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Archive: Totem: Chick


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Show the world you're ready for anything…just like that fluffy juggernaut, emerge from your shell with a proud chirp and bask in your endless potential. The Chick reminds us it's always our time to shine so take the power of the peep into yourself and announce the arrival of your greatness! Abundant notes of rice, oats and corn are folded into rich sweet meringue and buttercream and topped with a dash of sacred sweetgrass.


RICE ~ Protection, rain, fertility, abundance, money.
CORN ~ Fertility, Abundance, Protection, Luck, Divination.
OATS ~ Prosperity, abundance, sustenance, money spells.
EGG (MERINGUE) ~ A representation of the world or the womb. Fertility, nourishment, cycle of life, feminine energy. 
BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.
SWEETGRASS ~ Attracts positive energy and good spirits. Excellent for popularity uses, as it draws people toward the scent.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Mara Fox

Totem Baby Animals collection, Spring 2014


Spring Collection 2014
The Goddess Eostre - the etymology of the name seemingly developed from the word "egg" - was the pre-Christian Pagan Goddess of Spring. Her symbols were those of fertility: baby animals, eggs and bunnies. In honor of Eostre and this season of re-birth, our Spring Collection is a celebration of squee-worthy baby animals, a set of 20 Animal Totem Potions, for April and May.


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