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A celebratory blend of fruit, blossoms, incense and smoke - for perfume and ritual use; for growth, fertility, sex and blessings.  Danna's personal recipe that she makes for herself every year, released to the public for the first time!


Our tribute to the beginning of summer is a heady mixture of traditional Beltane goodies: fruit, deep dark incense, budding blossoms, foresty revelry and Bal-Fire smoke.  

Known more these days as a neo pagan festival, but this holiday has a great past, and is prevalent in the world today as one of the major sabbats on the Celtic wheel of the year.  Historically, this festival was celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man.  Beltane is a cross-quarter day, marking the midpoint in the Sun's progress between the vernal equinox and summer solstice.

Traditional bonfires are still utilized in modern Beltane festivals, also known as Bal-fire festivals. This is a joyous time of year, when some traditions combine the Beltane holiday with that of May Day, a fertility festival.

Beltane is often celebrated on April 30th, but the actual day is based on the position of the earth, as opposed to the Gregorian time keeping system. In some areas, Beltane or Mayday festivals are celebrated closer to May 6th, 7th or 8th. May Day, celebrated from the evening of April 30th to May 1st, is also related and celebrated as Walpurgisnacht in other parts of the world. This is considered a day of Odin, the day that he gave his life to retrieve the runes. In other parts, it is called Hexennacht, meaning Witches' Night.


Created by: Danna Taylor

Label art:

April 2008

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