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Making my own body butter with pheros?

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So, I apologize as I am 99% sure this has been asked before, but I have searched and searched and cannot find the info I am looking for.


I want to make my own body butters and/or solid perfumes from some of my scented phero blends.  I was wondering if any of you had done this and if you found that a certain ration works best to maintain the integrity of the scent AND keep the pheros effective without having to use a ton of them in the mix.


Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

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Every butter or lotion or wax or soap has a max amount of additional oil it can handle before it breaks down. It can be anywhere from 2% to 20%. See if you can find out from your supplier how much oil they recommend for each particular product. Otherwise, it's pretty much trial and error as you learn. It might be an ounce per pound, it might be just a few mls per pound.  Tell us how it goes! Good luck!

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