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Best for men to turn on a woman (experienced only)


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I want to experiment with a smell (pheremone) that will "turn on" my wife. It won't be a valid test if she knows what the cologne is supposed to do....

Anyhow, I don't mean what cologne is "sexy" but what actually WORKS.....

There has been limited male input here. I know, but I just found you and have long been interested in pheremones.

Years ago I tried a laced cologne and it SEEMED to work.


In short, what colognes make you want to have sex?


Many thanks.

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A number of the women here also *really* like (both in fragrance and phero content) is Super for Men:


Super for Men


This one is more of a "foody" scent so if that is not in general what your wife likes...give the other one a try.

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I second Super For Men.....it gets my motor running.....

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Third for Phero Boy Super...it is hands down the sexiest male fragrance I've ever smelled, and the Super Sexy mix works.

Edited by luna65
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Super for Men for me, or UN layered with another phero like Intellectual Man.


Excalibur was my fave for years. growl.


Ooh I am thinking I HAVE to get me a sample of Excalibur for my man. I am trying to find the Perfect scent for him so I can start buying him bottles :o

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Ooh I am thinking I HAVE to get me a sample of Excalibur for my man. I am trying to find the Perfect scent for him so I can start buying him bottles :o


My newly LP-addicted guy friend asked me to get him a larger sample of Excalibur after sniffing my 1/2 sample. I think it's gorgeous and *very* manly! Growl-inducing!

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....Do the samples have free shipping as well?


I believe so...which is why we try to order at least a few at a time...so that it doesn't overburden the 'free shipping' benefit! :001_tt2:

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  • 1 year later...

I have the same favorites for Q:

Super for Men (though we save this for playtime because I couldn't function if he wore it in public)

UN (for all other times I want him to smell excellent without the mind-altering aspects of SS4M)

Teddy Man (so incredibly wonderful scent and intent-wise)

Sugared Forest (he enjoys wearing this as much as I enjoy him wearing it)

Woodland Man (again, playtime...RAWR!)

...Everything Nice (we fight over this one)

Lizzy's Tizzy (as I keep saying, this smells so great on him, wonderfully unisex)

'Til Death (one of those that smells better on him than on me)


He likes:

Sugared Forest



Ajia's Castle Walls

Miss Right...Now

...Everything Nice (still scheming to make off with my stash)

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SUPER for Men...DH never wears in public b/c it makes him self-conscious. Possibly because of the strange women following him around with blank stares and vacant smiles...one of them is usually me.


Woodland Man - basically a get your groove on thing


Til Death - I am mesmerized and follow him like a drunk puppy


DH likes the lighter/gree/floral scents himself. He likes Merlin's Blend, Sweet Revenge, Miss Right Now, Frog, etc...This weekend he wore Eleven, which he hadn't worn in a while, and I nearly jumped him in public.


Elementary is one he wears to work often, and it still smells wonderful at the end of the day. Not really sexual though, if that's what you are looking for.


He swears all the pheros smell like stinky sweat...which they kind of do...so it's a struggle to get him to wear them, but occasionally he will use some Intellectual Man or A314.

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SUPER for Men...DH never wears in public b/c it makes him self-conscious. Possibly because of the strange women following him around with blank stares and vacant smiles...one of them is usually me.

:lol: EXACTLY.

I told the story of when Q wore it once for his daily errands and he was severely freaked out because people kept talking to him. He's not a chit-chat with strangers kind of person at all. And when I've had him wear it and we're not in bed or the middle of a scenario? I literally cannot pay attention to whatever we're doing because my brain is too busy shouting OMG TAKE HIM NOW NOW NOW! And then he's all, "Earth to Quim!" and I say "Sorry what?" :parrot8:

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Oh my goodness I can't believe I left out Down and Dirty for Him!* My ur-male fragrance!! After Super for Men/UN that is my very favorite. I like it more than Quince does, he doesn't mind wearing it but he says it's only for me lest other people think he's a debauched rogue. "But that's the whole point!" I cry. :parrot8:




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I haven't smelled anything from LP on any man, but I just wanted to share this little tidbit: I tried Teddy Man on myself just for kicks. I am on Prozac for depression, so my sexual drive comes and goes. Mostly goes. But Teddy Man got me hot and bothered for hours. Seriously, I was damn near uncontrollable. Busted out the trusty Hitachi that night.


So, my vote for a male scent used to turn on a woman is Teddy Man.

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Too funny about the Hitachi.


Teddy Man is so NOT doing that for me. Teddy Man makes me want to cuddle.


Now - Sorcerer? With Wanted Man in it? GROWLLLLLLLL.........


Toward's what I would consider the end of my marriage - when I was all but totally over it and hadn't wanted Mr. Shelly in any way shape for form for MONTHS - I bought him this. And it made me sit up and take notice him...it piqued my interest enough to actually agree to try and get horizontal and superimposed. Which given how P*ssed off I was at that point - is no small feat.


Whenever there is a new man in my life - I'm getting him this...

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Now - Sorcerer? With Wanted Man in it? GROWLLLLLLLL.........


Toward's what I would consider the end of my marriage - when I was all but totally over it and hadn't wanted Mr. Shelly in any way shape for form for MONTHS - I bought him this. And it made me sit up and take notice him...it piqued my interest enough to actually agree to try and get horizontal and superimposed. Which given how P*ssed off I was at that point - is no small feat.


Whenever there is a new man in my life - I'm getting him this...


Sorcerer is great.....I love it on my man! Super for men....OMFG......precisely why I have 3 bottles AT MY HOUSE.....he was allowed to take some of his Bad Boy and Dominance for Men home with him (he loves Dom for work)......will Super leave my presence? NO WAY! He is already a little hottie, and is constantly getting hit on.....I don't want him to have to beat the women off of him with a stick!

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Too funny about the Hitachi.


Teddy Man is so NOT doing that for me. Teddy Man makes me want to cuddle.


Now - Sorcerer? With Wanted Man in it? GROWLLLLLLLL.........


Toward's what I would consider the end of my marriage - when I was all but totally over it and hadn't wanted Mr. Shelly in any way shape for form for MONTHS - I bought him this. And it made me sit up and take notice him...it piqued my interest enough to actually agree to try and get horizontal and superimposed. Which given how P*ssed off I was at that point - is no small feat.


Whenever there is a new man in my life - I'm getting him this...


You sold me, Shelley. This will be a surprise for hubby when he gets home :666:


He loves Sorcerer so we'll see if he can handle these pheros!

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I love LP#9 on TT. Its unisex, but it blends with his natural musk the best out of all the LPs. Sweet things go horribly wrong, horribly quickly for him.

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