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Archive: Sinful Indulgences


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The sin is permitted, because the absolution is brewed into the mix!


 A rich and sinfully indulgent blend crafted from ingredients procured from sources of worship, absolution is yours with consecrated oils, resins and other elements of fragrance from locales considered sacred (such as Rome, Antioch, Patmos and Jerusalem), with a touch of Holy Water and a smudge of palm ash… cleansing and purifying, yes, and so very naughty, naughty…


CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.

OLIVE WOOD AND LEAF ~ Potency, fertility, healing, peace, protection, lust.

FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, Consecration, Protection, Exorcism

MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil.

CINNAMON ~ Male sexual stimulation, passion, lust, healing, protection, energy, creativity, psychic powers.

WISTERIA ~ Welcoming of new person into your life. Youth, eloquence.

LAVENDER ~ Soothes/ restores body and mind. Arouses sexual desire in men, loyalty, purification, protection, healing.

VIOLET ~ Love, faithfulness, modesty; calming, balancing, healing, protection, draws luck & fortune, lust.

ROSE OF SHARON ~ (aka HIBISCUS) Induces lust/lustful cravings, enhances beauty, attracts love, divination.

SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism.

HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.

FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality.

PALM ASH ~ Renewal, purification, rebirth. Fertility, potency.

HOLY WATER ~ Cleansing, purifying. Fertility, Goddess energy, fluid of life. Renewal.

EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.

GOLD MICA ~ Masculine, protective energy.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Mara Fox

May 2010

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