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Potentially a silly question...but oh well...

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So I know that the diffusion of the pheromones is often based on our body heat, etc. But I have also heard people say they put them in a scent locket, etc. Obviously scents disperse either way because we can smell them and KNOW this is happening. So I guess my question is... (and I would guess the answer is yes, at least to an extent, but asking anyway...) if we sprayed a scented pheromone onto a birthday card or letter, do you think they would have ANY effect? I think the only connection to the recipient would be that they are thinking of you as they read the card from you, and therefore associate any feeling they get from the pheromones to you.


AND if you think that WOULD work, what if you put an UNSCENTED pheromone on paper? I would assume it would work the same way if it works at all. But just wondering. Maybe a super light scent to cover the mone? Thing is, I wouldn't want it to come across as if I was scenting this card....because that seems a little too romantic for say, a birthday card, where you really just want this person to associate you with a feeling of happiness or whatever pheromone you were using. Not like a love note with your daily perfume on it to remind them of you.


COVERT OPS, peeps, COVERT OPS...without the COPS...lol. PS...I would NEVER put cops on paper!

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Not a silly question! Unfortnunately, I don't know the answer regarding pheromones on paper.


Back before I knew anything about pheromones, I was aware of scent association, and how we can trigger someone's memory with it. I used to make my own signature perfume (and body oil) at the time, (essential oils), and one year, when I knew I'd be away from my boyfriend for 2 months, I added my signature scent to the ink I used in my fountain pen, and sent him letters. He loved getting them, and the scent lasted all the way from Mexico to Canada! I swear, he thought I was magic. He was all, "it smells like you! how did you do that?". :lol: So the theory is sound. I just don't know if pheromones would have the same effect. I'm interested in the answer too, though! :)

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Thanks, ya'll! I am going to try it. I'm not sure how I'll know if it works...lol. But I think the only association would be made mentally by them "feeling" whatever they feel as they experience the pheromones while reading something specifically attached to you....your words, your handwriting, etc. Like Eggers boyfriend knew the scent, but if it hadn't had that, he might still have associated the feeling of a phero with her letters. That is the only way I could see it working in that sense. Ah, well...I am going to be putting them on myself, may as well spread a little on the paper... :) And see if anything happens that would ever indicate to me that it worked. What is there to lose...besides a spritz of the phero, that is...which is very precious. ;)


And btw, Eggers, AMAZING idea with the ink. I would NEVER have thought of that! I think that would carry the scent even more because of the liquid and it might not fade away as quickly. Hmmm...now my brain is reeling.... lol

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We used to have this full story on our Actor's Magic site, let me see if I can encapsulate it here.


This is one of the largest research experiments done on pheros, conducted by Stone Labs with the Charisma pheromone blend.


They paraded 2,000 college students past 5 identical 8x10 photographs of the same guy and asked them to choose their favorite photo.


"But the photos are identical!" everyone cried, and they answered, "We know, just pick your favorite."


80%. A solid 80% of the 2,000 people chose photo #2, the one that had Charisma sprayed on it.


Yes, it works.

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We used to have this full story on our Actor's Magic site, let me see if I can encapsulate it here.


This is one of the largest research experiments done on pheros, conducted by Stone Labs with the Charisma pheromone blend.


They paraded 2,000 college students past 5 identical 8x10 photographs of the same guy and asked them to choose their favorite photo.


"But the photos are identical!" everyone cried, and they answered, "We know, just pick your favorite."


80%. A solid 80% of the 2,000 people chose photo #2, the one that had Charisma sprayed on it.


Yes, it works.


WHOA. Seriously! That's so cool Mara! Thanks for clearing up the mystery! So many potential evil uses for this knowledge... :666::lol:

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We used to have this full story on our Actor's Magic site, let me see if I can encapsulate it here.


This is one of the largest research experiments done on pheros, conducted by Stone Labs with the Charisma pheromone blend.


They paraded 2,000 college students past 5 identical 8x10 photographs of the same guy and asked them to choose their favorite photo.


"But the photos are identical!" everyone cried, and they answered, "We know, just pick your favorite."


80%. A solid 80% of the 2,000 people chose photo #2, the one that had Charisma sprayed on it.


Yes, it works.


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We used to have this full story on our Actor's Magic site, let me see if I can encapsulate it here.


This is one of the largest research experiments done on pheros, conducted by Stone Labs with the Charisma pheromone blend.


They paraded 2,000 college students past 5 identical 8x10 photographs of the same guy and asked them to choose their favorite photo.


"But the photos are identical!" everyone cried, and they answered, "We know, just pick your favorite."


80%. A solid 80% of the 2,000 people chose photo #2, the one that had Charisma sprayed on it.


Yes, it works.


Awesome!! Thank you for sharing!! And I agree, Eggers....so many new brain sparks going off!!! lol

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Yay! Such an awesome feeling knowing something we wish to work so badly totally does lol Science, biology, and evolution finally makes sense! XD For once we're not wrong, nature has not totally usurped our cognitive efforts by carving a delta river where we didn't plan/expect it to. Research and study funds not disappointed : ) We may continue forward!

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We used to have this full story on our Actor's Magic site, let me see if I can encapsulate it here.


This is one of the largest research experiments done on pheros, conducted by Stone Labs with the Charisma pheromone blend.


They paraded 2,000 college students past 5 identical 8x10 photographs of the same guy and asked them to choose their favorite photo.


"But the photos are identical!" everyone cried, and they answered, "We know, just pick your favorite."


80%. A solid 80% of the 2,000 people chose photo #2, the one that had Charisma sprayed on it.


Yes, it works.

I love research! Something to keep in mind for when the SO goes on his travels.



Not a silly question! Unfortnunately, I don't know the answer regarding pheromones on paper.


Back before I knew anything about pheromones, I was aware of scent association, and how we can trigger someone's memory with it. I used to make my own signature perfume (and body oil) at the time, (essential oils), and one year, when I knew I'd be away from my boyfriend for 2 months, I added my signature scent to the ink I used in my fountain pen, and sent him letters. He loved getting them, and the scent lasted all the way from Mexico to Canada! I swear, he thought I was magic. He was all, "it smells like you! how did you do that?". :lol: So the theory is sound. I just don't know if pheromones would have the same effect. I'm interested in the answer too, though! :)

I love your idea Eggers!

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Not a silly question! Unfortnunately, I don't know the answer regarding pheromones on paper.


Back before I knew anything about pheromones, I was aware of scent association, and how we can trigger someone's memory with it. I used to make my own signature perfume (and body oil) at the time, (essential oils), and one year, when I knew I'd be away from my boyfriend for 2 months, I added my signature scent to the ink I used in my fountain pen, and sent him letters. He loved getting them, and the scent lasted all the way from Mexico to Canada! I swear, he thought I was magic. He was all, "it smells like you! how did you do that?". :lol: So the theory is sound. I just don't know if pheromones would have the same effect. I'm interested in the answer too, though! :)

Brilliant--love this!
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