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Love Potion: Red


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I got the new LP red with Is/a addition and the scent is different. It is lighter lacking a lil of the original LP base depth. BUT suprisingly this fits me even better then the regular LP Red that I have grown to love. mmm!

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I just love this stuff ! I have 2 btls stashed from a batch or 2 ago, plus the one in my handbag. um... what's 'IS/A'? my LP:Red is straight, no add-ins, I add my own (use EST per AIL/Carrie).

Edited by liz
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I love instant sexiness especially IS/A after I ordered I just discovered Love Potion Red, The notes sounds yummy and I could see myself wearing this mix. Next time I will have to order it. J


I couldn't find a topic for this, so I get to be the first to review it!


This unfortunately has a hint of cough syrup on my skin, it has that really sweet syrup scent I get with all the love potions I've tried, but it has a cinnamony cherry scent that ends up like cough syrup on me. Which is a pity.

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LP: Red is still my most favorite drop dead sexy scents. I am not one to go through many fragrances, and I went through this so amazingly fast. After hearing about all the phero add-ons, I may need to uber up my Red. :blue_dancing_banana:

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This scent should win awards. It's sexy, sweet, buttery, and something you cannot NOT love. So I cry when I say at dry down it turns into a complete resinous note and nothing else. I read all the reviews and it seems this happens to no one else but me. But I find that it stays true when dabs of it are in my hair or on my clothes. I don't have a scent locket yet but it may be worth getting one.

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And liz I was talking about androtics Instant Sexiness A (IS/A)


aahaaa ! thx CC !

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Wow, I haven't tried this yet along with LP original :) ! It does sound divine though! I'll have to get samples of both in my next LP order!


I guarantee once you sample the LP: Red AND LP: Original, you will be hooked and addicted. The LP: Red is the first and only fragrance I have ever gone completely through. I wish this came in a shampoo and conditioner, so I could smell like this all over. :666:

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Wow, I haven't tried this yet along with LP original :666: ! It does sound divine though! I'll have to get samples of both in my next LP order!



OOOHHHH, you are gonna loveeeee LP: Red,its my fave !!!!

I have three bottles ,one in my bathroom and one in my purse

and one at work.Have you tried LP: black? Its wonderful to. :)

Thank the lord they are permanent ones.

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OOOHHHH, you are gonna loveeeee LP: Red,its my fave !!!!

I have three bottles ,one in my bathroom and one in my purse

and one at work.Have you tried LP: black? Its wonderful to. :666:

Thank the lord they are permanent ones.



LP Black is just devine blended with NOX. If you don't have that one, you should pick-up a sample and try them blended. The hint of blackberry makes it just divine.

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I have been wearing this all day, and I want to rub it over every inch of my body!!!!! It's like I can't get enough of it.....it smells soooooo good!! I can't wait to let my honey smell me tomorrow evening.....I think he's really going to like this one!!!


Mara and Danna.....you should really put this in a soap.....do you know how absolutely fabulous that would be? I might try that myself, actually.....I buy translucent glycerin soap base (from Organic Creations), and add my own scents......


I love this one too. It smells great : )

My fiances room mate came home one day and said "wow, it smells really good in here." I had just put on LP Red.

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I put on LP Red last night since I havent used it in a while and forgot what it smelled like. As soon as I put it on it smelled so familiar and then "Lightbulb" it smells like a lighter version of Dirty Sexy.


It really does yummy Like Sweet Red Hots candy and I can still smell the some creamy sweetness now even 10 hours later.



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I guarantee once you sample the LP: Red AND LP: Original, you will be hooked and addicted. The LP: Red is the first and only fragrance I have ever gone completely through. I wish this came in a shampoo and conditioner, so I could smell like this all over. :666:


OOOHHHH, you are gonna loveeeee LP: Red,its my fave !!!!

I have three bottles ,one in my bathroom and one in my purse

and one at work.Have you tried LP: black? Its wonderful to. :)

Thank the lord they are permanent ones.


Holy macaroon! now you make me want to go get the full bottle instead!

Edited by esmeralda
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I have oreder a few samples of this in the past year. I just purchased a full sized bottle. I love this and it is now rivaling my favorite perfume Sugared Honeycomb! I had always thought the scent smelled like "Christmas" but was really sexy... Like "sexy Christmas." I see others said it reminded them of Christmas too.

This blend so well with my skin. I am wearing the perfume, it's not wearing me. It is so well blended it really hard to make out particular notes. I smells little whiffs here and there I can distinguish. This is the first perfume with chocolate in it that I have been able to wear. I usually end up smelling like a Hershey bar.

It just smells really good. My fiancee roommate came in the room just after I applied it and said "wow it smells really good in here." And it did : :bizoo:

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I could be mistaken, but I don't believe any of the LP variants has any kind of cocoa/chocolate note, except Number Three for Women. But it is interesting what a blend will remind you of, just by virtue of the scent which results in the blending of ingredients.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I got the new LP red with Is/a addition and the scent is different. It is lighter lacking a lil of the original LP base depth. BUT suprisingly this fits me even better then the regular LP Red that I have grown to love. mmm!



I, too, noticed that LP Red with the IS/A addition is lighter and less full-bodied than the original. It also seems to have a slightly unpleasant smell during the wet stage, but I assume that is because of the IS/A.

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I, too, noticed that LP Red with the IS/A addition is lighter and less full-bodied than the original. It also seems to have a slightly unpleasant smell during the wet stage, but I assume that is because of the IS/A.



Yes, that smell would most probably be the IS/A. Also, the reason it smells lighter is that IS/A is alcohol based, and it dilutes the LP Red, which is oil.

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After reading through this thread I had to go apply LP red (w/ IS/A) AND OMG I LOOOOVE this scent!


I, too, noticed that LP Red with the IS/A addition is lighter and less full-bodied than the original. It also seems to have a slightly unpleasant smell during the wet stage, but I assume that is because of the IS/A.


I actually think I prefer the amped version. The regular one is a lil too potent for me, I MAY have to stock up on this one with various pheromone additives :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I smelled this one from the vial: I was like "oh dang...it smells like winter solstice and LP originals" which I couldn't wear on my skin :( other than using it as bath oils


So I felt bleh, angry at myself for having a sample I didn't like -and I didn't wear it yet-, sent an email to trade it.


My sister came in an opened my sample and was like -wow, this smells really good, did you wear it?- and I was like no...cause you know!


So while I was typing she was behind me, and she was like -give it a try! c'mon, if you hate it just wash it off-


So I was like ok, and I slathered it on ready to run to the bathroom


And my verdit...




I Love it!!! It wasn't soooo spicy, I smelled a little bit of that cinnamon, apricot and amber and a ting of vanilla...my skin amped on the cinnamon and apricots though. I didn't get the french toast smell either, I was afraid I would get that but I get more of a spicy fruity sexy scent, wowza but sweet jesus, this one is nice!


Once dad pays my credit card bills, I'm getting a full bottle of this one!


How weird, LP original, and winter solstice hates me but lp red worked wonderfully with my body chemistry! :cry: It will remain a mystery!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been ordering perfumes from here for well over a year and freqently I will come across a scent that I simply fall for head over heals. However I have to say that LP Red, one of the very first fragrances that I have ordered from this site, has managed to remain around the top of my absolute favourites list. Not just from this site either. I'm a girl who loves my Chanel and LP Red still manages to be one of my favourites. I'm absolutely thrilled that this is one of the regulars.

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I got my sample in my package today. It's been a few hours since I put this on, I can still smell it as if I just applied it. It's long lasting and the usual notes of amber and patchouli take a back seat to cinnamon and sugar. Both the cinnamon and sugar compete for the top note on me. It's sweet and sexy. Somehow, I felt as I was looking for younger men when I was out and about earlier today. Hm....brings out youthful qualities, perhaps?

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Early this year, Mara re-blended LP Red so that it'd match the fruitier, less dark reincarnation I fell in love with, and it aged into that blend just this month! It's the same creamy, heady, fruity-spicy with tinge of rose scent that I fell in love with, so I just thought I'd commemorate by posting in this thread again. I also found out that the bottle had been steadily leaking and I lost at least a third/one half of the bottle so I need to watch out for it. But oh man, I never thought I'd be able to recapture that first love--so much hearts and <33333 for the two-woman operation. At least I have more than half a mL like last time!


Also, I am hyped up on rum and Malibu, so extra extra love.

Edited by cinderfallen
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  • 1 month later...

Hi! I'm new to the Forum, but I feel so lucky to find a perfumerie that makes beautiful things to smell that do no give me migraines. This is extremely rare, and I am getting so tired of straight single essences that I've been surviving on for many years. I immediately bought six various roll-on's, including RED because... I was curious. And I was surprised. I was expecting a far more overwhelming fare of scents than what I received. Yes, I could smell the hint of Carnation which was a very nice touch and very much in balance. So I really liked this scent. Rolled quite a bit on because it was subtle, and my own brain was REALLY happy with it. As it is, I only see my husband about 2 weeks of the month, sometimes even less if he's in Australia.


Yes, I did read the warning on RED, and I really thought I didn't have to give much thought because, hey, I live in Alaska. The population here in the Kenai Peninsula isn't that great. Probably more moose and squirrel than human.


I was in the process of cleaning out my car as I was to pick up my husband at the airport. (He lives in Ketchikan for the time being while I'm here in Kenai with a job and looking for a place for the us and our Border collies.) Anyway, I was rushing around, making trip after trip from the frigid snowy outside to inside. It was during that LAST trip that I came to a complete stop after I heard a strange snort almost directly into my left ear, and something hairy was tickling the back of my neck as the hood of my parka had come off. I turned around and discovered a HUGE bull moose right behind me. I don't know how many trips I had made, but somehow, he had to have sniffed me out.


I used to raise sheep for wool, and I swear, that bull moose had that same Elvis look and curl of the lip like my rams would do when I worked with them. And he definitely wanted to know if I wanted to be his new girlfriend. Uh... NO! I ran back into the Bunk House (two upper apartments and four lower rooms) and slammed the door, waiting for the hunk of moose to go away. He stuck around for about ten minutes before leaving.


God, I hope I don't run into a bear next time!!


WARNING: Beware of Moose! I haven't figured out the squirrel part yet.

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Hi! I'm new to the Forum, but I feel so lucky to find a perfumerie that makes beautiful things to smell that do no give me migraines. This is extremely rare, and I am getting so tired of straight single essences that I've been surviving on for many years. I immediately bought six various roll-on's, including RED because... I was curious. And I was surprised. I was expecting a far more overwhelming fare of scents than what I received. Yes, I could smell the hint of Carnation which was a very nice touch and very much in balance. So I really liked this scent. Rolled quite a bit on because it was subtle, and my own brain was REALLY happy with it. As it is, I only see my husband about 2 weeks of the month, sometimes even less if he's in Australia.


Yes, I did read the warning on RED, and I really thought I didn't have to give much thought because, hey, I live in Alaska. The population here in the Kenai Peninsula isn't that great. Probably more moose and squirrel than human.


I was in the process of cleaning out my car as I was to pick up my husband at the airport. (He lives in Ketchikan for the time being while I'm here in Kenai with a job and looking for a place for the us and our Border collies.) Anyway, I was rushing around, making trip after trip from the frigid snowy outside to inside. It was during that LAST trip that I came to a complete stop after I heard a strange snort almost directly into my left ear, and something hairy was tickling the back of my neck as the hood of my parka had come off. I turned around and discovered a HUGE bull moose right behind me. I don't know how many trips I had made, but somehow, he had to have sniffed me out.


I used to raise sheep for wool, and I swear, that bull moose had that same Elvis look and curl of the lip like my rams would do when I worked with them. And he definitely wanted to know if I wanted to be his new girlfriend. Uh... NO! I ran back into the Bunk House (two upper apartments and four lower rooms) and slammed the door, waiting for the hunk of moose to go away. He stuck around for about ten minutes before leaving.


God, I hope I don't run into a bear next time!!


WARNING: Beware of Moose! I haven't figured out the squirrel part yet.



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....that has to be one of the funniest "attraction" stories that I have ever heard!


I know what you mean about the problems with comercial fragrances.....most of them give me a rash....I used to use single notes and made some very simple blends of my own, but now I found LP, so I don't have to do that anymore!


Oh and welcome to the forum! Looking forward to hearing from you more often.....do pop in and visit with us once in a while.....and enjoy your new smellies!

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This is so funny, with this story being posted and then my friend Jill emailed me last night to tell me that when she wore Me. Jane! her dog started going crazy (just hyper, not in a bad way). It reminds me of a line from a Trevor Rabin song: ...animals have all the fun. :)

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WARNING: Beware of Moose! I haven't figured out the squirrel part yet.


Holy Frijoles, Borderbumble! I'm pretty sure I'd have to change my clothes after an experience like that...Moose are cool, but *from afar* is close enough for me, especially if he's feeling romantical! Too funny - thanks for shaing that one...and welcome aboard...LP Red is just the beginning of many beautiful discoveries for you, I'm sure!

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Geetings Borderbumble,


There are a couple of us here from Alaska. I'm in Anchorage. ^_^


Mr. Moose probably really liked the spice from LP Red. He just wanted to let you know. Hee Hee!!

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Welcome Border B,



thanks for sharing that story - it is one for the ages, can't wait until you try out the others you got - if moose and squirrel army got into a fight over you i wonder who would win...

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Hi BorderB... I too am from Alaska. That made me laugh! Both of my cats are boys. When I was wearing commercial scents, they did not want to be within 20 feet of me right after application. Now, when I apply they are all snuggles and compete for my attention. I am very glad my experiences have been with cats and not moose!

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  • 3 weeks later...



This scent is incredible, I wore it this evening (to do laundry) over a little unscented BI and it covered well plus it has an amazing sexy cinnamony, sweet deep aroma. Every time i try a new one it becomes my new fave.


I truly love this and i am so glad i got a bottle, i must get another one

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Is the rose very prominent? Most florals do not agree with skin chemistry & rose is one of the worst (along with jasmine, honeysuckle, gardenia, etc...). But it has amber, patchouli, woods & resins! :cry:


I cant ever smell any rose in this one.....rose goes really bad on me , so usually if theres rose in a fragrance it ends up taking over and going rank .(plug nose rank) Thank God not with this one.

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Now I definitely need to try it, Thanks!



I get a slight HINT of rose in Red....not much, just a teensy bit.....

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I needed a few odds and ends from the local store, i did not want to go in my paint splatter gear, so i grab my jogging suit i wore to do laundry - it still smells of LP red as if i just applied it {this is 3 days later} I mean it is strong and as i put on the clothes and walked around the room it scented the room.




dang my obsession and long list of bottles to get and i seriously want to start getting dupes of my faves [which is nearly everyone i have tried]

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I like LP Red mixed with Sugared Amber



That IS a great combo.....my fave combo with LP Red is layered with LP Black, though......

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just got my sample of this and tried it. It might just be my weird chemistry, but I smelled like a giant caramel. One thing I have to say though is I smelled like a caramel all day--definite staying power! I'm going to try it again and see if I get the same result.

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