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pheromones amd fertility treatment?

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Pheromone research is too much in its infancy for anyone to give you a definitive answer.


I will share though, that Dr Stone says pheromones are not absorbed by the skin. He says that any effect would be so negligible as to be non-existent. His assistant recently worked all throughout her pregnancy mixing pheros with no ill effect. I asked her if she was worried and she said, "Not at all."


That said, in my personal opinion, you should always lean towards caution. Go with your gut instinct. You're asking because you are concerned, so I would say, put them aside for a while.


And good luck! :)

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You can produce the same effect with scent alone, as you get with pheros.


What makes you feel calm and serene?


The traditional go-to would of course be lavender, but in my experience a combination of lavender, oakmoss and perhaps peppermint or eucalyptus works even better.


What makes me personally de-stress is the scent of earth and rain. I made one last Fall called Fair Ground, have you tried it? Wet earth and cedar, just perfection for calming nerves. Last month I made something similar in B&B - bar soap and bathing salts, called The Grove. I would highly recommend trying these if this sort of fragrance appeals to you.

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What makes me personally de-stress is the scent of earth and rain. I made one last Fall called Fair Ground, have you tried it? Wet earth and cedar, just perfection for calming nerves. Last month I made something similar in B&B - bar soap and bathing salts, called The Grove. I would highly recommend trying these if this sort of fragrance appeals to you.

Hi Mara,


Fair Ground sounds amazing. Is that still available for purchase?

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