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A good phero for focus and being a task master

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As someone who has been prescribed adderall for ADHD I have to say that wearing mega watt on a few occasions had a similar effect. ( I thought I took my meds but didn't ) I've been struggling with that inability to focus a lot lately, thinking I need to get a FB of UN MW to help tackle the days/ tasks I struggle with most over revisiting meds. I'm very aware of what I hyper focus v's can't focus on. Definitly worth trying.

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DOM gives me that kick in the butt when I need it.

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I will have to re-visit Mega Watt. I take Concerta, but sometimes the fog doesn't properly lift, and other times the hyper focusing in the wrong direction is a bit intense, especially when I'm focusing on stupid shit that happened in the past.


I used Focus Pocus today, but it's hard to judge as I rarely slept last night. My over-sharing filter gets turned off, unfortunately and I just talk too much when I haven't slept.

Edited by Eastwood22
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