's phero and works for both social and work environments.


MVP was the same ingredients actually, but Charisma is the only bio-identical blend on the market, so it's just better I think.


As far as Top Dog, I remember that as a clean green work type blend, no? Try out the new one we just made for this month, Tarutaru. :)



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Thank you Mara. Charisma is the blend I had a physical reaction too. It was a Dark Desires trial, my first exposure to that phero. I put a little swipe on my wrist to smell it, then liking the scent inhaled deeply from the vial, I passed out not long after. lol


I was looking at Tarutaru. He'd love that label. I'll definitely try that.


Scratch that "Dark Desires" had Heart Throb lol. Leopold smelled great too. I may have that one. I gave him Corwin & I bought both...

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I agree with Charisma. Just a great all around pheromone. But Heart Throb works well too lol.

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Charisma seems to be the consensus! I don't think that phero blend gets nearly enough attention because people seem to consider it to be 'just' a more social blend. I have a lot of fun whenever I wear my Mark's Tonka Tobacum boosted with Charisma. It really puts a spotlight on the wearer and just helps everyone be in a really good mood.

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QG lol! Yea, that's one I can say is effective. ;)


Snoop, thanks.


Chrisma is what i'm definitely going with.


The balance sounds perfect, as Mara said. Exactly what I was looking for. A social & attractant. A little alpha but not too much so.

I didnt want to do something that was over the top like Super, etc.

Just a nudge for the gals & his confidence to get out there. But, he can still hang with his buddies without issue. Having it work accessable is great too.

I have a bottle of Lucero & 1 of Leopold. I had bought them as potential gifts. Always like to have a gift on hand. They are oils so I'll need a spray kit, he prefers spray. When possable.

How is the Chrisma phero prefered. Oil or spray?

I know I have some pheros I must have one way or the other. (This being specific to the phero not talking cops)

Some blends are recommended best in a specific form.



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I use a combination of both. I use the oils more in the summer. Although I will sometimes use an oil "undercoat" with a spray or two on top.

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I use a combination of both. I use the oils more in the summer. Although I will sometimes use an oil "undercoat" with a spray or two on top.

? Thanks

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So what did you go with?

Charisma. I gave him Leopold. He's worn it twice that I know of, maybe more.

He felt, the second time, that it had quite an effect at work. Both on the PMS'Y females he works with (He calls that shift hell night) and a customer that stared into his eyes and froze for about 30 seconds. He noted it as strange, totally forgetting about the phero. lol.

I asked him if it had any self effects. He said, he wasn't sure. But, he was in a better mood than he had been there in a long time.

He works with this one horribly miserable woman. She still fairly young but just not at all a happy person. The other girl is younger & shes fine when she's on her own. But, when she's with the other she becomes a little follower. She even had the nerve to ask him to buy beer for her one night. To which he said No.

He just turned 21. I had "The talk" about buying booze with him. Though I know he would have said NO there either way.

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