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DHEAS vs. Topper vs. Levitation

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I am curious as to why people might choose one of these over the others, and in what types of scenarios they reach for which one if they use all three? I know Levitation is a more complex blend that the other two, but I reach for a scent with Levitation in it for more or less same scenarios I'd reach for something with Lumina, but I'm always reaching for DHEAS and clearly reached for Topper way more than I realized. 

No big deal, just wondering about what would go into my next order, if I were to make one....

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IMO. Topper is easy to use and fits a lot of social situations. Its flexable. I am not a big time DHEAS user. Though I did get it single molecule, just bacause. Most of my single molecule bottles I purchased 4/5 years ago. I still have a quarter of a bottle of DHEAS left. I go in and out if favoring pheros. I got burned out on the "giddy" from DHEAS. I think I had left Topper alone for about a year then Mara came out with Summershine.

I just loved that. I think I've gone through 2 bottles of UN Topper since 2013. 

They are all uplifting & highly social. Just nuanced differently. Levitation is OW with a big splash of DHEAS. Mara first made it to go with a fragrance of the same name. It was such a hit she offered the phero un and it became the perfect partner for Flying Potion. Levitation, on me, is more mood elevating than DHEAS or Topper alone. Though they are all upbeat. 

If I really want to lift my mood (outside of OW) I'd probably go for Lev. If I was looking just to be more upbeat I'd choose Topper or DHEAS. But... I can argue that Summershine just made me feel so damn good about myself... so... The single molecule bottles are definitely great for expermentation. That's always fun. Try a shot of DHEAS next time you wear Treasured Hearts. 

IMO, its really down to my mood. Also, a perfectly enhanced scent (the perfect paring of scent and phero) does amazing things and definitely influences my choice. 

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They all wear really differently on me, and I do use them for different situations.


I like Levitation, but the addition of DHEAS to Open Windows makes people around me really huggy, (which is sometimes not appropriate), so I tend to wear Levitation in places where I'm already very familiar and comfortable with the people who are there, ie, NOT at work. It makes it weird when my customers want to hug me at the end of a meal! :lol: I use OW for work. OW = fun, elevated mood, a little extra charm on my part, and NO HUGS FROM STRANGERS. 


Lumina tends to really, really increase my aura of femininity. Levitation doesn't do this. It gives me a great mood boost, too, but people's reactions to me are a lot different when I wear Lumina vs Levitation. I catch people looking at me a lot when I wear Lumina. When I wear Levitation it's almost as if people can't wait to hear what weird thing I'm going to say next that'll make them laugh, and like I noted above, it makes people want to hug me. A lot. Lumina seems to have a "look only", hands-off kind of policy built right into the formula. I appreciate that! ;)  Although, I should add that it does make BF more hands-on and affectionate. Just not strangers. Phew! 


I sometimes wear Topper on its own, but not DHEAS. I generally add DHEAS to things that are already A-nol heavy, because I don't want to OD on A-nol, especially if I've been drinking. I've done this once or twice (ahem) before, and it's REALLY not fun. Worst hangovers, ever. So DHEAS with things like Pop Potion, or LAM maybe, and sometimes I'll add a spritz or two to my hair when I'm wearing Bang!, or Super Sexy... maybe Lace. DHEAS makes me feel giddy, and pretty. And other people seem to find me more eye-catching, too, which is kinda nice when I'm out with BF, (who also falls victim to finding me inexplicably more attractive than I was a few hours ago! :lol:  ).


Topper I sometimes wear with Bang!, or SS4W if we're going to a punk show, and I know I'll be too interested in the bands playing to drink much. I really only try to combine Topper with socials that aren't really A-nol heavy. Never with bonding pheros like Heart & Soul or BAM, or Balm Bomb - nothing that's intended to induce bonding or snuggling. Those kinds of combos feel really weird - Topper doesn't enhance the other phero, it just sort of creates a confused message (in my brain - I don't know about other people's brains). For me Topper is a good-time phero, and I basically use it to help elevate my own mood, and that of those around me, while still maintaining the effects of the "base" phero that I'm adding it to. I don't get the same "pretties" self-effects from Topper that I do from DHEAS, which means, because I enjoy those "pretty" self-effects so much, that I tend to reach for DHEAS more often. I think I got my bottles of Topper & DHEAS around the same time. I still have about half a bottle of Topper, but I'm waving a nearly-empty bottle of DHEAS around me constantly, hoping that there's still enough phero in the dregs of the alcohol/oil that I'll get some selfies! :lol:  That's how much I use DHEAS. It's the next bottle I have to replace, 'cause I don't know what I'd do without it! 

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Thanks everyone! This is A LOT to digest, so I'm going to let it sit. @Eggers LFM is my go-to for "no hugs from strangers!" I love it for that. 


I've been thinking about it as I have finished a whole bottle of Topper but not sure I need to replace it, considering Levitation instead, as I've only had it in scents. I do feel the same way about DHEAS, I have a spray and TWO of the pherotines for on-the-go. (Where on earth am I going that I need TWO?) I also wear a lot of Levitation but I'm aiming for the selfies. 


@StacyK I felt the same way about Summershine. What was I thinking not getting a bottle? If I ever make another LPMP UN order, (these things can happen) I'll try the UN Lev next. 


Thanks ladies!!!

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For me, the difference between Topper and Levitation is that I'd use Topper over just about anything because that's what it's for.  Whereas with Levitation I would use it for a specific social situation.  I've never used DHEAS by itself.

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2 minutes ago, Eastwood22 said:

Thanks everyone! This is A LOT to digest, so I'm going to let it sit. @Eggers LFM is my go-to for "no hugs from strangers!" I love it for that. 


I've been thinking about it as I have finished a whole bottle of Topper but not sure I need to replace it, considering Levitation instead, as I've only had it in scents. I do feel the same way about DHEAS, I have a spray and TWO of the pherotines for on-the-go. (Where on earth am I going that I need TWO?) I also wear a lot of Levitation but I'm aiming for the selfies. 


@StacyK I felt the same way about Summershine. What was I thinking not getting a bottle? If I ever make another LPMP UN order, (these things can happen) I'll try the UN Lev next. 


Thanks ladies!!!

@Eastwood22, LFM does the same thing for me. I think you and I both get that "Swan-y" effect from it, where people seem overly interested in looking at you, and talking ABOUT you, but not necessarily TO or WITH you. (It was you, I think, who said this in a review once?). I like that phero, but it does take some getting used to, because for whatever reason, it makes people ALL FREAKIN' EYES. And I think that the swan is the perfect descriptor for the effects I get from LFM, because swans are beautiful to look at, but they're WAY too scary to approach or engage! :lol:  And that's exactly what happens when I wear LFM. Actually... that's one phero someone suggested I try adding Topper to, to see if it might lessen the no-talking-to-Eggers rule that LFM seems to enforce. Maybe I'll try that tonight at work & see how it goes. 

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3 hours ago, Eggers said:

@Eastwood22, LFM does the same thing for me. I think you and I both get that "Swan-y" effect from it, where people seem overly interested in looking at you, and talking ABOUT you, but not necessarily TO or WITH you. (It was you, I think, who said this in a review once?). I like that phero, but it does take some getting used to, because for whatever reason, it makes people ALL FREAKIN' EYES. And I think that the swan is the perfect descriptor for the effects I get from LFM, because swans are beautiful to look at, but they're WAY too scary to approach or engage! :lol:  And that's exactly what happens when I wear LFM. Actually... that's one phero someone suggested I try adding Topper to, to see if it might lessen the no-talking-to-Eggers rule that LFM seems to enforce. Maybe I'll try that tonight at work & see how it goes. 

It wasn't me that said it first, about the talking about rather than talking to, but I'm in completely in agreement with that, and I remember the discussion. But honestly, that's what I like about it. I'm at shows two, sometimes three, nights a week, I don't want people being overly familiar. I am very friendly and my openness is often misjudged so a phero keeping people at arms length is great. The music scene here is too small and incestous, I see the same people all the time. I talk to my friends but I don't need to make a bunch of new friends. I am friendly to everyone and adore my friends, I am just not gathering new ones. When strange dudes that I don't already know try to talk to me, sometimes I keep pointing to my ears and saying that I can't understand them until they give up and go away. (My man said when he first tried to talk me up in a flirtatious way, he said I laughed at him and said, "What are you, like 12?") Plus I hate people yelling in my ear when I'm trying to hear music, if I really wanted to hear their words I'd have to take out my earplugs anyway. (EarDial for the win! Get some!) Same thing with teaching, please, all eyes on me so we can do this right. 

@luna65 I'm guessing that's why I went through Topper so fast, I did add it on over all kinds of stuff, but mostly Lumina and LFM. I tried Levitation for teaching today, didn't feel quite right. I'm going to have to experiment with Levitation some more in actual social situations, where I do want to talk to people.

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... finding this an interesting thread! 


As you guys probably know from what I've posted before I don't often get self effects from pheros - there are some exceptions though.   The stronger formulation of DHEAS does, but not  really the lesser concentration.  Open Windows I've not tried , nor have I tried Lumina or Topper.  Levitation does give me selfies unless I wear it for a few days in a row.


The worst thing about when I test drive a social pheromone blend on others. is I forget I have it on.  Even though some of us on the forum may tend to scrutinize reactions too much, I err on the other side.     I *think* if I had to pick pheromone social blends that most accurately project who I am in other's eyes, it would be LFM./LFN although the LFN is obviously more sexual too.     LFN I do get self effects from, and I think it is congruent with how I am perceived by others.  I wear it a good bit lately.


Cops are my huckleberry.  Like totally.  May I never run out.


 Here is my little Irish Blessing with  a EOW/OCCO spin:

May his Rock of Cashel  rise up to meet you.
May he ....

...okay, I got nothing else.  A very very short ode to copulins indeed!  I liked the rock of cashel though.. 


I'm ordering Lumina next, thanks in part to what Eggers wrote.  I will report back. 



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  • 4 weeks later...

What's the difference in the 2,500 mcg versus the 5,000 mcg in the DHEAS spray? Which would you favor over the other? BTW I'm quite on the younger side (early 20s) if age has a role to play in it. 

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1 hour ago, Vicki Lee said:

What's the difference in the 2,500 mcg versus the 5,000 mcg in the DHEAS spray? Which would you favor over the other? BTW I'm quite on the younger side (early 20s) if age has a role to play in it. 

Ummmm, your first answer is contained in your first question? If you were going to buy it, I'd say the lower concentration, so you have money left to try other things. I think you'd be happier with something like Carta d'Amor which has DHEAS and A-nol, or if you want a straight phero, maybe Lumina and add an OCCO for cops.

DHEAS is a great time, but I wouldn't call it sexy, it does potentially add to sex appeal but isn't sexy on its own. 

Edited by Eastwood22
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/30/2018 at 1:35 PM, Eggers said:

@Eastwood22, LFM does the same thing for me. I think you and I both get that "Swan-y" effect from it, where people seem overly interested in looking at you, and talking ABOUT you, but not necessarily TO or WITH you. (It was you, I think, who said this in a review once?). I like that phero, but it does take some getting used to, because for whatever reason, it makes people ALL FREAKIN' EYES. And I think that the swan is the perfect descriptor for the effects I get from LFM, because swans are beautiful to look at, but they're WAY too scary to approach or engage! :lol:  And that's exactly what happens when I wear LFM. Actually... that's one phero someone suggested I try adding Topper to, to see if it might lessen the no-talking-to-Eggers rule that LFM seems to enforce. Maybe I'll try that tonight at work & see how it goes. 

@Eggers any update on how the Topper + LFM combo worked? Because I’m thinking of going the same route ?

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8 hours ago, Vicki Lee said:

@Eggers any update on how the Topper + LFM combo worked? Because I’m thinking of going the same route ?

@Vicki Lee Yep. It worked for me. I'm not sure if it's because it made me feel a little more outgoing, or if it made me seem more approachable in the eyes of others. But yes, it worked. So did LFM + a couple squirts of straight DHEAS. 

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2 hours ago, Eggers said:

@Vicki Lee Yep. It worked for me. I'm not sure if it's because it made me feel a little more outgoing, or if it made me seem more approachable in the eyes of others. But yes, it worked. So did LFM + a couple squirts of straight DHEAS. 

Well for now I’ll take @Eastwood22 advice and just get LFM (find my sweet spot), top with some sugared scents, and layer it with my OCCOs ☺️. I may or may not need topper or DHEAS... We shall see ?

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@Vicki Lee Eggers is a great person to listen to, just keep in mind that she's been playing with the powerful LPMP pheros for at least 5 or more years, so able to note subtle nuances in effects. I've used other (less effective) formulas in the past, but only used LP's for about one year, so really also a newbie. Other companies are mainly geared towards getting men laid and most of their molecules and formulations are secret so customers will just believe them and buy their stuff. Mara allows us to be educated consumers. There's so much to learn, I've just learned (the hard way) that I don't know the effects/hits unless I keep it "simple." But it's only simple for me, the blends are complex and specific, much of our research has been done for us.

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6 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

@Vicki Lee Eggers is a great person to listen to, just keep in mind that she's been playing with the powerful LPMP pheros for at least 5 or more years, so able to note subtle nuances in effects. I've used other (less effective) formulas in the past, but only used LP's for about one year, so really also a newbie. Other companies are mainly geared towards getting men laid and most of their molecules and formulations are secret so customers will just believe them and buy their stuff. Mara allows us to be educated consumers. There's so much to learn, I've just learned (the hard way) that I don't know the effects/hits unless I keep it "simple." But it's only simple for me, the blends are complex and specific, much of our research has been done for us.

Noted ?? I’ve seen that @Eggers has been around as well from multiple threads I’ve lurked Haha I just appreciate all of y’alls kindness when it comes to us newbs. 

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On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 10:20 AM, Vicki Lee said:

Well for now I’ll take @Eastwood22 advice and just get LFM (find my sweet spot), top with some sugared scents, and layer it with my OCCOs ☺️. I may or may not need topper or DHEAS... We shall see ?


@Eastwood22 is giving you good advice, too. If you haven't used LFM before on its own, try it like that. Play around with the dosage until you find something that works. Adding OCCOs is a great idea. I love adding OCCOs and other cops blends to my phero blends. It's fun switching up the feel of a particular blend that way. 


On ‎9‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 11:49 AM, Eastwood22 said:

@Vicki Lee Eggers is a great person to listen to, just keep in mind that she's been playing with the powerful LPMP pheros for at least 5 or more years, so able to note subtle nuances in effects. I've used other (less effective) formulas in the past, but only used LP's for about one year, so really also a newbie. Other companies are mainly geared towards getting men laid and most of their molecules and formulations are secret so customers will just believe them and buy their stuff. Mara allows us to be educated consumers. There's so much to learn, I've just learned (the hard way) that I don't know the effects/hits unless I keep it "simple." But it's only simple for me, the blends are complex and specific, much of our research has been done for us.

Thank you ma'am! :D Lol! I'm just fortunate that I have good access to various testing grounds! Lol! 


I tend to fall in the "keep it simple" camp, too. It's much easier to keep track of what's happening with a particular blend during repeated wearing over a period of time, so that when I need to, I can figure out which blend is most suitable for certain occasions. (That's how I clued in to all that Levitation-inspired hugging from strangers ;)  ).

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