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New Releases for OCTOBER 2017! ~ Boo!

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Wanna smell our 'Weenies? You know you do! :lol:


Thought we would have some fun with public domain movie stills this month! And you can thank Ms Luna for reminding me that this month marks the 10th anniversary of our plunge into the exciting world of pheros! We came up with some fab Halloweenie variants for you to enjoy!


We plan to have these orderable by Sunday and shipping on Monday. PEs will be ready by that time as well. (And get your trigger fingers ready...Blud is made with some very precious ingredients and I could not make that much of it so supplies are seriously limited). I'm racing off to the shop now to get ready for our big Halloween Bash this Friday. I'm making acid green Cauldron Punch - join us if you can! TTYL xoxoxo



BLUD w/ Sexpionage



Butterscream Lemon



Boo Berry



Cloven Sand (unisex)



Flying Potion w/ Levitation



Cougar Potion: Panther (w/ Stone Cougar)



Phero Girl: PG-17 (w/ EoW Copulins)



Cuddle Bunny: Vampire Bunny (w/ Cuddle Bunny)



River & Rain (unisex)



Still Life



Black Velvet Pumpkin



White Velvet Pumpkin

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OMG!! I cant wait for notes!! But at first sight, I want Butterscream Lemon, CP: Panther, and Black Velvet Pumpkin!! And maybe Blüd and PG: 17, and Vampire Bunny! And the Unisex ones for Mr Perfect.


Edited by Bella15
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:burning-heart: EEEEEEEEEEE! Effing fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!


~And, of course, Boo is one of my nicknames~ :vampire2:



Bloody Hell!
These are incredible! Ms Davis is blowing you heart-shaped smoke rings from the great beyond.

OMG Wendy, I *thought* she looked familiar! :pumpkin2:


And thank you Luna for the Phrightening Phero History. We benefit much! :banana088: :banana088: :banana088:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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And thank you Luna for the Phrightening Phero History. We benefit much! :banana088: :banana088: :banana088:

It's two - TWO! - two themes in one! :D

(And someday I will hit a trifecta with my use of "phero" in portmanteaus. :lol:)

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OK, I keep thinking about Boo Berry because my favorite cereal is Boo Berry cereal. If the perfume has blueberry and marshmallow I will maybe freak out a little and dance a lot and then have to buy at least 1 FB unsniffed. Probably two. Whatever it is, I think I just need a FB anyway.

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So gorgeous and I'm so glad to have notes to look forward to!!


I am with you. Notes. I always want to see the notes.

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Still Life..what the heck can this be, I ask You?


Pumpkin, both pumpkins..help me.


Clove Sand..seriously, so intrigued.


Flying Potion..ALLLLLways. Thank you very much.


Blood, but with the Germanic or Hungarian umlaut..is this a play on the word hungry? Clever, very clever.

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So excited! Where can we view the labels everyone is talking about? Not seeing any pics at all.

Are you using an ad blocker? Labels won't show up if its enabled

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So excited! Where can we view the labels everyone is talking about? Not seeing any pics at all.


I'm sorry.


According to something Luna wrote some time back:


"The scents choose whom they choose and and will not let the unchosen view them. Woe be unto those from whom the scents hide, for they will be smelly and shunned by those around them and be celibate from henceforth."


I thought it was kinda harsh myself but if Luna says so ...


Just kidding of course!! :smiley-signs122: Luna's writing is much better than that lol.

I hope you got it sorted out, because the labels are very cool as usual.

Edited by quietguy
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It appears it doesn't matter how polite I was tying to be. I'd prefaced my post with the intent behind my question. Wasn't being impatient.

Sorry, I wasn't meaning to imply you were impatient, so I apologize if I offended you. It's just something I say when I'm in the midst of scribing

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I just got back from the party. Whew. The last two months, well over 300 people a night. I kinda feel like something went *POP* and all of a sudden ..holy moly, we're popular. It was so packed and so crazy all night. People were MAD for the perfumes tonight! We might have sold the most ever at a NR party.


I bought extra gallons of punch ingredients to make sure we wouldn't run out and we just made it! Just a little left over, I think we went through around 12 gallons this time.


This is Adama Blackthorne, our newest reader - Spirit Readings, Voodoo style. He was mobbed like a Beatle all night. Here he is helping me add magic to the punch.... :D



See...I was trying to make it look like eyeballs. Got some good laughs out of a few peeps.





Ingredients for this month's Cauldron Punch...


Simply Lemonade (the yellow one)

Sliced Kiwis

Midori green melon liqueur

Svedka Mango Pineapple Vodka

Stoli Vodka (regular)

Bacardi white, Bicardi dark (2/3rds light, 1/3rd dark)

Giant can of sliced peaches, juice and peaches both into the mix. This is crucial! Somehow peach juice just makes it amazing.



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