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Archive: Scarlet Silk


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Red and silky, like your favorite lingerie that he loves to strip from you, this scent will drive him wild. Red hot cinnamon (an instant trigger for the male libido), paired with the scented equivalent of a silky négligée.

There's four different kinds of Cinnamon from around the world in this potion, but the scent of them is not overpowering at all - the combo makes them subtle and smooth.

Cinnamon is famous for its effect as a male sexual stimulant; it is said to induce passion and lust, and also boasts the magical properties of healing, protection, increasing of energy and creativity, and amplification of psychic powers and intuition.

We've laid our sultry Cinnamon bouquet on a bed of silk ~ crafted of powdered sugar, and scents that evoke the impression of cloth in the mind; linen, cotton, and lavishly sexy silk.


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Label art: vintage pin-up artwork

February 2009

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