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Archive: Fronds With Benefits


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The ancient fern – a figure in mythology, medicine, and art – is also an incredibly potent magickal component of male stamina…and never let it be said we’re not helpful in matters of intimacy! A vascular plant, the fern stands tall and true and plentiful in the forest, and has been used as a love charm for centuries, based on its many beneficial qualities including strength and fecundity. A traditionally masculine “clean green” scent, we’ve blended a bevy of fern oils with notes of ozone and aquatic accords to make you feel refreshingly virile, for whenever you want to engage in some randy mischief, day or night…a very loooong night, of course!


FERN ~ Stamina, virility/fertility, sincerity, fascination, eternal youth, bestows confidence, riches, creates perimeter of protection, luck. Representative of ancient knowledge.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
GINSENG ~ Love, lust, virility, enhances perception of beauty; wards away evil. Wishes granted, healing, protection.
WATER & OZONE accords ~ Renewal, energy, life.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: vintage pin-up artwork

Valentine's collection, January 2014


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