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Treasured Hearts

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Hello everyone,


I keep coming back to this one and I am seriously considering purchasing a full size. I was wondering has any one sampled it yet? I was really hoping to see it in the sample size but too bad huh...anyways those of you who do have it, what's your opinion?...I'm kinda thinking it's gonna be a goody.


Any reviews of this would be very much appreciated.


I will most likely go ahead and purchase this in two weeks



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Hey djac, I have tried this one, and I like it. It really makes the ones around you "give you love" for lack of a better word. I wore it around a typically grumpy old man who is a client of mine, and within about 20 minutes of being exposed to treasured hearts, he was grinning and chuckling. Definitely worth a full bottle!

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There is a thread in the pheromone user guide on this specific mix.


Treasured Hearts


Some of the other ladies on the forum havewritten their experiences there.


It is definetly one I want to try :winktongue:


Thank you very much. Just what I wanted to hear. Yes, I will be purchasing a full bottle in the next week or so :003-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co .



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Hey djac, I have tried this one, and I like it. It really makes the ones around you "give you love" for lack of a better word. I wore it around a typically grumpy old man who is a client of mine, and within about 20 minutes of being exposed to treasured hearts, he was grinning and chuckling. Definitely worth a full bottle!





Yes, I agree that this warrants a full bottle. My next purchase :winktongue:



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  • 2 months later...

I wore this one yesterday layered with LP Summer 08. Naturally I forgot that I had put it on that morning and had the strangest afternoon. I was talking to 3 aquaintances that were all trying to get my attention at the same time, and I was like, woah! one at a time! and then one of them says, me first! cause I love you more! LOL so they others start bickering, no I love her more! no, I do! Of course it was all very silly, but I hardly know these people so it was funny to hear them arguing about who loved me more. Later I remembered about the LP/Treasured Hearts mix LOL!

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I wore this one yesterday layered with LP Summer 08. Naturally I forgot that I had put it on that morning and had the strangest afternoon. I was talking to 3 aquaintances that were all trying to get my attention at the same time, and I was like, woah! one at a time! and then one of them says, me first! cause I love you more! LOL so they others start bickering, no I love her more! no, I do! Of course it was all very silly, but I hardly know these people so it was funny to hear them arguing about who loved me more. Later I remembered about the LP/Treasured Hearts mix LOL!



Oh yeah, I wore it at a family function in Aug (normally a tense situation at best), and was well-loved by all......I LOVE this phero blend.....a must-have in my arsenal for sure!! I need to get another bottle....I keep forgetting.....

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Ok, I had another experience with Treasured Hearts last Thursday, and I didn't even realize it until later when I thought about it (and remembered that I had applied it that morning). I went out on an appt to see an elderly, female client, who is always nice, polite, and very reserved. This time, though, right after I got to her house, she was making us a cup of tea while we were chatting about how I was going to handle her tax situation. She was telling me how much she appreciated me, and all of a sudden, she just turns around and grabs me in this big hug. She is hugging me and not turning me loose......and keeps on saying.....I am so glad you are here! I mean, I know that she is appreciative, but this was a bit over the top. After we worked out her taxes, she sat and talked to me for hours! She didn't want me to leave.....


This is one of those pheros that just makes everyone want to "share the love"......I really enjoy this one!

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You will love it. It's so easy to wear (no heavy cover needed). It does make people really friendly, so be prepared. :love: I need to get another bottle since mine's almost out.

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  • 4 years later...

I've been reading the other thread on this, plus this one, and just ordered a sample spray. Have got to try, and have plenty of bristly women at work to smooth out. Am really looking forward to this!


You will love it.....great for creating a "spread the love" vibe!

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Wearing this today with The Art of War, intense phero day for me! (felt like I arrived at work ready to kick someone's ass while floating, that passed). I did notice good vibes from the kids this morning after putting this on, and with my co-workers, especially the bristly one. Am looking forward to wearing Treasured Hearts a lot!

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  • 2 months later...

I wear this at work, layered with Lap of Luxury w/Swimming with Sharks. The results are fantastic, my co-workers & I get along great now. Towards the end of the day (much later) I add some PP to the mix, to calm the tired & cranky passengers, works like a charm. Treasured Hearts has a slightly sweet fragrance, even though it's an unscented pheromone formula, so it blends well with the other LP's I'm layering.

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Okay, this phero is just precious! I have the UN-spray, and I wore it today in the afternoon, during which I went to the gym. The older man I walked in with (friendly, not sexual) started chatting me up and asking me about how my joint pain was feeling, recounting his running injury stories and just being really sweet overall... so adorable to see them under mara's little spells! hehe...anyway, everyone was friendly at the gym during the workout class (we are generally all familiar faces and many know each other by name), but this is to be expected. I left early because my hip was bothering me, and was surprised to see a text on my phone when I got home from my gym friend P. saying that he noticed I left early and if I was alright! I think that's the treasured hearts typing away.....


I also felt a mild calming self-effect from this, which I needed after an emotionally tumultuous day in the romance department, sigh.

Thumbs up, definitely a mainstay!

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I need to get a replacement bottle....this one is a staple of mine.....

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I wore this over Bodacious Musk on Saturday evening, for dinner at the Hilton with kids and hub. I didn't want to wear pheros but I thought it didn't matter since I don't often use pheros around my kids.


The kids were never ready to leave for the hotel and it made my hub irritated. Anyway, the ride to the hotel was shorter than I expected so we got there on time. The restuarant was about 40% full. The kids ate and played their DS and iPads while hub & I took our time to eat. It was a buffet dinner, after all. The entire family was in good mood and was very patient with each other. Hub & I even managed to talk a little about office politics without getting on each other's nerves.


Two chefs were very sweet to me. The seafood chef brought my lobster and snow crab to my table although patrons were supposed to return to the booth to pick up our food. The sashimi chef was very patient with my multiple trips to his counter for salmon sashimi and rock oysters.

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I need to get a replacement bottle....this one is a staple of mine.....

I wore this over Bodacious Musk on Saturday evening, for dinner at the Hilton with kids and hub. I didn't want to wear pheros but I thought it didn't matter since I don't often use pheros around my kids.


The kids were never ready to leave for the hotel and it made my hub irritated. Anyway, the ride to the hotel was shorter than I expected so we got there on time. The restuarant was about 40% full. The kids ate and played their DS and iPads while hub & I took our time to eat. It was a buffet dinner, after all. The entire family was in good mood and was very patient with each other. Hub & I even managed to talk a little about office politics without getting on each other's nerves.


Two chefs were very sweet to me. The seafood chef brought my lobster and snow crab to my table although patrons were supposed to return to the booth to pick up our food. The sashimi chef was very patient with my multiple trips to his counter for salmon sashimi and rock oysters.


I wanna like this one. I have it in UN. alcohol.. but it's really hit and miss. How many sprays do you apply?

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Mine's in oil. I can't remember if it's DPG or silicone as I ordered a bunch of UN in different base.


As my children were with me, I just rolled the bottle across my chest as I wore a v-neck top. The application should be at least 3 inches long. My son sat beside me while my hub was across from me. My son has the weird habit of rushing us to go home the moment he is through with a meal. He didn't do that on Sat night. He just asked what time we intended to leave, sat quietly and played his game alone or with his sister.

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  • 2 months later...

I have been getting the funniest hits from BF whenever I wear Treasured Hearts lately. Firstly, it tends to make him very kissy and affectionate, which I *know* is due to the Treasured Hearts, because he tends to be a hands-off kind of guy. Secondly, it makes him want to cook for me. :o I've mentioned this before, I think, in the Potion of the Day thread, but I wanted to mention it here, too, mostly because that effect is so oddly consistent. My boyfriend, The King of All Fast Food, *cooks* for me almost every time I wear this. It's a friggin' miracle. Honestly. I guess this is the "nesting" thing taking effect? I am SO okay with that kind of nesting. :lol: I've been wondering for YEARS if he even knew where the kitchen was! Turns out all I had to do was swipe on a little Get Happy, and he finds his way there all by himself, and re-emerges about half an hour later bearing tasty gifts for his foodie girlfriend! :lol: I just think this is the weirdest thing ever. But very handy when I'm hungry. ;)

I need to get a bottle of UN Treasured Hearts. Soon. :D

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I have a bottle headed my way that I got in the trade threads. I'm excited to use this one while my mom is here for a few weeks. We get along great but she can get pretty stressed with daily to-do lists, which in turn stresses me out to. I'd like to see if this mellows her out a bit. And me too.

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My UN is in oil. It has not got much love from me as I bought this specially to use on my son. It was before I decided that I don't want to use pheros around my children. Let's just say with quite a double standard hub and having to take care and deal with them 24x7, my son sometimes feel that we prefer his younger sister. I have to add that he is quite a character himself.


I suggested that hub takes the daughter to the zoo (she requested for the visit a week or two ago) while I take our son to Ikea to pick up the few bowls, bathroom mats and candles we needed. I placed two half-hearted dabs (since this is a fairly new bottle which has been dabbed on perhaps twice only, the roller ball is quite dry) on the back of my hands before leaving.


I told my son not to take the iPad. He left it at home but kept pestering me for my house keys so he could return home to get the iPad despite my very logical reasoning with him.


I got really pissed and gave him the house key and told him to stay home. Anyway, he knew that I was totally pissed and stopped his nonsense. As we walked to the restaurant, I explained to him again why I didn't want him to bring the iPad along.


We met my hub and daughter after breakfast and went to the bank together. We wasted more than an hour to sort out my hub's account. I will bitch about this later then we left the two at the bank to finish up the business.


We spent almost 6 hours at Ikea. We stopped for about half an hour for a late lunch. We looked at things which caught our attention, sat on sofas, chairs and beds, etc. Although we didn't go into topics deep rooted in his heart, we had a great time bonding, laughing, etc. He bought a plant and a pot among a few other items which he didn't thought of getting at the beginning.


So I'm torn between using it and not using it around him now.

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Just out of curiosity, is there any reason a man couldn't or shouldn't wear Treasured Hearts?

Last year, I was so excited to get Rainbow Falls that I repeatedly sprayed myself and BF with it, not realizing at the time that TH is intended to be a women's blend, and not unisex. :o

Now, with BF getting so interested in all the pheros in my stash, (somewhat worriesome; this is going to cost me a lot of money! :lol: ), I'm curious whether I did a bad thing, putting TH on him?

He woke up so crotchety this morning, I'm just dying to douse him with something. It's either that or club him to within an inch of his life. Honestly, how does someone sleep 9 hours and wake up in a Bear Suit?

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My UN is in oil. It has not got much love from me as I bought this specially to use on my son. It was before I decided that I don't want to use pheros around my children. Let's just say with quite a double standard hub and having to take care and deal with them 24x7, my son sometimes feel that we prefer his younger sister. I have to add that he is quite a character himself.


I suggested that hub takes the daughter to the zoo (she requested for the visit a week or two ago) while I take our son to Ikea to pick up the few bowls, bathroom mats and candles we needed. I placed two half-hearted dabs (since this is a fairly new bottle which has been dabbed on perhaps twice only, the roller ball is quite dry) on the back of my hands before leaving.


I told my son not to take the iPad. He left it at home but kept pestering me for my house keys so he could return home to get the iPad despite my very logical reasoning with him.


I got really pissed and gave him the house key and told him to stay home. Anyway, he knew that I was totally pissed and stopped his nonsense. As we walked to the restaurant, I explained to him again why I didn't want him to bring the iPad along.


We met my hub and daughter after breakfast and went to the bank together. We wasted more than an hour to sort out my hub's account. I will bitch about this later then we left the two at the bank to finish up the business.


We spent almost 6 hours at Ikea. We stopped for about half an hour for a late lunch. We looked at things which caught our attention, sat on sofas, chairs and beds, etc. Although we didn't go into topics deep rooted in his heart, we had a great time bonding, laughing, etc. He bought a plant and a pot among a few other items which he didn't thought of getting at the beginning.


So I'm torn between using it and not using it around him now.


I understand not wanting to use pheros on kids, or having them constantly hot-boxing with one of the phero wax melts, but as a non-parent, I'm curious.


What's the hesitation around wearing even a light amount of pheros around kids so long as you're not wearing the same ones all the time and getting their brains dependent on them in some fashion?

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I have been getting the funniest hits from BF whenever I wear Treasured Hearts lately. Firstly, it tends to make him very kissy and affectionate, which I *know* is due to the Treasured Hearts, because he tends to be a hands-off kind of guy. Secondly, it makes him want to cook for me. :o I've mentioned this before, I think, in the Potion of the Day thread, but I wanted to mention it here, too, mostly because that effect is so oddly consistent. My boyfriend, The King of All Fast Food, *cooks* for me almost every time I wear this. It's a friggin' miracle. Honestly. I guess this is the "nesting" thing taking effect? I am SO okay with that kind of nesting. :lol: I've been wondering for YEARS if he even knew where the kitchen was! Turns out all I had to do was swipe on a little Get Happy, and he finds his way there all by himself, and re-emerges about half an hour later bearing tasty gifts for his foodie girlfriend! :lol: I just think this is the weirdest thing ever. But very handy when I'm hungry. ;)

I need to get a bottle of UN Treasured Hearts. Soon. :D


argh, I've read this post two or three times and keep forgetting to add this to my list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this in oil in a couple of blends (Get Happy and one of my PEs) and now I'm thinking I might get a spray with scent. Maybe something sweet and vanilla and comforting? I really like to get both oil and spray in the same scent and phero, and layer them. I like to use the oil at home and take the spray for touch ups.

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I have this in oil in a couple of blends (Get Happy and one of my PEs) and now I'm thinking I might get a spray with scent. Maybe something sweet and vanilla and comforting? I really like to get both oil and spray in the same scent and phero, and layer them. I like to use the oil at home and take the spray for touch ups.

I have started layering some scents this way, with a spray and an oil application. I like the effects....


I tend to take the oil for touch ups; i personally find that the little bottle is just more portable. Plus, I think I like the sensory experience of the oil better.


I think Get Happy would make a nice spray! Might just have to put that onto my wishlist :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Going to take this one for a spin today for the first time under the cover of Spontaneous Combustion and Titillating Temptress...


I will be looking for some melting action MrsC... or spontaneous combustion... ^_^

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I have started layering some scents this way, with a spray and an oil application. I like the effects....


I tend to take the oil for touch ups; i personally find that the little bottle is just more portable. Plus, I think I like the sensory experience of the oil better.


I think Get Happy would make a nice spray! Might just have to put that onto my wishlist :)


I like the idea of getting both an oil and the spray as a way to use them in tandem to get the most hits out of each un.... I'm slowly trying to build a collection of oil and spray of the oils I love.

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He woke up so crotchety this morning, I'm just dying to douse him with something. It's either that or club him to within an inch of his life. Honestly, how does someone sleep 9 hours and wake up in a Bear Suit?


I have TH melting in a wax tart as I type hoping it helps my Mr C wake up a little happier myself. I don't know why he is always grumpy on Saturdays. By the time coffee is done brewing there should be enough of a Phero cloud to wake him up in :-) (I hope)


eta: I only have this one in tarts but I've when I get it in UN- oil, I've seriously considered keeping it just for home because he is always unsettled (to-do list gets longer daily). This helps him feel calmer I think which makes the whole household feel more ... familial.

Edited by livinlavidacabo
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I have TH melting in a wax tart as I type hoping it helps my Mr C wake up a little happier myself. I don't know why he is always grumpy on Saturdays. By the time coffee is done brewing there should be enough of a Phero cloud to wake him up in :-) (I hope)


Good luck Ms. Cabo! :)

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1st run: Showered and applied Titillating Temptress and Spontaneous Combustion and then slathered TH over application points.


Hmm. Stinky little blend....Covered alright though. I had put it over the fragrance...but had to run some more SC over to cover completely :lol:


Noticed self effects seemed to be to take everything in positive stride. I was very aware of the people around me, hyper aware almost....noticed our server had really lovely colored eyes, how people around me were carrying themselves, were they willing to make eye contact with me or did they avert their eyes? Were people nervous around me or comfortable? I wasn't observing it because I was wearing the blend either. I usually make it a point to put on my pheros and then forget them, that's why I think it was a self effect to be so hyper aware of my surroundings. Has anyone else notice this effect with TH? I was feeling confident and friendly and open to conversations and interactions...maybe even looking for them?


Hubster was in a quite playful mood...strange for him...good mood, yes-normal, playful?...strange but cool! I think he was feeling that same desire to interact because he was actually conversing with our servers and the sales people we encountered. His norm is to be introverted and not open to much conversation with people he doesn't know. Very cool indeed ^_^


We had a really great, light day together but I'm going to wear it again today because I still don't have a "feel" for it yet and everyday can be a new day until I sort something out :lol: There's not a lot written here so any info ya'all wanna continue to put forth is welcome :heart708:




Today: Showered and applied OCCO White, Spontaneous Combustion and Treasured Hearts and 1 spritz of Topper to chest. Hubby cornered me before I had the chance to dress :blush: and what followed was a very loving, sensual, passionate encounter. Slow and deliberate with a good bit of, yeah, I'll say it, excellent foreplay :thumb_up11: and the cuddle time in the "afterglow" was just as tender and attentive with him sharing things that he usually keeps to himself - I think I've said it before, he's usually a "Me Tarzan, You Jane" kinda guy :D


Going to seriously explore this blend more..liking it so far! :love:

Edited by NuTrix
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  • 1 month later...

I'm just here to squee over FINALLY getting a spray bottle of Treasured Hearts. I've been putting it off since NOVEMBER. No, I don't know why. But I got it, it's here, and it's duking it out with LAM/BAM Buttercream Peach to be my Potion of the Night. I can't decide which to go with! I'd love to go with TH; but we have no food in the house! :lol: So I don't know what BF would jump up to cook for me, (as this is his fairly consistent reaction to TH so far). Maybe he'll run out and get me a sub if I put enough on? ;) LOL!

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Eggers, love your new avi. Totally want that as a T-shirt.

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Doesn t look as good as the sign, but:



Nutrix your th experience sounds more like how h2h plays on me. But I don't have a ton of experience w/th....its effects seem to vary for me...

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