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Archive: Totem: Bear


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As one of the most powerful figures of Native American symbolism, the bear stands strong and fierce within its domain. If this animal's centering aspect calls to you, with messages of balance and renewal, you can take into yourself the potency and protection of Bear's habitat as well as one of the favorite delicacies which defines Bear's irrepressible sweet tooth! Four types of golden sweet honey dripping from the comb and a foraged bounty of nuts, blended with woodland accents – mahogany, cedar, balsam and muhuhu – and layered with a wilderness aura of musk and earth.


MAHOGANY ~ Fertility, growth, grounding, clarifying, bonds of love.
CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.
BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
MUHUHU ~ Aphrodisiac, grounding and relaxing.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
ALMOND ~ Fertility, stamina, masculine energy, business success, money, prosperity, wisdom, intuition, insight, talisman for successful and fertile marriage.
PEANUT ~ Aggressive energy.
EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Mara Fox

Totem Baby Animals collection, Spring 2014


Spring Collection 2014
The Goddess Eostre - the etymology of the name seemingly developed from the word "egg" - was the pre-Christian Pagan Goddess of Spring. Her symbols were those of fertility: baby animals, eggs and bunnies. In honor of Eostre and this season of re-birth, our Spring Collection is a celebration of squee-worthy baby animals, a set of 20 Animal Totem Potions, for April and May.


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